
I want to make you feel beautiful.

I'm Andrew. 19. Solo dolo. I like vaginas and dicks. My hand on a bad day. Whichever happens to appeal to me. You'll get over it, I'm sure. Aha. I have a highly addictive personality. I'm addicted to Starbucks and cigarettes, along with the Cali lifestyle. What can I say? Um, I'm a dick but I've been on this nice kick lately. I'm pretty laid back, though. I laugh a lot. My life is hectic right now. I'm a freshman in college, I have a job, and some bullshit going on in my life. Don't get mad that I'm not on here 24/7. Kthanksfuck.

Comment my pictures?

Date: March 27th? Or 28th. whothefuckknows.
Feeling: Sleepy.
Wanting: Cuddle time. D:
Listening to: I Wouldn't Mind by He is We.

Make me want to give a fuck.

@tigerbolts! layouts h juJu