My Writing

I just want to clarify to anyone who cares that although my writing often mentions suicide, self-harm and depression, I do not in any way condone self-harm or suicide. I firmly believe that there are other ways of dealing with problems, and this is mine. I have cut in the past and I understand that life can kick you in the butt sometimes. You have to find your own way to deal without endangering...
February 27th, 2012 at 03:36am

Click Here If You Like Poetry

Hi, I'm Rose. I have written a lot of poems in the last few months and I have found it a very good way of expressing myself while avoiding the possibility of blowing up on someone or resorting to self-harm. I posted these poems on several sites and got great feedback.So here's what I want to do. I will take prompts submitted as comments on this journal entry or on my profile. They can be about...
February 23rd, 2012 at 05:32pm

Dream #2

Another 'autopsy' dream I had involved one of my classmates.This classmate can be particularly obnoxious, and pretty much says whatever is on his mind. He is very rude to me, and we often argue in class; I call him a heartless bastard a lot. He has also on occasion mentioned partaking in numerous drugs.That being said, I started the autopsy. He didn't have any external wounds, but there were...
February 22nd, 2012 at 01:04am

Dream #1

The first thing that comes to my mind when someone talks about dreams, is that mine are very strange. And usually contain dead people. I often dream about performing autopsies. Absurdly, the first such dream I remember was the worst. From there, they get more and more obnoxious and kind of funny.I was performing an autopsy on a man I did not recognise. He was very much dead, but there were no...
February 17th, 2012 at 01:46am

Whacked-out Dreams

This is my first journal, and I just thought I might get this out there. I often have strange dreams about my classmates; very vivid dreams. These dreams often will also involve my classmates being dead. This is more likely a result of too much CSI and my aspirations to become a forensic pathologist, rather than a subconcious desire to kill my classmates. Possibly. Anyway, I want to keep a log of...
February 17th, 2012 at 01:31am