Bad Memories

Bad memories have a habit of hitting that spot in your mind which acts like a catalyst for insomnia. The abuse, the beatings, the deceptions and the loneliness. Especially the loneliness. It lingers over every thought you make before you finally drift off into a cycle of nightmares which are briefly interspersed by brief awakenings where you cuddle back up into your blanket.I was talking to a girl...
March 10th, 2012 at 06:06pm

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. You abusive, cheating, selfish fuck. I hope it was the loneliest fucking birthday you've ever had seeing as it was the first birthday you've had with both your parents dead. I hope the bitch you broke apart our family for and beat me over forgot as well.I miss you dad, I hope you're not as lonely as I am. I wonder if you remember our marathon games of age of empires or our bike...
February 23rd, 2012 at 05:13pm

Captain Batman, Peter Combe and Regret.

Well today i finally got to spend a day out with a friend of mine who turned down my advances at the start of the year. I think she's decided that I'm 'over' her now as she refused all attempts to hang out when she knew for certain that i had a romantic interest in her. Anyhow we went and saw Peter Combe perform at her university. Although anyone who is familiar with Peter Combe will know he...
February 22nd, 2012 at 03:19pm