littlewanderlust / Comments

  • thank you for the storyy !!
    i love it so far :]
    i even commented it ! :D

    February 20th, 2008 at 03:03am
  • i'm so sorry >.<
    haha i have the memory of a peanut, i swear.
    though, i'm not really stupid, i don't think..
    just forgetful :]

    but yeah.
    i think i'll watch it for a scary movie night, maybe with my mom and dad.
    oohh i think i'll watch it when i go vegas in may.
    it'll probably be out on video by then, yeah?
    hopefully !:D

    sometimes, i wish i had a boyfriend to talk like that to me.
    but, i'm too immature..two, i'm not comfortable enough around guys yet...and three, i'm a hopeless cynic.
    though, on the contrary side, i'm a hopeless romantic too, at times.
    i'm a walking contradiction >.<

    fer sure.
    i still gotta write you your one shot !
    dangit >.<
    i just wrote my friend mandy's one shot about casey calvert.
    but, since i've written about 10 one shots where they all die and nobody gets a happy ending, i'll have this one be happy.
    alex varkakaties, yeah ?:D

    i wanna be homeschooled.
    i'm currently in the process of getting my transcripts and my immunization records.
    so i don't have to get my shots all over again. oi jeez; i just got uber chills at the thought.
    so yeah...what's it like being homeschooled?
    totally awesome, probably.
    ahhahha you're a rebel; niceee.
    power to you, dude...erm, dudette?:]

    it's very pretty.
    but equally solemn :/
    i was listening to it on saturday while i wrote my casey one shot.
    almost brought me to tears.
    ahha i'm such a sap.xD
    February 20th, 2008 at 02:59am
  • oh crud.
    i forgot which movie we were discussing.

    aw it just means i luffss you.
    haha awwwwwwwwwww cuttteeee :]

    i've been so freaking busy.
    i haven't written it yet.
    but i have a good idea. :]

    ahahh it is very lovely. xD
    does your school let you wear clothes like that to school?
    i wish mine did :/

    you know what's a pretty funeral song?
    shadow of the day - linkin park.
    ahah sorry.
    random moment.
    February 17th, 2008 at 02:01am
  • ahah your doggie's name is tinkerbelle ?!
    xD how cute!
    she'll show us the way then. ^-^

    ughh my mom won't let me see it cause it's is R right?
    she has this thing about those kinds of movies; i guess she's preserving my innocence?
    idk xD

    ohhhhhh i get what you mean.
    i mean, it would be awkward.
    finding a huge spider on your arm.
    ahahha xD

    HAHA !
    that was cute xD
    i'm sure she enjoys it though.
    i mean, it's not everyday someone gets talked to like they're special.

    i'll write you one then.
    but i can't tonight now...ugh stupid school tomorrow.
    i hate school.
    sooo it'll probably be posted on the weekend most likely =]
    yayyyy !
    i have a casey calvert one to write too. ahah.

    you guys say 'like' a lot too ?!
    ahha aww noo it's not sad.
    it's just how teenagers are, maybe?
    we say 'like' a lot.
    probably cause we're just awkward...and like is like the new conjunction. xD
    February 12th, 2008 at 05:11am
  • yeah tinker !
    orr does your boyfriend know the way to neverland?
    he could show us the way xD

    awesommeeee. i'll try and rent it when it comes out.
    you know what else i wanna see?
    underworld and underworld: evolution.
    i heard those movies are 'lyke srsly da BOMB'

    oh crud.
    i wouldn't have been able to stay asleep if i'd been you xD
    i would have probably been screaming when i woke up !

    aw she's not ugly!
    they're just jealous cause she's awesomer than them.
    scorpions are actually really interesting looking.
    it's like a crab and....something else put together...
    i can't think of anything right now.
    but it will come to me.
    ahah it's just the stinger that gets me.
    SCARYYY. :o

    hahah are you being subtle?
    i should !!
    cause the zacky one i wrote for you was just terrible. xD
    i've gotten a little better since then.
    should it be alex varkatzas or someone else??

    ugh i've been looking at all these sexy pictures of him all day.
    like this one..
    goshh it's so effing sexy.
    gah i just wanna lick him.

    i told my mom i'm marrying him.
    and having like 10 kids named alex jr.
    and then one named daphne.:]

    and if you've ever watched him an interview.
    he'll say 'like' every other sentence.
    ahah i love his 'like' tourettes.xD

    anyway ! ^-^
    February 12th, 2008 at 03:14am
  • we should.
    but dannngg...we gotta find peter pan or someone.

    i will.
    just cause you said so =]

    yeahh my mom said that the older you get, the more assured you are of yourself.
    cause life has a way of kicking your butt into gear. =]

    that is creepyEEEEEEEEEEK.
    spiders are so freaking scary.
    especially ones the size of your fist >.<

    awww poor isabella!
    feared by everyone.
    whoaaa she glows?
    ahha sorry i'm so creeped out by scorpions.

