WastingWords / Comments

  • so..I'm awesome at replying on time! -pats self on back-

    How's college? are you having the time of your life? I sure hope so! if you ever want to contact me...I use this a lot more than mibba now. I just can't write anymore..life has gotten in the way and I lost my passion this time..it's been over a year since I have written anything descent.

    hopefully you get this and haven't forgotten about me!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 01:29am
  • Hey sweetheart,

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, things got a little hectic here at school. But now things have calmed down a bit. I'm excited though cause classes end April 9th and then I have exams. So I'll be home before May :)

    Gah, May 1, cn't believe I'm going to be 19 already! I'm so old! Haha just kidding, not that old.

    How have you been, anything interesting going on in your life? Nothing here, mainly focusing on school...didn't you say that you wanted to go to school here in Canada? it's cause we have Tim Horton's here isn't it!

    Lol, well I will talk to you soon!
    March 4th, 2010 at 02:12am
  • Yeah, I love loonies, especially when I have enough for laundry.

    It is nice to take classes that actually catch your interest. I'm looking forward to next year because than I start to specialize in what I want to do. Yay for History(major) and English or Native Studies (minor).

    I'm excited about my new apartment that I get to move into in August. It's so nice and I love it so much! It'll be easier for getting homework done, as of right now I try to live in the library but it doesn't work out so well.

    I'm super excited for reading week, I get to go home soon and relax! Anyways, I hope you are liking your last year in high school, as much as it seems it sucks, high school is awesome. :)

    January 25th, 2010 at 08:41pm
  • That sounds like fun, the farthest I went on a road trip with my friends was an hour and a half away. Not really that adventurous, but we like to think we are.

    Second semester is quite interesting, I have two exams next week and also an essay outline due. My favourite class is still my Native Studies class, it is quite interesting.

    The beginning of this month I signed my very first lease, mhmm, I'm exited to be living in an actual apartment next year where I can cook my own food and do laundry without loonies and quarters. :)

    I see that you updated, I'm going to have to read! So glad to hear from you again!

    Cheyface. :)
    January 22nd, 2010 at 06:10am
  • Wow sorry it's been so long!

    University just has been crazy! What with Mid-terms and getting ready for exams. Oh and essays, how I hate essays. Funny considering I'm going to be majoring in History and minoring in English. Haha!

    So yesterday would have been my dad's birthday. It was hard without him here, but I tried to just remember the good times. I went and sat in the chapel for a little while, it felt nice. They had it decorated! It still hasn't snowed here in London, but when I get home apparently I'll be greeted with snow! I'm excited.

    I'm also excited because I only have one more exam and then I'm back home on the 14th! I'll be home for an entire month! I get to spend that time with my new nephew and with my whole family. I'm so excited!

    I hope you had a good time in Calgary! Never really been out west, I want to go sometime. I know my friend wants me to go and visit her in BC, way out in Prince George, maybe I can go sometime in the summer! That would be interesting.

    Anyways, I hope you're doing well, and you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

    Ttyl, Chey!
    December 1st, 2009 at 03:05am
  • oh my god, i see that same tour on friday!!

    omgz thats amazing lol

    im letting my hair grow out
    going to an instate college, trying to get a job at barnes and nobel.

    my best guy friend just got a girlfrined and failed to tell me after i (shamefully) threw myself at him in a desperate attempt to feel loved.

    goddamn surprises

    and i saw hellboy II for the first time and fell in love with elves again.
    move over legolas ;)
    November 3rd, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • yeah i probably wont end up going there.
    out of state tuition is a bitch.
    so...whats new and wonderful in your world?
    October 9th, 2009 at 11:47pm
  • im applying to jacksonville university, UNF, University of central florida and then UCLA, which, while in california, is really where i want to go!

    its kinda scary.
    October 5th, 2009 at 10:12pm
  • pills and test are so not fun!

    yes. ive started applying to school
    where are applying?
    September 29th, 2009 at 07:55pm
  • Well that is exciting, haha.
    It's Homecoming here this weekend, it's going to be crazy. I might go stay with my aunt and uncle so I can avoid the stupid people.
    I can't wait to go home for thanksgiving! I'm so pumped. I miss my family a lot! Plus my brother's girlfriend will be having her baby soon. :) Which means I have to go buy a baby uwo sweater soon.
    Mmm, I had stirfry for supper tonight it was very delicious. And now I am going to finish my story update, and maybe start a different one. I'm trying to get My Way Home done before I decide to post another story that I have been working on.
    September 29th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • that sounds like fun.
    I'm just getting over a cold right now.
    Bah university readings are going to kill me, lol.
    But other than that, I've seriously been having a fantastic time. I'm making great friends, and I'm actually writing again. I've managed to almost finish the last chapter of My Way Home. I'm rather excited about it. That means I can start the sequel very soon. I'm actually so hyper right now and I don't know why. I had a 6-9 class tonight and it was long and boring. Apparently I'm partying tomorrow. Blah, I don't know how all these university kids party so much, it's absolutely insane.
    Oh and I finally figured out how to work the buses! Whoo! And you'll not be happy to know that university caf food is very meh.
    Excited to hear from you soon, let me know what is going on in your life.
    Chey! <3
    September 24th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • well, ill be fine
    but i have to take this shit load of pills till they isolate whats wrong
    so more tests....


    so stuff like mibba is my only happy :)
    September 18th, 2009 at 11:48pm
  • so remeber me telling you about those tests?

    yeah, my thyroids all fucked up.
    September 13th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • Wow, so really sorry for the delayed comment back. Life has been a little hectic.

    University is absolutely amazing! But the home sickness part sucks big time. But other than that I'm having a blast I met so many new people, my room mate has been m.i.a for more than 24 hours now. Lol, it seems like she's a party person.

    But yeah, not anything else too interesting right now, haven't started classes yet. Learned like a million cheers and lost my voice! Yeah, Saturday Mariana's Trench will be here, I'm excited for that. And right now very loud music is playing in the background while the screams of many drunken people yell random cheers that I have no idea what they are saying.

    But yeah, I see you have updated, I am going to go read those right now. ttyl!
    September 9th, 2009 at 04:04am
  • Really random here ,but I love the photo of Gerard Way on your profile ^.^
    September 4th, 2009 at 05:57pm
  • yeah, the resuts come back this week, it sucks bt whatever.

    they like to get them out of the way.
    August 3rd, 2009 at 05:16pm
  • haha, i get you.
    i missed you

    im okay, ive been in and out of the hospitaql for shity tests and i cant get a strait answer as to whats wrong with me.

    but im tyring not to think too much into it.

    other than that everything is going okay
    ive got senior pictures tomrrow :D
    July 28th, 2009 at 04:43am
  • That's awesome to hear about everything. A cruise to Alaska, must have been amazing.

    Well in all honesty things are not well on the home front. My dad has recently passed away, so it's been really difficult. That's why my writing has been put off for so long, I just don't have any inspiration left. But I'm on a bit of a vacation, down visiting my family and things are looking up. My mom has also just gotten surgery done, but things went well with that. Other than that horrible news, school is still well on it's way, I just had a transition session and I have all my classes scheduled and done. I'm taking History, English, Psychology, Native Studies and Business. So it's going to be an interesting year. But I have to go now, I'm at my aunt's so I'll be talking to you later. I hoped you liked my updates and it's good to hear from you again.
    July 16th, 2009 at 09:56pm

    ahem. i mean. cool, your back.
    July 14th, 2009 at 03:40am
  • WHAT!
    June 1st, 2009 at 03:46am