Ur my passion, my love, and my one night stand all wrapped into one.

Your one of the few things that make me happy. You make my life complete. You make me feel amazing and like complete shit at the same time. Your the perfect balance, you numb me, but I need a break. I need some time without you. Your my drug, but I need a sober week.Literally. I smoke weed everyday of my life but I need some time without it. Weed is my balance. It keeps me sane, but its about time...
March 21st, 2009 at 04:31am

Live Fast, Die Young.

I'm starting to dought the previously stated phrase. I used to live by that, doing everything I wanted and not considering the consequences, but I recently fucked up, badly. I guess I should tell you what happened. Well I used to be an innocent little girl, at least in some aspects of my life. I mean sure, I drink and do drugs and all that fun shit, but when it came to guys I was the definition of...
March 14th, 2009 at 06:39pm

baby, you make me feel so god damn helpless.

Aren't girls supposed to be the confusing ones? The ones that cant make up there mind and change there ways every other second? Thats what I always thought, but I guess i was incredibly wrong. See, I have this little problem. Theres this guy, and I've known him for about three years, two of which I have liked him alot. Everything was perfectly fine for a while, we've always been good friends and...
December 16th, 2008 at 01:17am

lets party till we pass out.

I wanna get fucked up, and I'm not talking a little tipsy or whatever. I wanna get wasted and stoned out of my mind. I wanna roll on exstacy or trip on shrooms or acid or something. I just want to party and have a good time, because it's been so long since thats happened. So heres what im gonna do, first I'm gonna get ungrounded lol, then im gonna round up all my friends and were gonna get...
November 10th, 2008 at 02:41am

there is absolutely no point to living.

Every fucking day we try so hard to succeed, to make something of ourselves. Were always trying to make someone proud, but whats the point? We try so hard, and in the end everything just fucks up anyways. My entire life I've tried to be something, to do something important, and to make my parents proud, and all I've ever gotten out of it is pain.In the united states alone there are 286,196,812...
November 10th, 2008 at 02:16am

I wish...

I wish that for once someone would cared, someone would listen. For as long as I can remember I've sat around listening to people complian about how fucked up there life is, or how mean there parents are. Listening to people complain annoys the hell out of me, but i still listen and i still care. I'm always there for my friends, and anyone else who needs help, but no ones ever there for me. I just...
March 7th, 2008 at 04:11am