
All That I Can Think About
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Teen
Chapters: Three!
Status: Just Starting! One Direction BandFic! :D

Nothing To Lose
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Adventure
Chapters: None Yet
Status: Just Starting -- Bear With Me People

A Twist In Fate
Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure
Chapters: 14
Status: In Progress

So, You’re In My Tour Bus?
Genre: Comedy, Adventure
Chapters: 10
Status: In Progress

Blood Streaked Moon
Genre: N/A
Chapters: 4 ; I have two more that I need to post to have it up-to-date with Quizilla
Status: In Progress

Double The Trouble
Genre: Romance, Drama, Adventure
Chapters: 3
Status: Hiatus ; For now, gotta talk to Emily

Hello Fascination
Genre: N/A
Chapters: 2
Status: Hiatus

One Shots
Genre: All
Chapters: 8
Status: Always Active ; Slow Updates


Image by pipper-svk
Layout by Sean at hummingbird layouts

About me

So, uh, yeah. Well, Alyssa is totally awesome. Talk to her and you'll love her. She's a dreamer and writer. And she doesn't take kindly to the haters. Be nice or she won't deal with you. I'm making her sound all up tight and boring, but she's a real goofball once you get to know her. The point is, she's awesome.

Awww.... Thanks Ash, you’re so sweet. :]
Anyways, I’m Alyssa. I enjoy meeting new people and random comments! HINT, HINT!!!!
I’m a people person as well as a very happy person. I try to look on the bright side.
I seem to get stressed often, but normally I’m okay.
I’m a very protective, worried, caring, funny, nice, friendly, etc girl (or so I’ve been told).
I have a sense of humor so don’t be afraid to joke with me! :D
I love to write, of course. I’m also very musically, technologically, and academically savvy.
I’m always up for reading new things so if you have found a good story then tell me about it! :]
I know, as an author, that authors love it when people tell other people about their work!


Date: July 31, 2012
Music: Shuffle of Cher Lloyd and One Direction.
Doing: Worrying about my Graduation Party Saturday.
Mood: Bored. To. Death.

SUMMER! Goodness it has flown by.
I start my Freshman year of college on September 5th, but I move into my dorm with my amazing roommate before that! GAH!
Anyways, a month from now I will be moved into my dorm!


My Stories
My Friiiiiends
Comment Meh!!
My Pretty Pictures
Check Out My Website!


O’ Hilarious One
My Cup O’ Danger
O’ Giant Cousin Of Mine