
This is my profile, as if that wasn't obvious enough.
Here's the basics.

I'm female. I don't think I'll ever outgrow enjoying anime and manga. I prefer the old ones though, such as Gundam Wing and Yu Yu Hakusho. I absolutely love music, especially Evanescence and Avril Lavigne. I tend to be serious, but I do have a sense of humor. I enjoy a good laugh. I'm pagan. Pikachu is my favorite, and I liked Pokemon back when you could name only one hundred and fifty. I do enjoy writing, and I don't think I'll ever outgrow that.

I hope to have fun. See you around.

The Last Rainbow

Exactly one hundred and nine, that's how many there had been. Had been, because I have vowed to hunt them all down and make them pay for that crime. His crime that made me what I am now. His action that twisted me into this monster. She, alone, is left.

Click to read the story.


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Original Coding @ becoming.sundayexile.org.
Adapted for Mibba by: Akuuchuu.