[ MOOD ] Blegh..
[ MUSIC ] None :C
[ DATE ] 2/7/12

I could write that I was a cool person, but honestley, I'm a backstabbing jerk to people I hate, the best person you could ever know to people I like, and just meh to others. Hurt me and I'll betray your punk ass all the way to whever the hell you came from. I'm really sarcastic though, so don't get offended if I tell you to go fuck yourself with a rusty spork. C: I mostly write stories, and I will not read your poems. Also, I won't read any of your shit if it doesn't have excellent grammar. I love doing requests, roleplays, and group stories, so hit me up if you have ideas for any of those. So yeh. Go fuck yourself :P

layout by Brittany @ banana hammock