I can't practice what I preach

Lately I've been paying a lot of attention to the media and the electronic world, mostly playing towards teens here, it has become a very popular and replayed story. The story of "I'm depressed, and the person I "love" doesn't love me back".Let's come back to earth for a quick second. You're most like 14-17, your boyfriend(girlfriend) is most likely the same age, teens hormones are terribly...
December 31st, 2013 at 05:26am

You suck.

I think the roughest thing is thinking back. And then feeling like you either didn't see them in the right light, or the light you saw them in has dispersed. I think that's the roughest thing. Because you remember so many things about that person to know they weren't always this way. When you were down in the middle of the night and had a break down on the balcony because you wanted to be dead,...
December 21st, 2013 at 07:13pm

I'm Whitney Houston. Just kidding, but you know.

Hey loves. Today has been.....challenging and admittedly not the best. Sigh. I had such high hopes too! Tsk tsk.So today i had a lazy day or whatever the gals are calling sitting around unattractively and doing nothing productive these days. Then I put on my big girl pants and got my butt to cross country practice. Of course that's just an expression, I wear very short running shorts in actuality....
August 31st, 2013 at 06:45am

Did i trip over a mirror and shatter it?

I honestly just feel like I most likely shattered a mirror or forgot to knock on wood or threw salt over my....left? Shoulder.•I got my eye infected and it's swollen up. They said it will take two weeks to heal.•my mom thinks I'm an idiot now. Along with myself.•my friends think I am a whore because my boyfriends dad decided to buy him condoms and have him keep them with him-_-•and I'm...
August 14th, 2013 at 03:39pm

Flawed, Beautiful, and outragously cruel Humans

Hello I know I haven't written one of these in probably five million years. I have a topic that's really, really getting to me and I need this right now. So here we go.I've been working at a place called Boys and Girls Club. Its for younger kids who are not preschool aged, but also not teens yet. I have just been helping out and all that wonderful stuff I didn't think I would be good at. I'm...
July 11th, 2013 at 03:15am

This blog is probably just a load of crap...

But hey.....oh the freaking well, right?Try to put aside the fact that this blog really isn't necessary or particularly interesting and read on, 'kay? Awesome. So today me and my boyfriend were talking and I realized something new about myself. This doesn't really happen often, but hey it happened today! I realized that I don't second guess my actions, nor do I really fully think into them. I just...
April 28th, 2013 at 12:54am