the betrayed / Comments

  • Well, she's married to Spencer.... says a lot really.
    It's May, so it'll be soon, right? Then it's eighteen year old freedom (: Excited for your birthday?
    They did The Best Is Yet To Come, Matters At All, Youngblood, Sunshine, Lilli Rose, Undercover Lover, For Better Or Hearse, Fisticuffs, Give Me What I Want, Good Boys Gone Rad, Saturday and some more that I really can't remember.
    May 9th, 2010 at 05:38pm
  • Depends really. It's however old you think is old.
    Yeaaaah. It'd hurt after though, and maybe bruise. But it'd be really sore for a while. She had everything done in a day though. That's intense. It must really take a toll on your body.
    You're not missing out on that.
    Yesss it does. It's weird this feeling of freedom though, I keep feeling like I should be doing some homework or something.
    OMG CAN I JUST FANGIRL A SEC? Just got back from KIGH. Amaaaaaaazing. THEY PLAYED GOOD BOYS GONE RAD AND I JUST ABOUT DIEDDDD. Thats been my favourite since I first heard it and I didn't think they'd play it. Aled sounded so good and everyone was into it and yeaaah, besides the irritating 'scene' kids and the zillions just standing taking pictures and crap, it was really good. And they finished with Sunshine, which was really niceeee. They had shirts with the lyrics on, but mens shirts only :S and they converted my sister, like TBO did! Hahaa.
    May 7th, 2010 at 12:25am
  • Hahaha! Fair enough. I know that my dad climbed Mt Kilimanjaro ages ago. we just climb a gentle slope and sit there with some cupcakes? :)

    Awww. That's so sweet :) I will get you something though. Even if it's a little thing ^___^

    May 6th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Jared Leto? He's old-ishhh. And still beaaaautiful.
    Reaaaally? I'm too scared of hospitals, needles, operation, blood, guts, gore. Ugh, just no. The back re-shaping and everything sounds so frightening. At 23, you don't need an eyebrow lift! Noooowaaay.
    Oh wow. Have a reaaally good time and try and drink no Guiness whatsoever cos it's disgusting. (:
    Ahhhh I was kinda sad to leave. All the good times we've had in that flat cancel out the bad. But I didn't cry, surprisingly. Kirsty helped me and my dad get all my stuff down to the car, and she was really the only one I said bye to. Sam said a quick bye and Adam just disappeared. Kinda sad, cos tonight would've been 'lets stay out till 7am', but heyho. I'm happy to be home, it's weird, but a good weird. (:
    May 5th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • I did too! We did lots about volcanoes and american things though...We did some stuff on china but nothing that big. Uhm...I think so! ¬_¬
    Let's climb it and find out :D

    Awesome! That sounds pretty good. I should have some money to give you towards the hotel and stuff by then as well :)
    I need to get yooou a good present. How d'you feel about Watkins in a box? with air holes of course.

    May 5th, 2010 at 01:20pm
  • OMGNO. Not Gordy. No waaaaay.
    Lmaoooo! Her mum went mad. She's had her lips done, cheeks, chin reduction, nose fixed, ears pinned back, eyebrow lift, back shaped and her arse & boobs made bigger. It's like you're 23 or something, too young for all that crap.
    It's a stockroom job! 3.30am-8. My sleeping pattern is screwed up enough to handle that!
    You're gonna Dublin for Lostprophets? Whennn?
    Home for good. I've been to hand in today, then got chips with my friend and sat on a bench having a chat for a couple of hours. And then I've packed a few things and now I'm waiting for Tom to finish his work and possibly go out tonight. Idk yet. (:
    May 4th, 2010 at 06:19pm
  • Yeah, fair enough. Geography is weird.

    Aww ok :) Yeah, Sketch said. Well, I looked on a map and Stoke-On-Trent is in the middle. Tbh, I could just come straight down to Wolverhampton, but that'd involve you guys waiting around until about...7/8pm until I'm there. I really don't mind what happens, it's your birthday :) Whatever is easiest for you and Sketch really, I don't wanna be awkward and put you out or make you wait and everything.

    May 4th, 2010 at 02:36pm
  • Hahahah! That made me laugh so much XD
    China is the big ass one in Asia. Next to russia and stuff. I remember on a map at school it was purple...but i doubt it's actually purple. That'd be cool though :)

    Ahhh! about you drink a little as soon as you get out the car...then give yourself time to sober up before you drive again? I dunno. But it'd be mad unfair for you not to drink, especially if whoever else there does XD

    And their version of it yeah! It wasn't that fast, but it was funny. I was tipsy and dancing like a freak about a meter from Gustav everything seemed pretty funny ^_^

    May 3rd, 2010 at 01:56pm
  • Ikr? If he grows up to look like Matthew Perry, it'll be a sad, sad thing. I watched the first episode of the new series of The Hills last night. After Heidi's had all her face done and crap. She looks really bad.
    Let's do ittttttt. Since lots of the loan is left over and I'm applying for the Disney Shop and other less exciting shops....
    You will! I've not done all that much till this last week or so. That's the way it's been for everyone, minus those teachers pets. So I'm having to make up drafts for things I didn't re-draft five months ago (: & I'm homeee Wednesday night and then it's KIGH on Thursdaaaaaay.
    May 3rd, 2010 at 01:51pm
  • True! I don't know many bands from China...I'm sure there are lots though :) It's a big place.
    Dude, we're gonna be at gigs as many times as we can!!

    =] we should. That'd be really nice. I should have some money by then, I get some on the 20th. Just a tad too late for Dublin. We can live it up weekend styleee.

