it's been a while! + cool videos to watch.

I feel like it's been forever since I actually posted something of great effort on this site. I mean, it's basically like I've lost all of my motivation to write, which really does suck.Anyway, this weekend has been extremely boring, so I decided to actually try and getting into that writing mood again.That failed.Just about the only thing I came up with were a few somewhat developed...
May 21st, 2012 at 09:48pm

i just had sex... and got arrested. bad-ass over here. (warning: long journal)

Well, not really.So, Friday night I ended up going on a date with this guy named Drew, which was a nice change, but considering the fact that I am so fucking socially awkward I'm not entirely sure if it ended well or not. We went for coffee at around six-ish and then basically walked around town until nine o'clock, which is when we got our seats for The Avengers.I thought the movie was pretty...
May 6th, 2012 at 06:41pm

artsy adventures and recent news.

My friend Sol and I went to this cool local art class and it was grand. We went to this huge house called The Catanei House, which belonged to a family. I'm not entirely sure what the back story was, but I know that the mother of the household locked her and her daughter inside the house and the daughter created these amazing water colour paintings!Apparently they're not in some museum in Alberta,...
May 3rd, 2012 at 06:09am

does your grandmother look crazy too?

So, I'm talking on the phone with my friend and my grandma starts screaming bloody murder at me.Grandma: "SUMMER!"Me: "WHAT?"Grandma: SUMMER!"Me: "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"Grandma: "SUMMER GET OUT HERE!"Me: "NO! I'M NOT GETTING UP!"And so on until she flips out until I actually get up.Anyway, I get up, with my friend stil on the phone I might add, and head out to the backyard where she's standing on the...
April 28th, 2012 at 07:10am

awe man, i love me some mathcore. \m/

Today in math we started this project that involves finding something you like or are interested in and finding out how it relates to math itself. It can be any type of math. So, my partner Chandler and I being the obsessive rock music freaks we are decided to do different statistics involving the many rock sub-genres there are. Now, this lead to a full out research project to find the many genres...
April 26th, 2012 at 01:03am


Does anyone else here have a friend who constantly drives them insane to the point where they just can't control their emotions? Because I do. For the last week I haven't been feeling so great emotional wise and most of the time I can control it and get past it and pretend like nothing is wrong, especially at school. That is, until my one friend decides to be a prick and ask me what's wrong...
April 24th, 2012 at 06:40pm

rant, rant, rant, meme.

How I feel right now:Mibba seems to be screwing up a lot lately, which is really annoying, because I like this site and the fact that it keeps being stupid makes me angry and not like it as much anymore.I feel like the new site and stuff is going to be super lame. I don’t know. That’s just my opinion. I’ve been reading a lot of other journals describing some stuff that they might be changing...
April 24th, 2012 at 05:32am

tripping balls yo, like they're on the floor yo.

I just realized that my friend is coming home on Thursday. She’s been gone for three months now, because she went to study abroad in France and in less than I don’t know how many hours she’s going to be back. I’m literally tripping balls here people.Speaking of which, when I found out she was coming home, I started dancing in the middle of art class, making me look like this:Then my friend...
April 23rd, 2012 at 09:54pm

anyone up for a cliché band co-write? yeah? no? okay.

I've been wanting to start up on my crappy band fan-fiction again, but I know that if I do I'll never finish it, so I'm hoping someone else could help me? It'd probably be an ATL story, because I love them to bits and they're super easy to write about.I'm not entirely sure what it'd be about, but probably the classic "two girls meet the guys and go on tour with them and be awesome", so yeah....
April 23rd, 2012 at 04:39am

[insert overly excited LG journal title here]

It’s official. I’m probably going to England in January, unless something intense/tragic/stupid/unreal happens, which would really suck, because it’s been my dream to go this place for I have no idea how long now. So, yeah, I talked to the family and basically all them agreed to let me go, which is really surprising, especially for my grandmother who nearly had a heart attack when I told her...
April 22nd, 2012 at 07:43am

I need some help.

Alright, so, recently my school has been offering exchange programs to go to places basically all over the world during the upcoming school year for three months , including England, which is where I want to go. And believe me, I really want to go.I asked a couple of my family members if I could go and if it could be like a pre-graduation present, because I'm graduating in 2013 and so far it's......
April 20th, 2012 at 02:45am