Annabelle Graceton / Comments

  • At high school I had almost none friends (sorta hung out with a few people, but we weren't really good friends or anything), and the teachers were pretty crappy, so yeah, definitely don't miss it, especially since now I actually have to work to learn, and it's interesting, and the lecturers are great, and I actually have good friends :) I think we have a lot of clubs and whatnot here, so that would fill in for anything I'd miss if I was in to drama and stuff. I used to think writing was my passion, but I'm pretty sure it's science. At least that way I can't get writer's block lol

    I have no idea. Just really little bits and pieces from at least one of them. Yeah it was filmed here. Yeah, horror can be ok, but recently I've sorta steered clear of them. I love comedies, and if there's some romance it's even better (usually). Otherwise, not much. I don't really watch movies, since I don't tend to have the time/resources/money.

    I could dance. I learned dance like, really hardcorely (just making up a word....), for a lot of my life. And then my teacher retired so I did too and focused on my studies. I went to competitions and stuff too, which was cool.

    I dunno if you can pet them..... I think they're probably threatened/endangered (like everything else), and I know for certain that at a place near where I used to live, you couldn't go onto the beach when they were there - you had to stay up on the banks so they felt safe enough to return to their nests and feed their chicks.

    Bird of the day: the moa. Extinct because the Maori hunted them (too much). Gorgeously huge creatures.

    Oh, poor thing haha I don't think either of my animals are scared of it, but they don't like it and want to be inside, but they're a lot more chilled about it, you know? Haha that is kinda cute. When we have Guyfawks day celebrations, we put the dog in his kennel early and lock the cat inside so they don't freak out. It works well :)

    For me, I went to uni and did a sorta generalised first year science course (minus physics because I hate it so bad!) and that's how I found what I wanted to do this year (and for the rest of my life). I got introduced to new things that I didn't like or didn't know about at high school and some things just clicked and I just knew that was what I wanted to do, so I'm really glad I did a basic first year. I mean, the original degree I had enrolled in was just completely horribly wrong haha

    Yeah, I wasn't in the best shape after I stopped dancing and then came to uni (because at the halls of residence where all the first years go, they have fatty food, so you put on weight no matter what), but I still was happy with how I looked for the most part, and that's all that matters. I'm lazy too. I don't exercise at all (apart from walking to class), but my boyfriend doesn't mind too much. It's just how I am :)
    July 10th, 2012 at 10:00pm
  • Ah, look at me, finally responding to your comment... I've wanted to do it for a long time, but I'm moving to my own place soon plus have been busy at work plus actually got to hang out with friends outside the internet and go to music festivals. So yeah... But I'm here now!

    And I've just read and commented on your Blaine/Tina story. Really looking forward to reading your Darren story! I took a sneak peak and oh my god, that banner! Excuse me while I go drool!

    Also, I'm very glad to see that there are people out there who don't mind me for being a Gleek and a StarKid. I was actually a Gleek first and when I saw Darren on there I knew I had to find out more about him. A few google searches later I ended up at the StarKid channel and I was in love! With Darren, with the team, with the music. So glad I found them!
    July 9th, 2012 at 10:29pm
  • If all fails with my writing I want to be a teacher. I love kids. They're so pure, ya know?
    July 8th, 2012 at 09:01am
  • I do love learning, though, and university makes it so much more fun than high school ever did, so I'm happy :) I figured you were on summer break, like everyone else on here. Everyone's complaining about the heat and saying they have tons of time to write, and I'm just the complete opposite haha can't say I've watched that movie, and from short scenes that I have been forced to watch, I don't like the look of it at all. It just really doesn't seem like my thing ae.

    Yeah, I think I'd like acting if I would actually try it. I dunno how good I am or anything, but I'd say it would be fun. I used to dance a lot, and I loved performing, so I think I'd like acting too. And singing if I could sing haha

    Yes we do lol did you look them up to see how cute they are??? :) Yeah, I know exactly how you feel! I wanna travel too, but I just can't.

    Oh yes, I meow to my cat too. Usually talk, though haha he loves it. He's so pampered by us. Don't really talk to my dog, though. Still wish I could understand what they say, though.

