
Joined date
January 18th, 2012


»I'm the kind of girl...«
...Who hates sunny days & love rainy nights.
...Who believes in magic & in love.
...Who is complicated, yet easy going.
...Who is such a pessimist, yet is secretly an optimist... *ssshh* :P
...Who would rather go out and lay under the stars, than go clubbing and drink all night.
...Who gets easily angered, yet forgives and forgets quickly.
...Who rather play with mud, than go shopping and get my nails done.
...Who hates shopping, yet kinda loves it XD
...Who's one true love is: Music ?
...Who's super random, yet serious when it's required.

Yeah, I'm not the IT girl...I'm THAT girl :)
The girl who doesn't believe in fairytale endings and yet...secretly wishes it would happen to her.

Hey, without ME it's just AWESO... ;D

Maybe I'm not the most beautiful girl or the sexiest girl around.
I don't have the perfect body, smile or hair and I may not be the first choice for everyone
one thing I know is that I'm an AMAZING choice :D
I don't pretend to be something I'm not, because I'm really awesome at being myself ;D
I may not be proud of some things I've done in my past,
but I'm proud of who I am TODAY
So take me for who I am, or simply... let me go :)