Where were YOU?

You let him dominate you from the beginning. Were you so weary of raising your firstborn alone, so afraid of her father and his family that you grabbed onto the first man who paid you the least bit of attention? After only a couple of months, you were pregnant again. Did you feel trapped? Had he shown his true colors by then, or were you still blinded by the shining armor he wore to seduce you...
March 6th, 2014 at 04:57pm

There was a reason for all that rage

I've always been a daydreamer. I always imagined being someone else, somewhere else, yet even in my wildest imaginings, my fantasies ended up turning to shit. Yet I continued to dream. It got me into more trouble than I would have liked, but after a certain point, I was obsessed with pretending. I couldn't stop. It wasn't until I broke off a lifelong relationship that I began to realize WHY I...
March 4th, 2014 at 07:30pm