Lamentation / Comments

  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Oh no! That truly sucks! But in relationships, people are bound to argue or at least disagree. And chances are, it will affect the relationship, but it's up to you guys to make sure it changes for the better. That you learn from this terrible experience so you don't keep fighting over the same thing.

    Really? I didn't even realize I didn't mention them. Well, I'm not sure if you remember when I said I had a sister-in-law and a nephew. Btw, Jeremiah, my nephew is almost four months, how ridiculous is that? :D Sorry for the segway lol. I have a brother but he's living with his wife and baby now so we don't see him as much. Then I have three sisters, Judene, Abigail and Kathryn. We always have sooo much fun together when we have the time. Abby dances with a company and Kay is in the national orchestra and Judz works at an events company and partners in heading a dance organization that we're all in. It's crazy, but we make it work. On Monday, we had this "link-up-drink-up" which was just a gathering of two of each of our friends and we watched movies and played around because it was Jamaica's Independence day. I cheated sooo much on my diet that day, I had to work out twice as hard yesterday it was sooo bad. Loool. I also got the worst stomach ache.
    August 8th, 2012 at 05:27pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Yeah and there's always the bf ;) so you don't need to be changing anything about you! Hehehe. So I really have nothing else planned. Everything is just wishes, you know? Today was the worst day of summer so far. It just seemed so long and boring. Today was a national holiday in JA, our emancipation. So most places were closed. We were sooo bored. And my uncle is here and sleeping in my room because the guest house has been full and the other guest room houses my other uncle temporarily. Wow, I just noticed how many people are in my house. *shudder*
    August 2nd, 2012 at 05:21am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    It's like we're all at this standstill where the next part of our lives are unknown and so scary. This is the worst part about growing up. Sigh. Just sent up a prayer for you. If it is meant to bee it will be :-)
    I did have a lot of fun but now I'm gonna have to hit the gym, because I've been indulging. I can just feel all the weight I've put on. *hides faces loool* You're so right about 1day changing everything. Good thing nothing too bad or life-changing happened to any of them.
    July 31st, 2012 at 05:25pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Hey!! Yeah, I think we've all been a bit busy. Being home is awesome! My friends were like screaming when they saw me, even though it was only a little over two weeks. Then, it's like the minute I got back, I had work to do. So the same day I got in, I went straight to church to teach VBS. I did that a couple of days, then I went to a conference for a week. It finished yesterday. So I'm now officially without plans haha. I'm sorry about the job search :( I thought you guys already got a job? Pray, and it will come in God's time. :)
    July 30th, 2012 at 07:54pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Yeah! It did! I didn't even notice at first! The first was mostly hilarious. The second was kinda scary, by the third time everyone was a bit amazed and used to it at the same time. It's crazy. Well, my trip is over now and I'm back home as of yesterday :( I wish I was still there. It seems to be the mission of my fam to annoy every living cell in my body.
    I know what you're talking about hun. Everything has tax and just keeps rising, sometimes I get really worried for the future. But I just have to let it go. Plus, most of the greatest times happen doing nothing. And it seemed to be pretty amazing :-)
    July 21st, 2012 at 05:21am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Well, my vaca isn't over just yet. But I do have constant internet access now that I'm in the US. *happy dance*
    Happy Belated Birthday hun!So is the trip to the beach your bday present? I hope the day was awesome!
    My trip was really inspiring. I got to see so many places that truly made me feel connected to Jesus. I walked the Via Delarosa and I got three marriage proposals :D One boy offered to pay six camels for me. Which is apparently a real compliment! LOL!
    July 15th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    So today's my last day in Isi. The first day I really have time to go online. Sigh. The walking didn't kill me, but it felt sometimes like it would! LOL! Hope you're well. :D
    July 11th, 2012 at 09:09am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Yeah hun. I get you. I always feel like you should be doing more. You have a twin? Cool! Are you guys identical? Well, you guys should get it! When will you know? Well, the walking is during my trip to Israel. Which officially begins tomorrow!!! I'm sooo excited! My flight is tomorrow night to NY!
    July 2nd, 2012 at 05:04am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Yeah. I hope the walking doesn't kill me haha. I'm not as fit as I'd like lol! I'll probably break out in sweat after ten minutes! No problem dear, I figured you were swamped with work. So wha kind of job is it? Do you know if you've gotten it yet. Well, personally, I believe in Jesus and I go to church almost every week. So that's basically me. How about you?
    Thank yo so much! Yeah, I'm so blessed that I get to experience so many beautiful places. I don't really take it for granted, even though most times I'm not going there on vacation. But you'll get your turn. :-) And you'll love it.
    June 27th, 2012 at 04:31am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    LOL! Yeah, it's really great, but it's not like I'm going forever. It's only like two weeks then I'll be back. So I shall be back on soon! You won't even know I'm gone. Especially after you get that job. *fingers crossed* I really hope you do. My sister just got the job she really wanted so now there's a lot of luck going around. What job is it?
    Yeah, I think I'm agreeing with Mom more now. I mean, I'll obviously take pics of me when I'm there, but the stress of a professional shoot and meetings will not be compatible with me walking all over the place every single day while touring. That's what I'm really hoping for, that this will bring me even closer to God so I don't wanna spoil that. Yeah we're going to see a lot of religious sites including Calvary.
    Well, my graduation still hasn't come yet. Even though, most schools have had theirs. It's so much work! I have to be in the sun all the time then we sit in metal chairs which are soooo hot by the time they tell us to sit. Only 6 days left until I'm really out of that place!
    Thank you hun! Same to you. :-)
    June 23rd, 2012 at 07:40am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Graduation is turning out to be a real suck-fest, excuse the language. It's just like school, with uniforms and everything, but worse. Because now they starve us and put us in an AC-ed torture chamber where we're forced to sing the same sing over and over and try to harmonize even when some people are fully tone deaf. It's sad.
    Well, it's a Holy Land tour so I'm going to get to a lot if the places mentioned in the Bible that Jesus went.
    There were some talks with my manager about setting up some "meet and greets" with agencies and magazines over there, but Mommy doesn't really want to take away from the spiritual side of it. A part of me agrees with her, but the other part is saying, when's the next time you'll be in Israel? You shouldnt live to regret your decision.
    Yeah it's really far, but I kind of like long travels, I've had to do them so much that I have a system lol!
    It's so much walking and it'll be pretty hot, but I'm still so excited! It better be epic! Lol! Except I probably won't have any contact with anyone over here while I'm gone because the hotels probably won't have free wifi.
    June 20th, 2012 at 03:57am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Yeppers!!!! I'm back for real now. And I can't even feel guilty because there's nothing to study for Very Happy
    Congrats on graduating! That's so awesome, *happy tear* lol! Does that mean you were valedictorian and gave a speech? Well, you definitely deserve a perfect summer after that! You go girlie.
    Wow, he sings with your mom? If that isn't purely adorable I don't know what is. Aww! Teehee.
    Yeah I don't really miss it as much as before. It just started getting filled with way too much drama.
    Okay! *drumroll please!!!* I'm going to Israel for part of my summer!!!!!!!!! So my summer is gonna get really awesome!
    June 13th, 2012 at 06:23am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    I feel so bad that I haven't been on in soooo long :( I felt so overwhelmed because there was sooo much to study for :/
    But! Now I'm dooone! Eep! I'm so exciiiited! Like, even though I still have to go to school for grad practice, I'm still so excited!
    You know, I'm not even on Facebook anymore. All these random people used to add me and after the guy hacked my account, I was just like let me come off. It was kinda creepy when boys would try to get with me and ask for my pin :S
    So we're graduating and you have your boyfriend for the summer (he was okay when he was late right?) And I have a surprise to tell you!!!
    This really will be an awesome summer! Very Happy
    June 12th, 2012 at 03:31am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Hahaha! Yeppers. I'm back, hopefully. Things are definitely slowing down now. My long answer paper for Chem is tomorrow so I'm dying! This is possibly the only fun I'll have all day. Sigh!
    Yeah, the new Mibba isn't looking that awesome in my opinion. I don't like that I can't see people's BIOS anymore and we don't need an alerts section because we already get email updates when something happens. They kinda remind me of Inkpop with the whole books section and recommendations. I left once before, so I'm not sure if I should leave fully again. The main reason I come on anyway is to answer messages and talk to people, like you. I don't really read anything on here.
    May 30th, 2012 at 03:30pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    I'm sorry I'm just replying too. My exams have had me studying and freaking out alternately. Ugggh. Thankfully, I only have one more paper 2, the essay-type ones and then it's only multiple choices! Happy dance!
    Yeah my dad is cool in the way that he'll stay in the den or somewhere whenever I have friends over so it's not like awkward. But at the same time, if he does come around it's a hilarious time.
    Wow, what's going on with Mibba? This is different. How've you been?
    May 29th, 2012 at 03:30am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    Some things were very classy though. And it's not like people were as irreverent and blatantly disgusting back then. Hahahah! So yeah, good? Bad? Who am I to decide loool!
    Thank you! I had cramps the day of my first exam so that was infuriating. Other than that, they'll be great!
    Yes!!!! I knew it would work out *happy dancing* that's so adorable. My dad has always been pretty chill, but he always pretends to be all gangster when he wants to intimidate someone. Anyone who actually knows him just laughs, but he's freaked out some guys too! Loool! Your summer is gonna ROCK! Yayaya!
    May 13th, 2012 at 05:16am
  • arabhorsesrule

