just a little story;

My Secret Gay Romance With Dalton Riversit's an original fiction and it's slash.because i love slash.it's pretty kooky/crazy/funny/fluffy c:i think you'll enjoy it if you want a light read.nothing too heavy's going down in this fic, that's for sure.i'd really like it if someone read it.i've been working on it for a while now,just haven't had the courage or the time to post it up.i'd also really...
March 10th, 2012 at 02:39am

homophobia + tumblr

people these days are the biggest liars ever.sensitive topic, i know, but homophobia:An extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people.it's freaking everywhere.i've heard so many people say:"oh yeah, omg, i so support gay rights and people. blah blah blah,yeah if i knew somebody who was gay, i'd so support them,'cause it's just so gay when somebody doesn't y'nao?"it just...
March 9th, 2012 at 03:33am

update: about a boy;

he asked some girl out today.so i avoided him and didn't show up to our table in the library. instead, i went and hid in the art room and was on the verge of crying. i don't know, i know i didn't really have a shot, but i can dream can't i? unfortunately, that dream was shot down, hard. i think we have spare together again tomorrow, so i guess i'll be hiding out in the art room again tomorrow as...
March 8th, 2012 at 02:07am

help: about a boy

his name is Drew (actually it's Andrew but everyone calls him Drew).he's in my year, we're in practically all the same classes save about one or two.we have one spare together and we always sit at the same table in the library.i think we've only ever had one proper conversation at that table.he helped me with my math homework once though.he's just so nice to everyone. okay, not true, but no one's...
March 7th, 2012 at 06:34am