raysoulmagician / Comments

  • Well, it's a good thing that your boyfriend is there to help you! You have to remind men a lot ... Constantly remind 'em. Haha.

    Do you remember their names? Wolves are cool creatures. I like the sound they make. It's sort of calming. It's fun to talk to parrots! I like blue-jays and red robins. That's cool that you would do that! I bet it took a lot of skill to do that. So since we're talking about animals, what's your favorite type of animal?

    You're welcome! No problem! Oh, I bet it smells nice. I love to smell stuff. Stuff that smells good. When we go to the store, I can't help but smell stuff. Lol. Yes. Memories are forever. And pictures, we have pictures to remember. Really? My bestest friend said that chamomile tea helps her sleep at night as well. I've thought about trying it, but. Green tea is good, I agree. Do you like Arizona Tea? The canned stuff?
    April 3rd, 2012 at 04:20am
  • I'm glad that we're on the same page about being weird. Hehe. Oh, well, that's nice to know that it's not hard! I'm real shy, though, around people I don't know very well. When we go to Subway or Subworks, I can't even order my own meal without getting nervous, so my sister does it for me. Lame. I know. I'm trying to work on not being so shy, but it's a little hard.

    D'awh! I bet it was a lot of fun to make those in the sand! Did you ever name the Teddy Bear's? Day-dreaming is a lot of fun, still! I some times day-dream that I'm a bird ... Some times, I wish I was one, so I could fly any where.

    Well, that's cool that most of your family are in to fantasy-like stuff. I will have to read your stories here on Mibba when I get the chance! I'm sure that they're interesting. Thank you. I too send my condolences to you and your family. Of course I believe that my Grandmother is watching over me and your Grandmother is watching over you. I think about my Grandmother a lot. I know that she's happy and a part of here will forever be with me. Awh. I bet that your Grandmother's house smelt so good! With the rose water. That was nice of her to sneak you and your sister some sugar cubes for tea. At least we have the memories of our Grandmother's and those memories will forever be a part of us. Right? Speaking of tea ... I had some! Lol.
    March 31st, 2012 at 03:51am
  • Being weird is awesome, though! Is it hard, I mean, being in college? I'm kind of nervous about it.

    I think that that's cool that you met your closest friends in high school. I would have to agree with you, being in elementary was a lot of fun. Life was simple. No broken heart. I loved playing on the swings ... I felt like I was flying. There was this boy, Aaron, he would give me Birthday cards on my Birthday. Lol. Middle school was fun, too, I guess. They're going to make it online? Why, though?

    I think that that would make an awesome tattoo! My sister likes a lot of Fantasy stuff, too. I saw the picture that you sent me. It's cool! I like it! Well, I'm still very sorry, but you're right. She's not in pain any more and she's in a better place. I lost my grandmother last year, so I can sort of relate to you and if you need to talk to any one, I'm here for you.
    March 30th, 2012 at 10:16pm
  • Oh! I bet it was so much fun, swimming with the dolphins! There was nothing wrong with being a weird child ... I was a weird child as well! I'm still weird! Okay, I will remember that about Canada :P Thank you for the tip. If you go back to Canada, you should totally take me with you! Lol.

    Oh, okay, I understand now. How long have you been in college? Is it a good college? Do you like elementary, middle, high, or college better?

    I haven't decided where, to be honest. When I get it, I'll be sure to tell you! Well, it's not that he's going to get a tattoo ... I mean, he has full-sleeve on both arms, he's just going to get the tattoo touched up ... More lively from a different artist. If you were to get a tattoo, what would you get? Your sister's tattoo sounds beautiful! Could you post a picture, may be? I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, though. :(
    March 29th, 2012 at 04:13am
  • I bet that Hawaii is a nice place to visit! I want to visit there some day! I think that it would be so, so cool to go visit Japan! Let's see ... I've only visited Kansas, which is of course, in the United States. It may be weird, but I acutally love Kansas. May be it's because almost all of my family lives out there. I want to visit Dallas, Nashville, Orange Count, Kansas (again), Canada, Israel, Japan, China, and some other places. I'm thinking about living in Kansas, though.

    Do you like philosophy? Why are you wanting to switch over to psychology, if I may ask? Yes. School is rough and stressful at times! It's okay. It's my fault that life is a little lonely, to be honest. I know. Weekends are the best. I can't wait because my dad is going to get a tattoo and I'm going to get a piercing. :D
    March 28th, 2012 at 02:52am
  • Not a problem. Oh. Wow. Italy does sound ah-mazing. I like nice people and I don't like the cold very much, so I think Italy and I would get along very well. I can't wait to visit some day! Have you gone to other places, other than Italy? I want to visit Manhattan, New York some day as well. Lol. What are some places that you want to visit some day?

