
would you cut me with your kiss?

Mood: Happy to finally be done with the killer English paper. What's next world?
Music: Hold Your Breath-Amely
Time: um, there is no way I will be updating this one regularly ;)
Date: February 12, 2010~ Discovering new bands day!!!!

Howdie folks! :P
Commenting on stories is always appreciated. You will get due credit. If you have any questions for me, just message me and let me know!
Show You Should Be Watching: My Life As Liz

He doesn't even have to try. He makes me laugh every time!
"I'm gonna grab you by your bump-it!"

"Have you ever noticed that people who drive slower than you are stupid, but if they drive faster than you, they are morons?"

"I wanna bring bottle rockets to Cracker Barrel...
Sit down, order an Arnold Palmer, drink it and ask for a refill. Throw the bottle rockets in the fire while waitress refills Arnie...run!"

-Jonathan Cook


I believe, red lips, you're unbelievable

ME Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Photobucket


we sleep all day

About Me

I'll be yours truly unbelievable

Hey! So, due to unforseen circumstances, and rather unfortunate ones all of my pre-written stories and banners and such have been lost to the technology monster. This DOES NOT MEAN that I won't be writing anymore. It just means that it will take me a little longer and it might not be as creative as it was the first time around. I will try to do my best though. If you have any questions, ask em'. I always say it will hurt a lot less if you just rip the band-aid right off. Love ya! rae~bay~bay


Tonight you've never been more alive

To Hell With My Pride, Let It Fall Like Rain
Featuring:Alexandria/Jonathan Cook
Chapters: 8/??
Status: Work-in-progress
Rating: PG-13/Whatever
Title Credit:Keith Urban
From The Inside
Featuring:Danielle/Chester Bennington
Chapters: 3/??
Status: Work-in-progress
Rating: PG-13/Whatever
Title Credit:Linkin Park
Put Me In Coach
Featuring:Tyler/OC...to be determined...any ideas?
Chapters: 18/??
Status: Work-in-progress
Rating: PG-13/Whatever
Title Credit:Creedence Cleerwater
We Were Careless Hearts...
Featuring:Addison, Tellie, and Katelynn/OC's
Chapters: 4/??
Status: Work-in-progress
Rating: PG-13/Whatever
Title Credit:We The Kings
Remember To Forget Why You Came
Chapters: 4/??
Status: Work-in-progress
Rating: PG-13/Whatever
Title Credit:...

I'll take you down in flames

Darling @ Stalkerazzi Love
Headers: Hello Brooklyn - All Time Low
Steal? I will take you down in flames.
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