    To me, that would suck REAL bad (no offence or anything!). I mean, part of going to uni for me was to get away from everything at home (family, people at school, the smallness of the town - everything!), so if it was possible to stay at home and go to uni, I wouldn't have really seen the point. Yeah, I used to write a lot about it too, but now whenever I write love it just doesn't seem sincere to me, just too unrealistic and stuff. It's tricky. Well, at least you get some love, even if it is from an animal haha they'll always love you :) I know, I get like that too sometimes, but I think as I've aged a bit, I've become more confident with who I am, and that makes me happier, which makes me more confident, and it's just this good cycle of getting happier and more confident and that is obvious to the guys :)
    July 8th, 2012 at 07:21am
  • That's alright. Semester 2 starts tomorrow anyway, so I'll soon be busy with lectures and labs anyway.

    Oh yeah, the casting was really great, I think. Hard to believe you can find so much talent sometimes haha

    Yes, penguins are awesome. I have a huge emperor penguin poster in my room :) Cause you know, nothing better than having all these bands and then randomly some birds lol but yes, their waddling is so cool. We have a few cute penguins (yellow-eyed, for example) that you can Google too :) Yes, I love how the males are always brightly coloured with crazy feathers and stuff, just to show off to the females :) So awesome.

    I love whistling like birds. Sometimes they give you the funniest of looks when you make a noise that must be not quite right, and it's great when they talk back :) I just wish I knew what was being said lol

    That's great! A pontoon?? Haha that's cool. Americans always seem to go OTT anyway.

    I totally know where you're coming from. I used to be so isolated at high school since it was such a small town, and none of those guys were anything special at all, and I was just like oh no, life is gonna suck haha but once I moved and met so many new people, I stumbled across someone who is truly amazing and complements me so well, and now I'm just crazy head over heels for him :D <3 I'm the oldest in my family so I didn't have any older siblings to see in a good relationship, and my parents' one sucks, so I dunno, it didn't bother me heaps/constantly, but was pretty depressing at times. Well, you gotta love yourself before anyone else can :)
    July 8th, 2012 at 05:29am
  • I want to be an author or poet or anything involving English--I love it. It's my favorite subject, no doubt. It's the only real way I express myself, besides photography. :)
    July 4th, 2012 at 08:48pm
  • That's alright :) When it's summer here, it's too bright to take my laptop outside haha but now it's winter so sitting inside on the computer is great :)

    I'm sure I will, when I get some time to :)

    Oh definitely. I watched it all in a row because it was too awesome haha I adored Voldemort and Quirrell's (dunno how to spell it haha) relationship. The ending was perfect because of that lol

    Exactly. I'm not too fond of the quick replies. It just gets boring quick.

    It's not that weird for me, since everyone on here (since majority of Mibbians are Americans) is in summer and going on about their summer playlists and how hot it is and stuff, so it's not that weird for me anymore.

    I think moose can be pretty. But I'm just such a huge bird fan. I blame my mother. She used to have an aviary and loves birds, so a few years ago we built a new aviary and bought new birds and I just fell in love with birds just like she did. And now I'm gonna make a career out of that (check out the Kakapo), so that's really cool :) NZ birds are just too awesome. I'll try and give you a new NZ bird (or creature) each comment for you to google haha then you'll just wanna come here even more!

    Haha I can make bird noises, if that counts? I went to a pet shop today and had a long whistle talk to a bird. It was great.

    That does sound cool :) I went to a superhero/villain party last year and just wore a silver dress and got a sword (that got broken somehow during the night, unfortunately) and put some silver eyeshadow on as a mask, and I swapped between being a hero and a villain throughout the whole night haha what a good night that was.....

    Oh yeah, definitely not with school or as part of an education course. Definitely have to go with friends/family.

