
I found someone who will treat me right.He asked me, I said yes.I have a feeling we will be amazing. No fights, No tears, No on and off break ups.I'm not saying we will be perfect, but i know i will be BETTER with him. He's just amazing; So much better than my ex. Well Jesus, ANYONE is better than my ex! Anyway, I just think that i'll actually be happy with this guy. I won't have to worry all the...
January 21st, 2012 at 07:19pm

There's This Boy..

I'm falling for him hard and i haven't even met him yet.He's sweet and treats me like i should be treated. He cares about me, and actually likes me for who i am! He's funny, attractive, and always puts a goofy smile on my face. Because of him, I've actually been happy, I've gotten over my ex, and I feel good about myself. Sounds great right? Well, there's a catch...He doesn't go to the same school...
January 13th, 2012 at 08:39pm

What Can I Say?

I miss you, i truly do.It hurts sometimes knowing that you're gone for good now.. But, i have noticed that I've been a little more stress free and i'm happier without you in my life.I still want to talk to you some days when i feel so broken; i know i can't though. I just wish we could have stayed friends.. Maybe it wasn't your fault, but i still blame you because i don't need the extra pressure...
January 10th, 2012 at 11:00pm

You'll Be The Death of Me

You have no courage. You're a coward.You use me for my body and your own sexual pleasure, then you just dump me like trash and decide not to talk to me. I'm getting sick of it! This happens every single time i do something for you. But, stupid me, i fall for it every single time; Because i care about you, because you mean so much to me and i'm afraid i will lose you completely if i don't give you...
January 1st, 2012 at 01:55am