The Lost Archives: My Very First Story
It's been a short bit since I've done a blog, but I couldn't sleep last night and an idea popped in my head. I remembered that I had a file on my computer that contained my very first works that weren't posted online for others to see and I thought I'd do a small series of blogs that talk about those stories, how I've improved over time, and amount of cringe that goes into what I wrote with those...
February 11th, 2019 at 11:05pm
The Stages of Abuse and Healing
I've been thinking about writing this blog out for a good while now, and I thought today would be a good day to. For those of you who haven't seen me around Mibba before, hello, my name is Kayla. In 2013, I met a boy and we began dating that March. I was 14 and he was 15. Him and I were together for four years, from my freshman year of high school, to my freshman year of college. We broke up in...
December 12th, 2018 at 02:59am
This Violence Needs to Stop
I told myself I wasn't going to get into this, but after seeing the amount of threats to schools in my area in the past two weeks, I have to speak up about something. Yes, this blog is about the current controversy surround gun control, mental health reforms, arming teachers, etc. I'm tired of having this brew up in my head for weeks.I graduated what will be two years ago in May. During my four...
February 23rd, 2018 at 10:52pm
My Dad and Stepmom Had to Get Surgery
So, I'm going to apologize in advance for any of the typos and if some of this seems to drag on. I'm still really tired from yesterday and I haven't dealt with a long, long day like yesterday in absolutely forever.To start this off, my dad has had back problems for as long as I've been alive. He has thrown his back out of wack so many times that I can't even tell you how many times it's been. My...
February 8th, 2018 at 08:36pm
Losing My Financial Aid Part Two
I'm gonna start this off by leaving a link to the blog I wrote a little over two weeks ago. In this blog, I go into details of why I didn't go back to school, the letter I received, and how I was really at a loss for words for the whole situation.Here's the update on my losing my financial aid now. After receiving the most dreadful letter I've ever seen in the mail, I waited a few days before...
January 12th, 2018 at 05:23pm
To the Man Who Raised Me: an Open Letter
This is the sixth letter in the series of open letters that I'm doing. Unlike the other letters where I more or less call out people for the wrongs that they've done me, this one is a little different. This one is for my father, the man who raised my sister and I after our mother more or less abandoned us off and on throughout the years.Yes, my father as done some wrong things and those will be...
December 27th, 2017 at 06:16pm
Losing My Financial Aid.
So, a little while back, I admitted to something horrible that happened to me a few months back, regarding why I haven't gone back to college. I wrote about it in this blog, and to make the story short and sweet, I went from Dean's List from fall 2016 semester, to failing all my classes and losing my scholarship in the spring 2017 semester. The reason that all of that happened was because of my...
December 24th, 2017 at 05:18pm
To the Woman Who is Biologically My Mother: an Open Letter
This is the fifth letter in a little series that I'm currently doing. Each letter is to a different person who has "wronged" me at some point in my life and I'm basically pointing out why I think that "wrong" was bad and how it's came to have effected me today.Like the last letter I wrote, this one is to someone also very important in my life, and this specific person is someone who should have...
December 15th, 2017 at 11:10pm
To the Woman Who Was Supposed to Become My Primary Mother Figure: an Open Letter
These open letters are just going to mainly become a series for me because this is now the fourth one I've done, but this one is a little more important than the others. Instead of it being a person I never met, a person I dated for four years, or someone who used me for a span of a year, this one is about someone I met at a very young age, who was supposed to be a woman I saw as a mother figure.I...
December 12th, 2017 at 07:02pm
My Sister Totaled Her Truck
So, for those of you who don't know, I (technically) have four siblings. In order of ages, I have a stepsister (31, she lives on her own), a stepbrother (17, lives with my dad and stepmom), a blood related sister (16, same mom and dad, lives with dad), and a half-sister (13, lives with mom). The sister that I'm talking about today though, is my blood related the one.I will say, my sister and I are...
