I have a friend.......I like her.

I'm bisexual. My best friend, Noel, isn't. I've liked her since the 9th grade and never really thought about it being a real feeling. I just thought she was pretty. Tonight, after we went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which kicked ASS by the way, we went back to my friends house with my boyfriend and Noel was at the apartment next door where her grandmother stays. We talked and...
July 12th, 2007 at 12:40pm

Why do I have to have a reason for every ***ing thing!?

I wanted to go home from the hospital tonight before my mom and dad. *stepdad that is. I hate him*He wanted a ride. mom was leaving at nine and I left at 8:50. I asked him why couldn't he just ride with momma. I told him I just wanted to be alone. and he asked me why!? I don't have to have a fucking reason to wanna be alone! I just do! Now my parents are all pissed off and suspicious because I...
April 17th, 2007 at 05:08am

Ended one story- now there's a sequel!

finished Uncle Billie and posted the sequel Baby Callie
April 1st, 2007 at 06:15am


I was rageNlove on GSB. I mainly read and posted stories so that may be where you would know me. I also wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLIE JOE! ......fuckin old man. lol j/k
February 18th, 2007 at 02:08am