Boys Sometimes Suck PENIIS!!!!

" I guess we're really over, so come over, I'm not over it! Late night you make me feel like im desperate, I'm not desperate!"Why can't I just tell you how I feel? Why do you just ignore me? Why do you flirt with me on Friday/Saturday but ignore me Sunday/Monday? Is it because your shy? Because you were drunk Friday? Is it because I freak you out? Do you like me or are you faking it for my own...
July 7th, 2008 at 09:05am

The Defanition Of The Most Hated Things

Well this journal right hear ladies and gents is pretty much about what everyone is thinking, but just not saying. I might not say it exactly right, but atleast I said it..1) Emo; noun; a group of people who think thick eyeliner make then depressed, finger-less gloves make them look unahppy, and that people unlike them must be demons the devil himself has sent to posses them.That is what I think...
June 11th, 2008 at 05:02am

Even if you hate my writing..just pick the plot!

Plots:#1:Like the John Tucker Movie, except there are 5 girls in the group. The hippie, cheerleader, emo-girl, goody-toe shoes, and pretty book-worm. All of the except the book worm are dating Brendon Urie, the school rocker whom everyone flocks over and his friends, but none of them know it. When the group of friends find out they split up teh group, leaving book-worm up to decide who to go with,...
March 30th, 2008 at 07:00am

You have ears but you don't use them!!

Urgh. Right now I feel so awful! I just feel like everythings crashing and I hate it. I have been in depression before and I don't want to do it again...I thought just when everything was going good it just stopped and went down hill.Yesterday I was suppose to got to Rascal Flatts ( my favourite band besides Queen ) with my 2 friends who looove country and so do it. But my other firnds were really...
March 28th, 2008 at 06:58am


Is it normal for your friends to make you feel worthless.Is it normal for your friends never to say nice things about you except " how cute you are".Is it normal for your friends to call you a push over, openly insult you, and say they onyl like you for certain qualities.Is it normal for friends to make fun of everything about you, your religion, looks, grades, clothes, and origin.Is that the...
February 21st, 2008 at 06:49am

RANT! About Boys!! For All Girls!

Boy:I'm tired of you not noticing me.I'm tired of you flirting with my friends.I'm tired of you liking all of my friends.I'm tired of you flirting with me and not meaning it.I'm tired of you liking me for a day then ignoring me for the next 4 months.I'm tired of you not thinking I'm beautiful.I'm tired of you not liking me.Friend:I'm tired of you flirting back with him.I'm tired of you lying to me...
February 17th, 2008 at 07:09am

Constantly Under Pressure

Delema: My FriendsWhy: Well, this is how it starts. My friends are completely different from me. They swear all the time, make crude jokes, drink alot, get drunk, are super outgoing. And I am the exact opposite! I try not tos wear, I make not-crude/somewhat curde jokes, never drink, never tasted alcohol, and am very shy.Sometimes I hate it. Being so different, but it's part of who I am, and who I...
February 9th, 2008 at 07:00am

Jumping Back Of The Scale And The Tears Have Made Me 10 Pounds Heavier

Every girl feels fat. Even if they are 60 pounds. Even if they are 100 pounds. Even if they are 170 pounds. They still feel fat.And I am a member, and a sadly very obediant one too. And devotedI hate that I cry every time I look at the numbers on my black and white scale I shed a tear. I feel so pathetic but it's true. And I cry again because I know thousands of other girls are doing the same...
February 7th, 2008 at 06:08am

Delicious Hot Shmoes!!! Oh Romance!!

Top 15 Most Romantic Settings :IN NO PRETICULAR ORDER:1) Sitting by a campfire eating hot shmoes!..I mean smores!2) Sitting on the beach in the early morning, when it's warm!3) Sitting on the dock at sunset!4) Running through an open field5) Walking under a umbrella together6) Taking a hike in the forest7) Star gazing on a trampolion8) Rolling down a hill together9) Roller blading together while...
February 2nd, 2008 at 07:09am

Cold As You..Valentines Day

Man! I hate Valentines day!!! It is probably beautiful for the couples, all mushy and gushy, but seriously! I find it very over-rated!Hearts, be-mines, teddy bears, stale chocolate! It's been the same since the 1900's!I just find it so cliche! Like some crappy romance novel!Everyone does the same thing, holds hands, cries, gets roses or chocolate!And then they usually end up breaking up!! It makes...
January 25th, 2008 at 05:16am

What Gives Guys The Right...

To call a girl ugly just becaus we don't look like Angelina JolieTo call a girl fat just because she isn't a size 00To call a girl weird just because she dances in the rainTo call a girl a freak just because she sings like nobody is listeningTo call a girl 'not normal' just because she tries to be originalTo call a girl a slut just because she has lots of guy friendsTo call a girl stupid just...
January 15th, 2008 at 02:53am