My best ideas come when i am wet.

ok so im soaking wet right. i random thoughts are going through my head. i started thinking bout cirque du soleil. and how they have a new show called drallion. and how the girls in the show were so lucky to be hired to perform. then i thought what if i could write a story on the lives of one of these girls. but then i thought "that would be too boring" so i needed to add a twist. i kept thinking...
January 29th, 2012 at 11:28pm

Hello Fellow writers/readers!

My name is Miki. I love music and am such a band geek. When I am not playing or listening to music, I am writing or reading.I have always loved to read stories and poems. My friend told me about this site and convinced me to join and wirte. I mostly write poems. They are NOT Robbert Frost good. They are written by a teenager! They are just what I am going through.My stories are mostly dreams that...
January 27th, 2012 at 05:39am