BetweenHeavenAndHell / Comments

  • Omg! Not sure uf you know what UIL is, so I'll explain. I had art and spelling. In spelling, you have to spell words. Duh! And it's a bunch of schools in your area competing in it. I placed 6th in Spelling! Yay! Art is like, they show you a painting and you have to write the artist and painting name correctly. We've been studying fir about two or three month after school once a week. The hard part about art is you have to memorize 40 but they only use 15 out of the 40. I placed 3rd! In my grade, anyway. It was tie for sixth place in spelling but I still placed! And in art since no eight graders were doing it at our school me and two if my friends got bumped up to eighth grade! So we were the only seventh graders in there and we still kicked their butt! Oh yeah!!! We all placed! *does happy dance* lololol
    March 4th, 2012 at 12:49am
  • in the begining i meant extremly AWSOME accents...
    March 2nd, 2012 at 12:12am
  • lol honestly I have no idea.I meam, we both speak English but words are spelled different. I dont know why. I guess cuz were cool like that! And why do you guys have extremely accents?! Cuz you all are awsome like that? I think not! jk! haha ;) oh my god! im sooooo going off topic, but ive been having a recent obsession of Andy Sixx. I mean, Ive always loved him, but today in art we were cutting stuff out of magazines and i cut this little boys feet of because he was wearing converse and i go, "oh my god! Andy has shoes like this!!!" lol i over reacted on purpouse. but then I dropped my iPod whick has 80 pics pertaining to BVB on it and i said,"ANDY, NOOOO!!!" my three friends busted out laughing! lmaoo i wanted to change my Mibba name to XxTheMorticiansDaughterxX which is one of my favorite songs by BVB but its too long! :( I was also thinking about XxMyImmortalxX which is an awsome song by Evanesence. :D bt idk. But thats pretty much how my day went along. But my friend is pissed at me and idk why. i think shes just upset because she might moveto a different state...:( but i dont know... awwwh im all sad again... im gonna cry if she moves...
    March 2nd, 2012 at 12:11am
  • Lol so many typos down there.., ;/
    March 1st, 2012 at 12:28am
  • I wanna live on an island with you and some nice ppl! If you think about it, every continent isvan island cuz their all surrounded by water. Hmmmmm… anyways, yeah. Why can't people just get along?! I mean how hard can it be? Lol well, I thought about you in Science class because we were reading and it saud "favourite" with a "u" and I started laughing. o_o heh………
    March 1st, 2012 at 12:27am
  • Really? Wow. But I guess everywhere you go there's gonna be some not-so-nice people. I just can't seem to understand why people are racist and sexist. Why there's so much discrimination. I mean, if you take off all our skin, were all just bones! Everyone is sooo much more alike than different, I have trouble understanding the point in it all. I guess it's all how your raised though. I mean, if your parents tell you at a young age, "Okay Thomas, only English people are the right kind of people. Americans are uncivilized, bloodthirsty idiots. African Americans and all Spanish people should work for us and every one else are outcasts. You can only be friends with blonde haired and blue eyed people. Oh, and by the way, girls suck." Well, if everyone believes that and tells you that, your not gonna know any better. Your gonna grow up to believe that and raise your children like that. That's a huge problem. Three or more generations believing that and spreading it to everyone. If you think about it, where has all of that got us? No where. Do I hear any objections? Didn't think so. Just like my parents. They used to smoke before I was even born, but no one ever said it was bad. They believed it was okay. And like in this book our class read. There was a boy who would steal things. Him and his mom had to live. They were poor so they stole. The boy never knew it was wrong because that was his life. How he lived. It was normal behavior for him. … okay… I really got into that… lol colorful brain vomit!!!
    February 29th, 2012 at 12:58am
  • Awwwh… all I can say is Thank You. :) people seem alot nicer when they live somewhere other than America… I need to get out of here!!! Oh no! Border police! Hide meeee!!!!! Lolololol
    February 28th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • * I mean "receive video messages" lol typo
    February 26th, 2012 at 09:38pm
  • Haha well my friend, you are correct. But I'm not in the serial killer mood right now. I just need a hug… :( come on, buy a plane ticket, give me a hug, and go back. Jk but seriously, it's like every time something good happens fir me, something bad comes to make up for it. Shouldn't it be the other way around though? I hate ranting to you and you hating me forever because you went blind, but I'll take up on your offer of you being there if I needed to talk, and, as much as I don't wanna admit it, I do. Well, I went to this church retreat thingy and it was an absolutely amazing experience for me. I wasn't even expecting it to be fun but it was! Even though there were lots of people there (they were all 13 and up). It was Friday Saturday and today. Me and three of the girls I went with were going to eat and my dads like, "no I'm gonna come pick you up. I have to be somewhere and you have to do your homework." I got upset not just because I was starving and about to pass out, but because every time I go to do something with my friends, he makes me leave. :( So were driving home and he's like we got your phone bill and it says you have 600 video messages and you sent most of them. They charged us $112. I flipped out because he KNOWS my phone can't record videos or recurve video messages. He saud he would tell the phone company but he took my phone cuz he said he had to download something into it. Riiiiight. That's why he followed me into my room for it. So I wouldn't delete anything off of it. Why else would he have? He couldn't do it until he got home anyway… I cantstand the distrust and misunderstanding my parents have for me sometimes. My mom got mad at me cuz I wasn't feeling good. She's like, "I'm not putting up with that sh!t today." whatever!!!!! I was crying cuz I'm reeeeallly tired and wasn't feeling good and upset. She gets mad when I cry. She said I should never feel sorry for myself. God! She wants me to hate het, huh?! I have to do stupid freaking got d@mn math homework and for me, that shizz ain't easy! I love my parents to death but sometimes... Ooooh! Sometimes!!!!! Just wanna see if that strangle hold you see in movies works that good! Hahaha. The thing is, I'm not as mad at them as I am at… myself. Idk, sometimes I wish I was a different person but obviously I have no control over that. For example, I wish I looked different. I really don't think im pretty. I wish I had more lenient parents. Stupid stuff like that. But idk. Idk. I guess I'm just kinda confused. Who knows. Haha…… but yeah. Oh goodness, it's 2:26 in the afternoon and I'm exhausted. Omg, its so much easier to talk to yOu than the people I see every single day. I guess cuz I don't have to worry about you judging or talking other people. But I'm done now. I feel better already. :) Thanks...
