Rabar Dar Jarrar / Comments

  • Yup, people here don't really make fun of your music taste (except for the metal heads, but they don't really talk to people). But like I said, that's mostly because they're all closet fans; that I am sure of.

    Have you heard some of the new leaked stuff? They're going back to their old sound in a pop culture kinda way. I don't know, it's hard to explain, but it's good. :D
    August 2nd, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • Yeah, JB did have some good songs, but I hate trends so their fans kind of ruined them for me. >.<

    No one really rips on me nor do they try to corrupt me, everyone is pretty chill about it. They look at my iPod (all the albums & unreleased... haha) and nod in this really thoughtful way. When I ask them what they're thinking they usually say, "That 'Everybody' song is pretty good." Other people just grin and laugh then get over it.

    Even if they did make fun of me for it, I'd shove their multiple platinum and gold records in their face and walk away. No one will take my pride away. :D
    August 2nd, 2009 at 07:52am
  • Yeah! My bestie loves Avenged and Motley Crue and all that, but she's very flexible when it comes to music. And I love other kinds of music fer sure, but will never stop loving BSB.

    Everyone here is obsessed with JoBros (ick) so I'm like, "You like this crap, but you find Backstreet sickening?" I know deep inside they're closet fans.
    August 2nd, 2009 at 01:10am
  • Well of course, they're Backstreet!
    And at least your mom wants to go, mine sits on her arse all day.
    And none of my friends like them either... I kinda forced my best friend too, though. xD
    August 1st, 2009 at 10:51pm
  • You are so lucky! I have yet to see them. :[
    I'm gonna try to go to one of their concerts this upcoming tour though.
    August 1st, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • Hey; I just wanted to say I absolutely love your signature. :D Did it come from the episode of Family Guy where Adam West builds the gold statue of the frog?
    July 31st, 2009 at 11:14pm
  • oh God I would too! i mean, if I get foggy eyed when he joined them on stage during the Unbreakable tour, then I'd probably burst into a full cry when he comes back for good.
    July 31st, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • i just wanted to say...

    and i know its not the same since Train left, but there's still hope he MIGHT come back. they still need him to keep Nick in check. xD
    July 31st, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • yeah, no problem.
    July 30th, 2009 at 03:32pm
  • Howdy...
    I'm gonna get to the point,
    Claim basically just makes a post so you can take as long as you need to write the comment.
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:45pm
  • Haahahah, I just wanna say that I've seen your theme around Mibba and it's SOO FUNNY, especially since your username is ''voldemort'', it's just so stranged compared to the theme and it made me crack up XDDD Best theme I've seen so far.
    July 29th, 2009 at 05:01pm
  • HAHA! Awww, man, I haven't watched Winnie The Pooh in so long! So old school...

    Wait, what? They made it 3D?! o_O wow, didn't know that haha!
    July 27th, 2009 at 06:49pm
  • Oh you die hard. :P I could watch Spongebob all day, but it's still on my to do list. :)

    And thank youuuu(:
    July 27th, 2009 at 10:32am
  • Yeah... The guy voicing him is trying too hard to be Mark Hamill, I think.

    Hahahaha, Spongebob is a freakin' legend. :P

    South Park fucking rips :P

    BTW... I updated. *wiggles eyebrows*
    July 27th, 2009 at 12:21am
  • Really?! Oh man, she is so badass. Totally owns The Joker in one episode - hahahaha. She's epic. And yeah, when I first saw him I thought 'what the fuuuudge monkey?' but now he's grown on me and I quite like him :) the newest Joker is a bit... I dunno, lame? if you haven't seen him yet...


    hahahaha, yeah, it was his voice that did it for me. made me laugh so much :L and i sometimes catch Dexter on tv if i'm Cartoon flicking... mostly i'll just youtube him or download some old episodes :)

    HAHA. south park is freakin' epic. the last episode i saw was yonks ago, when they had a porn video or something and went on this big "mission" to return it and the kid in the wheelchair was trying to say they're at the videostore but the parents kept interrupting, thinking he was trying to say something else... HAHAHAHA oh my god, so epic.

    Yeah, I guess so. I'd so fish slap her if I could...
    July 26th, 2009 at 10:09pm
  • HAHA! I've watched Batman: The Animated Series pretty much my whole life... But I can barely remember most of it, considering I have the memory of a goldfish o_o I can remember all of the Joker episodes, some of The Riddler, one of Clayface, a couple with Poison Ivy... err... D: I need to buy the DVDs and remeniss (sp?) :D

    Hahaha, that's cool. I also watched stuff like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Laboratory... and Johnny Bravo, HAHA. My god he was cool... Err... I R Weasle, that was funny stuff. Loony Toons, ofc... UHHMMMMMM. A few years ago I started watching Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go. A mouthful, I know.... Hahaha, god Cartoons are what make LIFE.

    Yeah, she is kinda creepy. She is funny, and without her we wouldn't have most of the Joker cartoons of Batman, so gotta give her kudos for that...
    July 26th, 2009 at 02:09pm
  • ...Yeah, same. Diseases suck balls.

    And I have absolutely NO idea, lmao. It's pretty freakin' obvious, considering she's one of the most famous out of the Batman series :/

    ...You...never...watched... WHUT?! WHYYYYYYYYYYY??? D: I grew up watching them! I remember watching Cartoon Network when I was little... The Joker was always my favourite :) and I've never liked Harley... I mean in some episodes she does make me laugh, but over all? MEHHHH.
    July 26th, 2009 at 09:39am
  • HAHA, suuuure ya did... ;)

    Yeah... That kinda sucks. Cancer's a bitch. I hate Cancer. Took my nan away. ;(

    Suprisingly, only a few people did :s any REAL Batman fan would have easily guessed that, haha!
    ...Not that I'm questioning anybody that call themselves fans... *shifty eyes*
    July 26th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • Me either... I find it hard just to keep up with Mibba, Facebook and MySpace D: or maybe I'm just crap. Hahaha. Who knows...
    HAHA I'm sure he does... He has other Admins to help him though, right? It'd take so long for him to sort things all at once.

    LMAO. Diseases rule when they don't effect me or my family and friends. They are free to roam everywhere else that doesn't harm said people. :)

    Andandand, I'm super glad you like my other story. And yeah, you guessed right, it's Harley. :)
    July 25th, 2009 at 02:20pm
  • Hahahahahahahahaha. That's creepy... He has an epic power over all of us O_O!
    He runs Geek Stink Breath.net AND I'm Not Okay.net too, I think... How does he find the time to do that?!

    HAHAHAHA. Oh god. *backs away slowly...* :P
    July 24th, 2009 at 10:23am