Dom. / Comments

  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Wow, Lane Tech is an amzing looking place. It looks like a college campus. I bet your parents were proud of you for getting in. And the kids look pretty happy (except for the ones in ROTC :))) I'm sorry you didn't have friends to play Barbies with, but I'm sure you had fun anway. I would have definitely played with you (if you let me). Some of the girls didn't like me plying with them, but Jenn always took my side. I don't know why she's so great and her brother is such a jerk. Actually her parents aren't really nice either I don't think. Cant wait to hear about Dark Shadows. The review I saw today was pretty positive.
    May 12th, 2012 at 04:10pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Cool, I thought that was the one. Girls liked that because Barbie could be stylish, smart and successful, and still a mommy :)) Rapunzel Barbie sounds great; I never heard of that. You should get Emo Barbie now :D Did you guys do Barbie fahion shows? That was the most fun because everyone would buy (or make) these great outfits, like from the 60s or 80s and we'd have contests and stuff. The only thing that was bad was that Jenn has this younger briother "Bradley" who I really really hate. Thank Goodness he's away at some fancy prep school most of the time now. Anyways, four of us were doing a show and Bradley and his friend came and threw mud at us and the dolls. The outfits got all dirty. And one of my hand-sewn dresses got ripped. I hate when people ruin stuff like that. Did boys ever do that to you? So it's Friday. Any big plans for the weekend?
    May 11th, 2012 at 02:48pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Oh I'm sorry. I must have misunderstood. It makes sense that it would be Tim Burton. Who else? Dr. Who is fun to watch. They have lots of old ones in reruns, but the ones on BBC America are fabulous. Oh your Barbie collection must've been wonderful! Emma's best barbies were from the Blue Rhapsody collection because the clothes were so beautiful. Really elegant gowns and elaborate hair styles. I also played with Ballerina Barbie a lot too. We didn't have any of the "Happy Family," but Jennifer did. That's the set with her sister Stacie and where Barbie is a baby doctor, right? You'll crack up, but I actually learned to sew by making clothes for Barbies. Try making alskirt or shorts for a doll. What a challenge? And surfer Barbie in Chicago. Ha ha, that's cool and funny. But I can understand the hair smell. Those things are so neat.
    May 9th, 2012 at 07:33pm
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    May 9th, 2012 at 01:31am
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    I absolutely LOVE Tim Burton. I saw all the Toy Story movies 2 or 3 times especially the last one cause it had barbie and ken in it. :D Did you have barbies as a kid? I inherited my older sister's because my younger sister hated playing with dolls and I liked it LOL. The YOUtube Frankenweenie isn't that great, but I'm sure the Tim Buton one will be wonderful. Oh, and have you ever seen "The Rocky Mountain Horror Show?" It's fabulously hilarious. My tom told us about how she and her friends would go see it in the 1980s late at night dressed up in costumes and talking back to the movie. There's a great song called "Doing the Time Warp Again" Oh and do you evr watch Dr. Who on BBC America. It's a great show.

    Oh have you ever heard of
    May 7th, 2012 at 04:14pm
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    Just one? Hehh. "
    You ask too much, dahling, but I accept."
    Edna, the Incredibles
    May 7th, 2012 at 01:32am
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    Yeh. I'm not really into that type of music, but some of it is good.
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:33am
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    You do? Cool! I honestly think the lyrics can be related to people, its catchy, yet I don't really encourage being in a relationship in which you feel like that all the time. I just discovered it by finding a tangled music video to you about the relationship between rapunzel and gothel
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:29am
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    You should listen to this song its amazing yet kind of depressing its called "Bittersweet Memories" and its by Bullet For My Valentine so catchy....
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:18am
  • raroman

    raroman (100)

    United States
    S'okay. Being a friend with me on here...Lets say you'll get a lot of random comments if you don't reply at least once day
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:03am
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Oh gosh honey, that's so bad. I never heard of anyone who had two heat strokes. I'm pale and stuff but have never had that happen. It's funny because your ancestors came from a hot, sunny place. But ur mom is right. Stay inside and listen to music or watch "Ghost Adventures."

    I like scary movies too especially old B&W vampire movies from the 1930s and stuff. They're really scary. Oh and if you want to crack up, look up Ed Wood movies on Netflix. They are absolutely hilarious. The worst horror and sci fi ever made. The flying saucers are pie pans (LOL) and you can see the strings holding them. "Plan 9 from outer space:" is one of the best awful movies of all time. Not scary at all but hilarious :D
    May 6th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Chicago sounds really nice, especially where you live.I've never been IN the city, but have been at the airport to change planes. Probably a little too cold 4 me, but I guess you get used to it. I like winter okay. I actually like skiing for some reason. And go skating too sometimes. I like cool better tan hot, but I like it cool, but all I brought were shorts and tees. Just one pair of skinnies. Brrr :D
    May 6th, 2012 at 03:30pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    I'm lucky we have a smart mommy who bought the shore house when prices were cheaper. :D Well, our house is in Maryland, just outside DC and mom's beach house (and my grandparents with all the old records too) is in a place called Cape May, NJ. So, if I may ask, whee do you live? It's cool if you'd rather not say. Our weather is weird too. When we left MD, it was 82 and sunny. Now we're in Cape May and it's 62 and foggy, but nice.
    May 5th, 2012 at 10:21pm
  • To See The Sky..