    February 26th, 2012 at 09:36pm
  • Wait! Come back! I won't kill you! See? *empties pockets of knives, switch blades and forks* see? I'm all clear. Don't look at me like that! I don't have-- ya know what, I can't even lie to you *takes pistol out of shoe* there. Happy now?!
    February 24th, 2012 at 11:37pm
  • *gives you the death stare*
    February 24th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • OH MY GAWD! You did NOT just put a "u" in colorful! Lol jk! But it bothers me when ppl do that. But you cool so idc if you do it… you got off on the lucky side this time! But I'm watching you….
    February 24th, 2012 at 12:04am
  • Grammer Police! Its "deaf" not "death" Mr. Smartypants! lol but I know! Wow. That's so weird... And isn't it weid how when you think you can "hear" it? But your not really hearing it. It's like, mentally hearing… and you can sing in your head too. You can even see someone's face just by thinking about how they look without closing your eyes and concentrating. Im thinking too mush again We have such colorful "brain vomit!" Lolololol :P
    February 23rd, 2012 at 03:27am
  • Omg! Earlier, I had this REALLY good journal topic and I forgot what it was!!!!!! *sigh* only me… :/
    February 22nd, 2012 at 11:06pm
  • Lol yeah. And ikr?! Its so confusing! It hurts my brain!!! It's like how we think English sounds completely normal and is the most common language but to Chinese people, we sound ridiculous! It's so…strange and confusing! (just like meeeee!)
    February 22nd, 2012 at 11:03pm
  • Eh. She's okay. But it's getting to the point where it's like THG. Katniss and Petta and Max and Dylan. What is up with there authors? They must like to break peoples hearts! And about the American accent thing, I didn't know someone with an accent could... Get rid of it. But actually, I guess it's not getting rid if it. It's faking an accent because to you, we have accents but to us, our "accent" is just plain and not an accent. Lol so confusing! D:
    February 22nd, 2012 at 01:54am
  • Well, actually, I'm not sure if it was even a guy. In fact, I don't think pies have genders... Oh no! What if it was a girl?! Ewwwww! But if it was a guy, then... Ya know what?! It's in my stomach now, so it dosent make a difference!
    February 22nd, 2012 at 01:42am
  • I deleted all the comments from my profile page because I thought you'd be able to see the layout but now theirs just empty space where the comments were! Darn it! It's My Chemical Romance. Lol
    February 22nd, 2012 at 01:37am
  • To that comment on my journal: lol and she isn't but she was being racist at the time. Yes you did, and I thank you for that. I'm on Angel and I hate Dylan… he's such a... Stupid…player! Fang is so much better than him! Omg don't get me started. And about the whole accent thing, I had no clue. That is very interesting! Skrew our American voices! Eh, at least I have a voice. Poor avoxes :( I live in Texas but I dont have a country accent. I would kill myself if I did. I don't have an accent at all really. But I can do an almost perfect British accent though! My friend thinks she can but it's actually Australian. I argue with her about that. I'm like "it's nit the same thing!!! British accents are all cool and British-y and Australian accents are all… non-British-y." bad argument, I know. Lol! I'm not emo and hate stereotypes even this I call this girl a prep but you haven't seen her! She's such a wannabe! I don't even really know her! It's just a natural dislike. But I did take a razor out of someone's pencil sharpener. And I threaten people with pens. And I listen to some of what is considered emo music. My mom us weird and dissent really let me wear alot of black, but idk why. All that yet my room is brightly colored. I don't understand myself… I doubt you do either.
    February 22nd, 2012 at 01:34am
  • No... We haven't even looked for one! Lol *screams and runs around on circles* new profile pic! Yay! *throws confetti* haja you guys are cute together! :) *gets a pie* meet MY new boyfriend! He's so cute, you could just eat him up! (haha literally! He has no idea…) *eats the pie* hey! Where'd he go?! Did he just... Break up with me?! Why is there pie on me face???
    February 20th, 2012 at 06:03am