What's a friend ?

I'm one of those friends that have to keep reminding people that they're still alive. If I didn't call my friends frequently I would never be invited to go sleepover or go to the movies with the rest of them. Me and one of my friends have practically the same style, and I guess it's cool, not when we accidentally buy the same thing though. Whenever I tell my friend how I feel about her buying the...
July 25th, 2008 at 08:42am

I am so bored

I haven't been on lately. I don't know why, I just didn't feel like going on the computer. I was so bored in math class that I started writing about how bored I was on my math notes. Here is what I wrote:Only 10 more minutes left to this dreadful nightmare. The equation of this class makes me wonder, wonder why I even came. Contemplating on whether to pay attention or not. What's the point of...
March 21st, 2008 at 08:14pm

I feel smart and it's dangerous...

So, usually I am the person in school to forget my home work everyday or just not do it, and it's making me fail school. The past week I have been bringing in my home work and for some reason I am answering questions in class right, even though one of the smartest people in that class couldn't answer it...it's making me feel weird. People have been noticing it too apparently.I didn't think it was...
February 27th, 2008 at 11:21pm