    Yeah, you just gotta keep being positive ae. I always seem to find a serious one right before I'm about to give up or not bother with men/boyfriends/relationships anymore. I guess I'm pretty lucky, in that sense. :)
    July 4th, 2012 at 11:19am
  • It's not a problem:) Well, the cursive/print issue was probably just a small glitch on Mibba. No worries. Sorry about the layout comment. I didn't realize it was your first time and all. I know that the layout maker is really hard to master, as I haven't even made a successful layout. If your happy with the layout then that's all that matters, don't let anyone else tell you different:)

    I'm glad I made you feel good. It's a really great story.

    Haha, well, I have a story where I name the chapters after songs, so I caught on pretty quick.
    July 4th, 2012 at 09:16am
  • That's awesome. What are you studying? Me, I'm going to be a freshman.
    July 4th, 2012 at 07:56am
  • Ah ok. That kinda sucks, but I'm glad you're ok and are still on Mibba haha :)
    July 2nd, 2012 at 12:43am
  • Well, all I can say is good job! You portrayed them quite well ;)
    June 29th, 2012 at 09:48am
  • I'm 13, turning 14 in August. Are you in college? :)
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:44am
  • Yeah, that's why it's great to have it June because by then the parents have saved up for something else lol

    Thank you for another comment on my story by the way :)

    Yeah, I'm hooked now. I keep on alternating between doing a comment swap and watching it haha it's great, even though I don't understand all of the jokes.

    Hells yeah, I love talking like this on Mibba. It's far more exciting than just a short little sentence that you sometimes can't reply to because you have nothing further to say. Here, I can ramble for ages and you'll probably have something to say back haha

    Yeah, of course lol half of the world is in summer, the other half it's winter! Something to do with the earth's tilt, I think?

    Damn straight they are freaking cute! :D They're so sweet. We also have fantails (google them too), and they are lots more friendly and will follow you when you go for a bushwalk, because you disturb the insects so they fly about and eat them. They are crazy at manoeuvring too. Sometimes they just dart all over the place and land upside down on a branch and eat the bug and then go back in a zigzag and oh they are just gorgeous :)

    I personally hate monkeys haha I guess they're just too similar to me, evolutionary wise, I dunno. They're just never cute, and I always wonder how people can find them cute. I like birds. That's probably why I'm talking about them to you and am going to work with them once I've finished studying :) Especially since we have a lot of beautiful birds that need saving :)

    Haha well at least you have nice weather now. All I get to do is be cold and sick at this time of the year *sigh* Especially since this year I'm flatting so we can't afford to have the heater on all the time, and cheap student flats are cold anyway lol

    Yeah, Venice sounds nice too. I just wanna go to all of Europe in general, and spend a lot of time in France, Holland and Finland.

    That's true. I'm sure we'll both think that we do.

    I love listening to Finnish as well as Finnish men speaking English lol it's such a crazy language..... I know, I hate being single. I am lucky, especially since I finally have someone so great in my life. I mean, I used to think that other guys were just so great, but they were really nothing compared to the man I got now. We've been together for over a year and I'm so happy :)
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:01am
  • I like that name. It's pretty :) How are you?
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:00am
  • I make mistakes in my writing all the time. :P and yes, we are all human. I'm Marissa. What's your name?
    June 29th, 2012 at 05:44am
  • Yeah that is ages away. I always liked having my birthday in June because every 6 months I'd get presents lol and I just realised Mibba has finally changed my age :)

    I know. I really like reading what people think and it helps inspire me to continue writing, because someone's enjoying what I'm doing.

    I used to be a Harry Potter fan way back when the first few books came out and everyone made a huge deal about it. I think I got up to the fifth book before I got bored and stopped reading. I still found the video funny, so I'm gonna watch more once I've replied to this comment :)

    That's true. It's a shame that you usually have to make it a fan fic to get noticed on here. But I dunno, if I get inspiration for a new story I'll make it original and maybe use comment swap to get readers, since that seems to be working really well for In a Heartbeat haha

    Nature is pretty cool here, aside from the fact that a lot of it is going extinct. Right now it's winter, so I've bought, well, essentially just fat in some string hahaha, and hung it outside the flat, and all the silvereyes come and eat it, so I'm helping :) (google them if you don't know what they are - they're super cute! I love NZ birds)

    It gets freezing cold here (it is today). It snowed two days ago and yesterday we got hail (and have had a lot of hail recently too). I've never heard that lol I actually don't hear anything about Canada, really. Just America, to be honest. It's rather boring where I am too, and I definitely want to travel. My main destination is Europe though, because ever since I discovered it it's always fascinated me. But NZ is still nice enough.