    To See The Sky.. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi! Thank you for the welcome, you like awesome music. And books. And movies. :D
    May 5th, 2012 at 08:14pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Of course, you're taking Italian!! What else?? It's a very musical language, isn't it? It's neat because I could understand almost everything you wrote just from studying French, plus I had a year of Latin too. So, here with the help of Google Xlate: Molto piacere di conoscerti signorina Dominique. I hope to get my license this summer, although it's not a real big deal since we live close to a metro station and lots of buses. We're going to our shore house in NJ tin a few minutes. It's warm enough for the beach :D I can't wait although I use tons of sunscreen since, like you I am pretty pale with delicate skin.
    May 5th, 2012 at 03:46pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    I can see you now, swinging that hockey stick. Jules plays field hockey and I went to her homecoming game last fall. It was fun, even though I didn't follow too much of it. They had a reception afterwards and I met some girls who were into fashion and we gabbed for an hour. So that was fun. Dodgeball is terrible for someone who can't throw hard. My throws were so soft and weak, everybody laughed. Jules tried to teach me, but I just can't throw. But I never lasted long which was good :D

    Yeah, we have a complete academic program. I'm in my second year of French. Bonjour Madamoiselle Dominique, coment allez vous. je m'appelle jackie. vous etes une intelligente et tres jolie jeune fille." We probably don't have as many courses as a bigger school like yours, not as many AP courses, and no drivers ed, which means I have to take a course to get my license.
    May 5th, 2012 at 01:55pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Yeah, we really had fun. And I mean it's heaven for kids who like clothes and dance :D That's a shame that you had older girls being mean to you. Who would be mean to a three year old? ugh You probably could have been a good dancer. Ballet is very rigorous and helped my posture and movement a lot. When I started ballet at 9, there was one other boy (Ricki) and about 12 girls the same age as us. Most of them were really nice but a few were mean to us. They were jelly about how good a dancer Ricki was and because we always got lots of time onstage at recitals and stuff. They'd tell there brothers and boyfriends about us and stuff, like that would make a difference. I have one girly sister and one tomboy. And I love them both. But I agree that Overly girly girls are boring and shallow and tomboys can be mean.So I like girls in the middle somewhere.

    Hey, you're really great. Congratulations on those points!!! You're sneaky, huh? LOL I love it when people do well even though they're not big and muscular. I never played floor hockey. Is it fun? All I remember from when I took real P.E. was getting killed in dodgeball :D
    May 4th, 2012 at 04:01pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    Well you definitely are smart, interesting and have good taste in music. I don't know much about goth style or psychology but I do have a very close friend who used to be into Lolita fashions and makeup which is an offshoot of goth I think. She was in fashion shows and things like that (we modeled together as kids). She really felt it expressed her personality. Okay so let me tell you about the trip (since you don't get 2 go on any :D).
    So after feeding us bagels and stuff, they take us back and show us how they make all the costumes. Their sewing machines are so big I coudn't believe it. And they have this big room with all these bolts of cloth and piles and piles of tulle and organza for making tutus and stuff.

    The way they do a costume is they decide on colors and they buy the cloth for the tops and the tulle for the tutus. they make the tops and the skirts or pants themselves and they send color sample to Capezio (a big company) to make matching tights and ballet slippers. Oh and Capezio also makes matching dance belts for the boys so they don't look out of color under tights. I never saw so many dance belts in my life :)))

    And then they let us watch one of the daily dance classes which was awesome because the dancers were so talented and there were as many boys as girls not like most dance classes I've been in where there's one or two boys. It was really fun and educational, plus we got out of school for the morning :)))

    When they get the tights back from Capezio, they sometimes decorate them with appliques, like flowers and you have to use a special thread. The same stuff you use for bathing suits and stuff. It's stretchy.
    And then they have the dancers try the whole costumes on and make sure like the dance belts don't show through the boys tights and the tutus flare out properly. It was fascinating
    May 3rd, 2012 at 03:53pm
  • Jackie Walsh

    Jackie Walsh (100)

    United States
    I don't normally talk about being a sissy but I figure you're pretty sensitive and would understand how I feel. And thanks for appreciating my "type" of boy :))) And you are so right about jocks and some girls (some cheerleader but not all) being mean, but really stupid. I mean, Justin Bieber, really? One Direction's okay but not as good as your music or the Beatles and stuff. I'm emo by personality if not by looks but who cares. And music never make people do bad things, but people who make fun of them can cause it. So, on a lighter note, we had a gret field trip today. I'll tell u more if ballet doesn't bore you. :))
    May 3rd, 2012 at 02:16am
  • placebo baby

    placebo baby (100)

    United States
    Awww Thanks! <3 :]

    For the whole 'link 'thingie thingie' Just use these.

    Or if you're still confused, just message me and I can give you like... the 411 on this shiz! :P
    May 3rd, 2012 at 12:52am