    What are you studying in college, if I may ask? Good luck with the midterms! I'm glad that life is good for you and that you're good. I'm doing okay, I guess. Been busy, busy with school. It's sort of getting stressful. ACT's are next month. Ugh. Life is a little lonely, right now, but I think it's good. I can't wait until this weekend! :)
    March 27th, 2012 at 04:34am
  • I'm glad that I remembered my dream, too! I don't think that I have ever heard of Maccerata, Italy. I'm glad that it was a nice place to visit, though. What is Italy like? Oh, thank you for saying that my profile is nice. I don't think that it's weird at all that your favorite tree are Sakura trees. How have you been?
    March 17th, 2012 at 09:12pm
  • It's okay. It's not your fault. Lol. I remember my dream from the other night. Only because it was ah-mazing. xPP. But, thank you for the compassion. I will take that in to consideration about finding it at the store. It sounds good. No problem. Really? Which part of Italy did you go to, if I may ask? I want to go to Italy some day. Eat Italian food. With my sister. Lol. I'm glad that we have a Golden Corral close by, too. Well, I finally got around to changing my profile layout. I really like the background image you are using for your profile. :)
    March 9th, 2012 at 01:29am
  • Yeah, you have a point there. People can either have wonderful dreams or terrible dreams. I don't remember any of my dreams, which makes me sad, but I still like to dream. Lol. Really? Maybe I should try that stuff. Those are some good deserts! Steak is good, too, but I'm not too fond of it. Lol. Mainly because it gets stuck in my teeth and it's just uncomfortable. It's kind of chewy, too. My favorite type of food would have to be Chinese or Italian. My favorite desert would have to be chocolate, chocolate cake, red-velvet cake, chocolate pudding, and fruit smoothies. Banana smoothies, strawberry smoothies, blueberry smoothies, black-berry smoothies, etc. I like this restuarant called Golden Corral. When we were living in Longmont, before they closed Golden Corral down, my family and I used to eat there a lot. When I was younger, my dad had fixed me a plate of mashed potatoes and I ate all of 'em. I was a year old or so, maybe a little older. So those mashed potatoes and I go wayy back. Lol. But, we moved, so there's a Golden Corral close to where we live. I'm glad to hear that your friend is better, now. You're welcome. And thank you! I'm thinking about changing it, though.
    March 4th, 2012 at 11:26pm
  • By the end of the day, I can't wait to go to bed. I love laying in my bed at night or sleeping. It's the only time I can actually think, when I'm laying in my bed at night, that is. Sleeping is calm. It's the only place where you don't get hurt. Or I think it is. When you're sleeping, no one can hurt you. My dad has a high metabolism. I didn't inherit his high metabolism. I wish I did, though. I still stay active, though. What's your favorite type of food, if I may ask? I'm sorry about your friend. She didn't deserve that, whatsoever. I think I might know which layout you are talking about. I like the one I like right now and the one you have right now. Both are real pretty looking. :')
    March 4th, 2012 at 03:46am
  • It's a lot better to blank out the stuff or people you don't want to think about or like. I'm glad to hear that you're good. I'm doing fantastic! Thank you for asking. I'm glad to hear that you're liking Mibba. It's a good site to be on. A lot of nice people. However, there are some people you have to stay away from, because in the end they could be not who they say they are. Either personality or person-wise. If you know what I mean, yeah? Like, they could come off as nice when you meet them on Mibba, then it's like their true colors show. That's what happened to me. I met a guy. He seemed all nice and then his true colors showed who he really was. I know! The layouts are really interesting. What's your favorite layout? The layout you have now is pretty looking. I'm glad to hear that we are on the same page about the comment box! xPP.
    March 3rd, 2012 at 02:30am
  • There's nothing wrong with that :) I guess that being busy takes my mind off of certain stuff or certain people I don't want to think about. So, how are you? I'm not sure if I have asked this, but how are you liking Mibba? I love the little comment box, by the way, I could like, type all day, but I wouldn't do such thing because that would be silly, but I'm still fascinated by it! :P
    March 2nd, 2012 at 02:18am
  • Oh. Okay. That's understandable. Lol. I think it's sort of fun to be busy. :P
    March 1st, 2012 at 01:43am
  • Why are you sorry??
    February 26th, 2012 at 12:35am
  • Lol, but it's fun knowing I'm going to fail ^^

    Maybe I should just copy my friends >:3
    That'd be the best option.
    Or not. ^^
    February 25th, 2012 at 04:29am
  • I'm tired. And annoyed, because I can't do my Chinese project. I don't understand my teacher when she writes instructions in English -.-''

    February 25th, 2012 at 04:07am
  • Yes. Music is that important to me ^^
    So, how are you?? x3
    February 24th, 2012 at 06:57am
  • Oh, yeah. It's totally fun dividing negative and positive numbers. . . T^T But I must continue, for the sake of my radio T^T
    February 23rd, 2012 at 06:44am
  • I'm okay. Thank you for asking. Busy week this week, that's for sure.
    February 23rd, 2012 at 01:07am
  • I'm good, just eating my potatoes :3

    Yum, yum. And revising for my math test -.-''
    February 22nd, 2012 at 06:05am