
in the end we all know

I’m Sarah. I haven’t been here on my own before; I snooped around on my friend’s account. I figured I could make one of my own. My hair doesn’t usually stay one color for long. I like figuring things out. Reduce, reduce, reduce. But why am I here explaining myself? You’re going to see me however you want to no matter what I say.

we only breathe for so long

I’m more of the type of girl who analyzes poetry, sits alone and reads, and always has some sort of notebook on her. I love new notebooks; and I love old notebooks. I don’t like that in between when the books are kind of new, and kind of old. It has to be one or the other. I love music, I like pencils, and I like fine pointed pens. You should get to know me, maybe. I’d like to think I’m not so bad.