    I don't think I have an accent too. Apparently southern NZers have a heavier accent than the northern ones do, but I never noticed that. I like some British accents, but Finnish is super sexy for me. I just fall in love straight away as soon as I hear one, especially since those men tend to be exotically sexy and have deep voices. I totally agree that there is something about a man with an accent. I shouldn't be saying this. I have a boyfriend lol
    June 29th, 2012 at 04:44am
  • Thank you :)

    And thank you (again haha) :) It's only half way through, my day, but it's been pretty good so far :)

    Well that's good. I just wish more people would do that, you know? I don't expect a huge paragraph analysing everything, but just a thought about the chapter :)

    Oh. Still have no idea what you're talking about, but then again I don't use Youtube very much anyway.

    Haha I only used A7X because it makes me get more readers, just to be honest. It would have been far more appropriate if I had used original characters, since I could change their names and looks to however I wanted, but I think the story as a whole is doing fine :)

    NZ is fine. I mean, it's small and quiet and has lots of nature, so if you like beautiful scenery and weird but cool animals, then it's great to visit. The south island (where I live) is less populated, so still has a lot more natural forests and stuff left, and I love going on holiday because it is so relaxing. :) Most people are obsessed with rugby (not me though) and there are a lot of sheep and farms. Is there anything more specific you'd like to know? I mean, that's sorta the general gist of things, I guess, but any other questions I can answer :)

    What's it like in Canada? I don't really have a bucket list, but I'd still like to visit it at some point. I think your accents are cool (well, the ones I've heard anyway. I had a lecturer last semester from there and his voice was adorable. I mean that in a totally non-creepy way!)
    June 29th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • So this is the comment replying to the story comments :)

    I have no idea who that person is, but I googled it and yeah, it kinda does... I think it's the long hair that Matt never has lol also, don't worry about posting stuff multiple times, since that just brings the comment count up anyway :)

    Thank you for pointing those errors out. I've fixed them :)

    I love all the rest of your comments, even if they are just one funny sentence, it's great :) Thanks :)

    So I guess you just read this as an original fiction then? Yeah, I had to alter names, because a priest called "Johnny" back then just didn't sound right.... Same with "Zacky" and "Jimmy" and "Matt". Just a bit.... not right haha
    June 28th, 2012 at 11:47pm
  • Ok so I have three profile comments that I'm replying to in this comment:

    I totally relate to that. I think I got to the point where everything was set "now" and it just got boring to read because there's no creativity outside of the basic plot. I just like different things, and medieval stuff is different and interesting to me. I don't know heaps about it, but hopefully I'm doing alright in my story....

    Well as long as people understand that it's just setting the scene and introducing the characters, then they won't think it's as bad, I guess.

    It is nice, and sometimes they can actually be hard to find on Mibba. Or you find someone with similar interests but you just can't talk to them.... I hate that....

    I'm a night owl too, but university forces me to get up earlier (and go to bed earlier) than I'd like haha it is the 29th now (9am as I'm writing this) and it's my birthday and I'm disappointed Mibba hasn't changed my age yet lol I would have thought it changed when it was your birthday in your time zone, not when it was that in America (I'm assuming American times, since that's where pretty much everyone is from....)

    I am also good, because of the reason I mentioned above :)

    Hmmmm.... I haven't gone to them yet since I had a bunch of other alerts to attend to first, but that explains why there was a ton more than I expected from comment swap hahaha I thought it was glitching and giving my story out more than it should have! But thank you, and I'll go and read (and reply as needed) to them after this :) I really appreciate it :)
    June 28th, 2012 at 11:01pm
  • I will! I was just really hyper at the time I read your story xD
    June 28th, 2012 at 08:46pm