
I fill so alnoe at school all of my freainds have nice fancy stuff and well I don't my closest freand has a kindle fire and it makes me fill so bad that i don't have one and know i fill like an out cast among my freands. I have been hinting to my mom that I want some thing nice and she just says no. I even done stuff to get free thaings and she says no I wont let you do that it is a lie. It is...
March 22nd, 2012 at 11:44pm

Why do i fill like i have no freands?

Every day I go to school i fill like an outcast every one shems to ignor me when i am talking and it fills like i am a freck and it makes me fill bad and there are a bunch of girls who all ways give me drity looks like i'm the schum of the earth.I have a litte gang of freands but we usely don't talk and there old freands hate me and say that i took them from them and....well there is a younger but...
January 10th, 2012 at 03:39am