Better... kinda

Still feeling pretty shitty but I made it all night without getting wasted. That's new. Called Annabel today and she said she missed me. Next week when I get to keep her while Eden is out of town is going to be great. I bought her favorite Disney movie. That one with the princess and the horse and the frying pan? Tangled I think. And i'm going to take her the zoo. Plus I'm going to talk to Eden's...
January 3rd, 2012 at 04:11am

Having a tough ***ing time

The day started out great. My birthday presents were great and they both loved the song. My sisters and brothers took Anna out to watch some fireworks and me and Eden finally got some alone time.That's not the important part though. I had to take them both home today and it was way harder than it normally fucking is. Maybe it's because I spent so much extra time with them. Maybe it's the song I...
January 2nd, 2012 at 07:51am

Best Birthday Ever

Yeah, you read that right. It's my birthday today and i'm finally nineteen. Spent all day with my two lovely ladies and my family. We got ice cream today and then just stayed home. I let Anna stay in her pj's all day and she looked so cute. Her and Eden gave me a make over today and then my friends came over. It's seriously a good thing I love them and have better self control. My older sister...
January 1st, 2012 at 07:00am

New Years Resolution

It's not the new year yet but I have some new year resolutions that my girl friend is making me write and I'm actually doing it because I'm whipped. -_- So here they are I guess.1) Make amends with her parents.2) Be the best boyfriend possible to her.3) Be the best daddy possible to Annabel.4) Get into a good college.5) Make 2012 the best year ever. We are supposed to die after all. XD6) Stop...
January 1st, 2012 at 06:08am

My day

So this morning I went and picked up my girls at five and then brought them home. They both slept until about nine. Then we headed out to breakfast at some place my older sister suggested and they loved it. Eden loved the place but I'm pretty sure little Annabel just loved the fact the old ladies kept spoiling her.After breakfast I took them shopping. Eden took the girls to get surprise birthday...
December 31st, 2011 at 09:31am