My name is Camille Mari Payne and I am seventeen years old (2/13/95). I currently reside in Asheville, North Carolina. I am an enabler and see acute liver failure in my future. I like Peter Pan and mermaids. Sierra Kusterbeck and Garrett Nickelsen are perfect human beings. Books are nice, especially of the classic American literature and historical fiction kind. I want to have my own library/study before I die. I don’t like the idea of hipsters and bathroom doors that don’t lock. Music is lovely. I adore The Weeknd and VersaEmerge. I listen to a shit load of it, so before you judge me based on those two artists, ask me about more. I have a legitimate phobia of nails breaking. Boys are cute. Girls are pretty. Though I’d like to have sexual relations with boys rather than girls (AKA: I’m str8). Skinny dipping and going barefoot everywhere is fun. I want to travel the world and learn the history of every civilization ever discovered. I aspire to be a history teacher. Starting out with high school kids, then moving up to college. I’d also enjoy being a part-time bartender. I know, dream big. I’m an Aquarius and I strongly believe in the study of astrology. I’m a realist, and nobody likes those. I like pizza and whiskey.
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United States
Joined date
March 13th, 2012