Ignore my last entry.

So I am going to try and run my layouts through here instead of using an actual website unless someone can help me with one (which will probably never happen). If things don't work out then I will stop making layouts which I don't actually want to do but looks like it'll be my final option.I tried Wix and it frustrates me. Webs is horrible now but it seems to be my only option. I hate that it's...
May 21st, 2012 at 03:56am


So Webs has taken away the HTML part that I was using for my website and stuffed it all up. Now I have nothing to use. Does anyone know any websites like webs or very similar. I need to make a new site but I only like using custom html, no premade layouts.If you have any suggestions that would be great and really helpful. Also I don't like that wix site, I have already tried it and got frustrated...
May 21st, 2012 at 02:52am

This is hard

This is hard to write from my iPhone but it is all I have until I get my laptop fixed. The fan on it has busted out so I had to send it away to get fixed. It also keeps crashing so hopefully they'll fix it soon and it'll get back to me real quick.Because of that I can't really post anything and I can't make layouts so they will be placed on hold for a while. If you want one just leave a comment...
May 4th, 2012 at 11:43pm

Finally, finally, finally.

After a busy couple days with my BFF, she is at work so I have found the time to make another profile layout for mibba. It's a One Direction one and I am pretty proud of it. I'd feel a little disappointed if no one else likes it but oh well, it's there to be used anyway.So my friend and I saw The Lucky One at the cinemas yesterday and I have to say it is pretty good. I can't compare it to the book...
April 27th, 2012 at 03:11am


The weekend has been crazy. Went to both days of the Armageddon Expo with my best friend. Met Tinsel Korey and Bronson Pelletier. They are amazing people.Today I may get another story and profile layout done. I still have had no request for any layouts so I am just going to make different types of ones until someone wants one. I don't know. I'll probably be on more tomorrow. I'm still at my...
April 24th, 2012 at 12:46am

No one

No one ever seems to want to help me. I help a lot of people and all I want in return is for someone to help me. My friends always come up with an excuse to why they can't help me. They do it all the time and it hurts, even when it is something simple.My mind is all over the place at the moment. I'm worried about test results. I'm packing for moving house. I am packing to go to my friends house...
April 18th, 2012 at 08:42am

I am back...

I am after a two month hiatus and now that I am back I want to get more involved. I have a writing contest going so if you want to enter let me know and I will give you the link. I also didn't know where to put this so I am putting this here. I have been learning the ways of making a layout for here and I've got the hang of it. I just need someone to help me make a site where I can post them for...
April 16th, 2012 at 07:07am