    arabhorsesrule (100)

    United States
    Hey. hope you had a great day too!
    May 10th, 2012 at 02:28pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    I.K.R! Me too! I looove so many things about the "olden" times. That's why I love Shakespeare plays, but at the same time, I don't think I could live in a time when subservience was the thing and my husband would've probably had mistresses. I love the houses and most of the dresses lol, but tell me I'm only
    alive to give you heirs and that's when it's not cool. Good luck! I'm speaking it into being: your father will approve because he wants you to be happy and he loves you! *fingers crossed* Friday is my first of 12 days of exams, not back to back. Wish me luck!
    I don't live in Spain haha! I wish! It would be so awesome thoughto do the trip. I haven't really told her, I figured I'd lay on some guilt about she and daddy going to Israel without us and then sneak the trip up on her while she still feels bad.
    May 10th, 2012 at 04:55am
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    I really do love that idea. Knowing my family, he'll have to ask everyone in it for their permission anyway. Haha. And i loooove traditional houses. I am definitely living in a Victorian house even if I have to ask my friend to build it when I get older.
    Well, I mean, since I live here, it wouldn't be my first time, but he wants to do a "slum version" as he's calling it. So no hotels or staying with family members. He wants to camp out on beaches or sleep in the van we're supposedly renting. I kind of love the idea, but just not with him. If it was a whole bunch of people, including my sisters so my mom says yes lol, then I would totally do it!
    May 9th, 2012 at 10:45pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    That's so traditional! I love it! I want my future boyfriend to ask my parents if he can marry me. That just seems so cool!
    Well, my mom says I can't take any more mod jobs until after exams. I'm so worried I'm not prepared. So to take my mind off it, I've been thinking about summer plans. I'm so excited for that hahaha. This guy said he wanted me totake a road trip around Jamaica. Im still wondering if i want to go :S
    May 7th, 2012 at 02:16am