December 11th, 2017 at 05:19pm
To the Man I Cheated With: an Open Letter
I've done two open letters that I've shared on Mibba already in the past couple of months. I've wrote both of them to kill some demons that have been festering in my head about two different people. I will link those letters down below, but today, I'm here to do yet another to kill off some guilt and fear that I've been feeling.To make a long story short, for the last six months of my relationship...
December 7th, 2017 at 09:22pm
My Life Decisions in the Past Six Months
So, I woke up really early this morning and my head has been running in 500 different circles, so I thought I'd just take a bit to sit down and write out one of the things that has been on my mind; my life decisions in the past six months. Now, I'm not here to write about how I regret this, this, and this; nope, definitely not. I'm here to write about how these decisions have effected my life for...
November 20th, 2017 at 06:02pm
Why I Haven't Gone Back to School
This was in another blog, but it ended up getting really long so I thought I'd make this a blog of it's own and just link it back to the original. More or less, I haven't gone back to school due to what my school has been doing these past few months... I was originally happy there, but now I'm dreading to go back and get my education from this particular institute.What I never mentioned was how...
November 20th, 2017 at 05:53pm
The Ever Frustrating Tumblr
So, today, I'm more or less just going to complain and tell a very short story of the issue I've had with one of my tumblr blogs that has spanned over three years now... Yes, I typed that right, three years.Just a quick backstory:I run four blogs on the lovely website that I have enjoyed for many years; I have my main (anime, bands, personal photos, my fish, the cat, etc.), my writing blog (where...
November 17th, 2017 at 08:41pm
To the Boy Whose Heart I Broke - an Open Letter
Almost two weeks ago, I wrote this open letter about the girl who my boyfriend dated before me. I did it mainly to get some pent up emotions out that had been lurking around my head, but now I've come to realize that I've got another demon I need to banish. Lately, I've been living in fear related to my ex-boyfriend who I dated for four years throughout high school and my first year of...
November 7th, 2017 at 09:26pm
To the Girl That Broke My Boyfriend's Heart - an Open Letter
I'm gonna just start this off with a small explanation. I've been planning on writing this for a while and those of you who have heard about my history with my current boyfriend, Kevin, will probably understand most of these things that I'm addressing in this letter. I didn't want to keep this to myself as I know that she will more than likely never see this, so I'm just posting it to Mibba.I have...
October 25th, 2017 at 11:15pm
The Death of Kayla VI
Just to start this off, I'm gonna link this little journal right here from 2013: Introducing Kayla VII've been carrying the same pen name for four years, which is insane in my eyes. All across my writing sites, I used the pen name Kayla VI to sign my works, my journals, everything, and now I've finally decided, now that I'm 19 and not a kid anymore, that I'm finally dropping the "six" part of my...
October 6th, 2017 at 02:36am
Life Update and Tattoo #2
This is gonna be a fun one; it's been too damn long.In my last update, I admitted to my boyfriend going into rehab for his alcoholism. Since then, it's been over a month since he's been back and my life has changed quite a bit for the better. I'm gonna try to cover all the bases that I can, but I'm going to warn you: this might end up being a little long.Number One - Quitting My Job:This one is a...
September 14th, 2017 at 07:30pm
My Boyfriend Had to Go Away for a Little While
This is going to be a slightly rough journal to write today. Though it's been a few days since he left, I'm still in the stages of missing him and wanting him here with me for selfish reasons. He had good reasoning to leave me for a bit, but I'll be explaining that in this journal. We're still dating; this isn't that situation again.I'm going to be straightforward with this. Kevin is an...
July 19th, 2017 at 03:17am
I Wish I Knew How to Cook
Honestly, this is probably going to be the most random thing I ever write, but Kevin and I struck up a conversation last night before we went to bed, and that's more or less why I'm writing this.When I was a kid, my grandmother (who I'm going to refer to as my Mawmaw because yes, that's what I called her) would cook all the time. She had so many tricks and different things that she did before she...
June 20th, 2017 at 11:06pm