SkeletalFeatures / Comments

  • siren_cryer

    siren_cryer (215)

    United States
    While I do agree with you about giving a status update every now and then, I'm not going to tolerate you coming onto my story comments to tell me what to do. You honestly don't know what struggles I've been facing in my own life. Don't just assume shit. Maybe I didn't have a way to get onto mibba, or I could have been caught up in something that took a more prominent role in my life than updating a story. You can go ahead and be done all you want, unsubscribe, take away your recommendation (if you gave one in the first place) - it's whatever because I don't give a fuck right about now.

    Now, I thank you for your support in the pass, I really appreciate it, but deuces. You're just one fan that I'm losing, and as good as my writing is, I'll gain plenty more.
    August 29th, 2013 at 03:22am
  • SkeletalFeatures

    SkeletalFeatures (100)

    United States
    @ SadieJBlue

    If you put it like that, then I guess I understand:) Oh no, you definitely have a fan out of me.
    January 9th, 2013 at 06:18pm
  • SadieJBlue

    SadieJBlue (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you so much for your comment on Miss Blue.

    Sadie is meant to be vain. That's one of her greatest flaws. Perfect characters with out flaws can be boring my opinion, nobody in real life is completely perfect. Some people have the same issue as you, some people love the fact she's a little unique in that way. Its a different of opinion and I appreciated both sides to it. The story takes you on a journey with the main character as she manages to set her self centered self to put other people first, after she gets knocked onto her ass a couple of times. I'm really happy you liked the story though and I hope that you'll continue to read.

    Sadie J. Blue xxx
    January 9th, 2013 at 06:14pm