    XD alright then. That's fair enough. I'll think of a fitting name when I see it =]

    Oh, I thought you might like to know that last night Ian and Jamie decided to beat box onstage. It was very surreal.

    May 2nd, 2010 at 01:56pm
  • I'm nottttt. Spent the majority of yesterday writing this report and it's still not done. Andddd I didn't go out last night, I just sat in bed watching 17 Again.
    Hahaa, awww (: I've never been to one. The Longleat one's on Animal Park and I've watched enough of that so it feels like I've been.
    Best way to be! Problem at uni is, they might not accept it after the deadline. So yaaaah, gotta be done for Tuesday, which sucks, but leaves me free after that.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 01:02pm
  • Yeah, yeah, they do! I'm sure they are good, I just mean I think (i'm not sure though) there is more music in the english language than other languages? I'd assume anyway :)

    Ok. I spoke to my mum about it and she says theres no way we'll have the money in time, even if it is only like £40 so sorry...yeah. There'll be other gigs though! :) You guys'll have the best time.

    ^_^ aw ok. Well, i won't be able to get the train ticket until just before the gig anyway, so just let me know. I'm sure if it's ok with you I'll definitely be able to come back with you. We'll just figure out where to meet ^.^

    You're a real star with that automobile. Does it have a name yet? I think it should be called Watkins if not :file:

    "going for a ride with Watkins ;)"

    April 30th, 2010 at 10:53pm
  • Buttt you can do it! Mine's the same, dull and pointless. But I only have one report left. Then I've gotta make up some crap drafts for class work that I've never edited. You know what this meansss? I can go out tomorrrrrow (:
    Aw, wow, that would've been cool. The monkeys could climb all over your car.
    They're annoying little bitches, aren't they? Haha. And when they flaunt it on facebook, it's like 'SCREWWW YOUUU' teacher's pets.
    April 30th, 2010 at 09:29pm
  • I know! It's really weird xD
    I think the only band like that i've listened to is Rammstien...but yeah. Only a few songs. It makes me very glad I'm English and able to understand the majority of awesome music.

    I will :)

    Ahhh, ok. That's a little soon, so I dunno if I can. I'll ask my mum about it, but also cos I'm still at school then and I keep missing so much it might not work out. And thanks. Uhm, let me know what kinda time you wanna get to Wolves for and I'll see if I can get a train? Cos I wanna be there the night before :)

    Thank you a lot though. You and your car are live savers :)

    April 30th, 2010 at 05:45pm
  • You can do itttt! Think positive.
    Bank holiday weather is never good. We went to Cleethorpes once and it poured. Mehh.
    10isssh hours (: preparing myself to do work now. Ugh. I hate those who've handed it in already.
    April 30th, 2010 at 04:57pm
  • I'm planning to. I have till Tuesday and I'm getting all the crappy editing out of the way tonight cos for me, that's the worst bit.
    Who doesn't hate media? Or didn't?
    Is it weird saying you can just drive anywhere now? Where are you planning on heading on Monday? Seasideee!
    I wanna go outttt, depends how much work I get done and crap. Cos I went out last night and ended up staying in the club till 4.30, sitting on a bench in town chatting till 6 and then going back to our flat and watching The Big Bang Theory till half 7. I'm exhausteddddd. Can't hack it anymore.
    April 29th, 2010 at 08:23pm
  • Yeah! Loads of them had no idea what we/they were saying. There were 5 english people in all, and about...maybe 20 fans spoke english. All they knew of TBOs set were WOOOAHHH in High Tide and the chorus of COTN. I couldn't hear many singing along to old Prophets songs, but Where We Belong and stuff got a good reception.

    I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. And my mum is :)

    Wow...Uhm...maybe! I'll see =] The flight is £12 right? What date is it again? If its too soon I won't be able to afford it. Yeah, you can. It'll be fantastic ^______^

    April 29th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • So true.
    Nuuuuu I bloody didn't! He thinks I'm not working hard enough so sod itttt. If it fails, resubmission is on my side. Even though I hope it doesn't come to that.
    Mediaaaa nooooooooooooo. Good luck with that!
    This weekend I am doing all my work and maybe going out Saturday, depending. What about youuu?
    April 29th, 2010 at 03:14pm
  • Hahah! Do it. Bless her :P Jay is pretty awesome.

    And yeah, we got let in at like 11am and just stayed there til like midnight. We didn't go out to get food just incase we couldn't get back in XD Hence only eating biscuits for a while...

    Yeah. She would have. There were secutiry people there but they didn't do a thing. I don't even think they were looking, I didn't think to tell one of them because I knew they wouldn't understand. I had a far better time at the back anyway.

    Yeah, yeah, that's what I was thinking. Hopefully it's not at an awkward time, though, tbh, I don't think we'll have uni everyday. We'll have work and stuff though, so it might be a bit awkward. We'll see :)

    Hahha! Yeah. Me too. I'm too weak to even pick the ball up most of the time -_-

    Nope! It's not. I'm sure we'll figure something out. We always do :)

    April 28th, 2010 at 09:37pm
  • Thank you :)
    Jay was lovely. Even if he did sit around scratching for a while as well :P That's a Smith for you though.

    I dunno! I just think she REALLY wanted the front center spot I was in... :\ They were all like...chatting to each other and i kept hearing the word for english and they were laughing about me so I know they were trying to get me out. I didn't expect to be slapped though XD

    Whooop! They're playing in October, according to Seaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

    Hmm. That'd be damn good. I dunno if i'll be able too with how things are at the and my mum are really really broke but it might improve once we get some money in. I'll let you know :)
    I'm shit at bowling, so it'd be a right laugh XD

    April 28th, 2010 at 08:12pm