
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
January 7th, 2008

Welcome to the world of Chris

<font=17> I Can't believe anything that is said here anymore.</font>

Hey =]
I'm Chris and i'm from England.

Nobody ever knows what to put in these things i'm sure.
I was always this way....before the Cliché. Seriously.
I enjoy having a laugh.
I drink.
i smile.
I love girls and boys smiling. Smile it confuses people.
I do signs if i like you :D
Give me a Hug, show me some love. You ain't so tough.
I am currently in writing, its an interesting story (i think). So give it a look if you like.


The goth detectives rock your world.

I'm into Music loads, its not my life but it makes it worth living :D
I love movies.

AND i am a hopeless romantic. Sorry bout that :(
Revelations i've had:
Pursuing pleasure is like chasing your tail, its always there you're just to stupid to realise it.
Loves scary but fun. You'll get burned but thats what happens when you have a fire in your heart. You just need and icepack and the will to try again. You'll just miss the warmth otherwise :D

So heres the inside scoop on me
-i'm not as cool as i might seem, or people might tell you.
-I'm a sucker. Specially for a person in need...many a time have i sacrificed sleep for a person i hardly know.
-I'm not that confident in myself...sometimes i will be but sometimes i wont.
-I'm a flirt...just say if you're uncomfortable with that.
-I can be full of innuendos.
-I really don't mean to offend you.
-I am paranoid...but its not hard to understand why.
-I am not sure who i am all the time.
-i'm part nerd....who knows what the other parts are...

Thats it for me.

So what you still reading for? STOP reading this and start worshipping me as your god.