    gah i wanna write an alex varkatzas one shotttt.
    February 12th, 2008 at 02:32am
  • Exactly ! Unless they actually went there, you know?
    we just have to go to the second star to the right and straigt on till morning. ^-^

    maybe i'll go see it...
    if it's still in theaters xD

    Teenagers are very contradictory creatures.
    I confuse myself all the time.
    we're like stumbling oxymorons.xD
    poor teenagers; we're just awkward that's all
    maybe we'll feel better about that kind of stuff when we grow up? =]

    i have dogs and cats...but DANG A SCORPION ?!
    do you...hold her? -gulp- o.o
    ahha i have like this terrible fear of scorpions.
    where if i feel something like moving under the covers, i freak out cause i think it's a scorpion.
    but it's usually just me thinking it is; my imagination going wild xD

    isabella the scorpion xD
    what color is she?
    February 12th, 2008 at 12:08am
  • that's not too bad.
    me too
    i wanna go to neverland, but i'm afraid there's no such thing >.<
    cause all i see are adults that are like...just so entirely miserable.
    and i really don't want to be that way.

    oh so they're just like super humans...that are icky looking and stuff.
    i wanted to see it, but i was just like...whoa.
    i had nightmares for 2 weeks.

    hahah me too!
    it must be a teenager thing.xD
    we're awkward to begin with, so when people want to lavish us with attention, we get all freaked out.

    that's a lot of stuff.

    aw i love animals too!=D
    February 10th, 2008 at 10:04pm
  • and you are older than him, yeah?
    ahha aww well, at least you're not too grown up yet.
    you've still got time; who needs to grow up all at once? it's so boring anyway. ^-^

    i heard it's about zombies...
    sounds scary! :o
    i'm a scaredy cat. haha.

    that sounds sensible enough.
    it does feel awkward when someone tries to pay for you.
    even if it's your bffl4lyfe.=]

    you mean fruit?!
    aw man that sucksss.
    i'd be so sad if i were allergic to jamba juice smoothies :'[
    February 9th, 2008 at 07:04am
  • definitely.
    that'd be kinda bad. xD
    cradle rocker. :o

    was that a good movie?
    my family saw it and didn't really say much about it, you know?

    but hey, if it was your anniversary, then they feel obligated to do so..
    well, sorta.

    ooh jamba juice!
    i love jamba juice.=D
    February 9th, 2008 at 02:51am
  • aha yeah he seriously looks a lot older =]
    that's a compliment though...most guys look like younger than they really are =o

    that's an awesome picture=D
    he's a pretty good looking kid.:P

    sorry i couldn't reply sooner. =/
    homework and stuff.
    but did you have fun on your 6th month anniversary?=D
    what movie did you see?
    February 6th, 2008 at 03:02am
  • ahh cool!
    hope you guys had fun =]

    he looks like...18 or something xD
    i never would've imagined him being 15.

    nawww...only if you want to, that is.=]
    but i can't wait to read it!
    February 2nd, 2008 at 08:24am
  • aww how old is he now?
    haha have fun tonight then...tonight, yeah?

    it's a popular name then, huh?
    escape the fate's album name had a similar title, i know that.
    but yeah..this new one is way cooler anyway =]
    how'd they come up with it?

    ohh and i can't wait until you update !^-^
    February 2nd, 2008 at 03:37am
  • ahh i think i've heard of the thunderdome.
    i'm pretty sure i have, at least....

    why'd they change the name?
    though, i have to say, the name they have now is way awesome.=]
    January 31st, 2008 at 09:28pm
  • hey they're pretty darn good =]
    and i watched the lalophobia video.
    how long have they been a band?
    January 27th, 2008 at 10:31am
  • that's really cool. =]
    i hope they make it big time someday.

    in the meantime, do they have any demos or anything on limewire?
    January 26th, 2008 at 06:30pm
  • ahh i seee =]
    have they thought about signing yet?
    or talked about it or something?
    January 23rd, 2008 at 05:19am
  • well, since they are boys, it's to be expected...
    they'll play around like that a lot. xD

    so what are the promos for?
    posters n' stuff?
    January 23rd, 2008 at 03:52am
  • was it fun, taking the pictures?
    it sounds fun ^-^
    getting to decide which poses, and what they look like.
    that would be so cool.

    haha it's probably cause they were afraid of that tranquilizer gun you had in the trunk of the car.xD
    just kidding.<3
    January 22nd, 2008 at 10:32pm
  • good ! =D

    did everyone behave?
    or did you have to break out the elephant tranquilizer...xD
    January 22nd, 2008 at 04:44am