5.24.2013 So It's Been A While.

Well. I can't believe it's actually been a year, not like you guys are reading anyway.I suppose now that I've lived a while without Cess, my writing style has changed significantly.I should also probably update you on that as well. I have a girlfriend. I've been with her for over a year and we live together, still in Central Ohio.My life has started. It's completely different. It's done an entire...
May 25th, 2013 at 03:30am

4.4.2012 Angel With A Shotgun

I'm telling myself over and over that I shouldn't like her.I shouldn't be crushing on her as hard as I should.Everything I feel, even the friendship with her is one sided.I'm drowning in a mess of my own emotions and lost hope.I've given up on liking her as much I thought. Now I'm down to the point of jealousy when she's hanging around people. I want to be her best friend. I want to mean something...
April 5th, 2012 at 03:15am

3.24.2012 Somebody That I Used To Know

Last night, I had an odd dream.I had a dream that I woke up one night in rehab and I was going through chemo.I had breast cancer and I was getting prepped for surgery to get my breast removed.It was odd.I woke up in the morning with my left tit hurting. I double checked, just to be sure.It was very strange.I wonder if it was like one of those prophetic dreams or if I switched lives with someone...
March 24th, 2012 at 06:18pm

3.23.2012 Y'gotta Dig Deeper.

Here's a little update (no I didn't fall from the face of the Earth.)I've been spending some time, thinking. A lot.As happy as I would be if I ended up dating 'Cess', I know it's not going to happen.I've accepted this fact a while ago. She apparently doesn't want to be as close as I thought we were, which I guess I'm cool with. It's a little painful, yes. But it's life. Life never really ever goes...
March 24th, 2012 at 02:11am

3.2.2012 - Vivre à en crever

I guess this is an update on college life. What else can I explain other than my feelings for this girl that I've been going on about in my stories? Honestly, I'm not too sure. She's taken up quite a bit of my attention. I mean, of course, to my friends, she isn't all I talk about. But she is on my mind quite a bit. She's a nice distraction from every day life and it's downfalls.I guess for the...
March 2nd, 2012 at 09:56pm