character:YUR MUM!


KellyBelly973 ;; AKA SlutBag MaandaPandaa ;; AKA SlutBags Whore

Street Cred Yo

Layout coded by: Whitney @
vengeance avenue

Whats up wiff meh?

[Date/Time] 27/12/2011 ;; 12:27
[Listening to] Manson;; Blank and White
[Chatting to] My pillow ;3
[Food/Drink] Nuffin'
[Feeling] Sweepy.
[Updated] My Layout

Lastest News? ;; Yur mumz awesome in bed?


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Hiya! Im Nick. My friends call me Max. Actually, Only one friend calls me Max.. And she's a hooker. ANYWAY. Im 666 years old and rockin it like a bamf. If your lookin for me I can more than likely be found in yur mumz room.
Btw, Don't like my jokes, or my 'Attitude' Then Smd and Lmb. Not to be cocky or anything, But im too awesome to care if your Haten'. All the hate goes to my dick anyway.
I'd apreciate feed back on any and all stories I may post, Cuz, Come on, Who doesn't like feed back!? Also, You should check out my awesome Homie-G's! Links over thuur ->