What You Do for Friends

Lately my best friend who's like my sister was seeing this guy we went to school with and the other week he randomly broke up with her and last night she found out why and the reason is he's getting back together with his ex girlfriend who's supposed to be our friend. Now she's on the phone to me telling me she's going to meet her today to tell her she knows everything and to give his hat to her...
March 20th, 2015 at 10:20am

Good Person, Bad Things

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do good people get punished for being good instead of being total arse holes?Last Saturday I had an accident at work and I've got a fractured tailbone due to it and they made me work 3 hours after the accident then 10 hours the following Tuesday.Sunday I had a job interview and Thursday he told me to give my notice into work as I had the job then the...
November 15th, 2014 at 06:29pm

what a day

Hey it's Damn girl I hope everyone is fine.I had a strange horrible day yesterday I heard the door go off so i was rushing downstairs to open it but instead I tripped on my P.J bottoms, fell down the stairs, landed on my foot and my ankle cracked so I screamed and started to cry but I had to open the door so I crawled to the door and the postman heard me screaming so he called me an ambulance...
December 5th, 2013 at 03:08am

the feeling of one too many

Hey everyone it's me. Not going to lie I'm feeling really down today and I needed to get this out and not feel so judged so please be kind if you have anything to say.Lately it feels like when I'm home someone is always yelling at someone else. Today my brother screamed his head off cause my dad is having a go at him about not having a job and surprise surprise my mum managed to find a way of it...
April 27th, 2013 at 09:14pm

Goodbye to the black parade

Yesterday I found out that My Chemical Romance have broken up and it hit me hard. MCR's music has been there for me for a long time, when I was down I listened to them to help me clear my head, their live performance of the black parade is dead in mexico bought me joy and giggles. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been inspired to write my gifted visions books. They helped me figure out my...
March 24th, 2013 at 01:11pm

Oh really

Hey everyone its me. This morning I got a text from Jade asking how I was so I sent her one back saying I'm good how are you. We have a nice short talk then I start to get on with my day like any normal person would then a hour later she sends me a text aimed at me saying'no offence to all of you but you all fucking piss me off i get you with people, was there when you cried, helped you with your...
February 10th, 2013 at 01:07am

your quesions my answers

Hey everyone, lately my parents and people at college want to know why I'm so angry and shit and why I doubt myself a lot and hate pretty much everything I do. Also you guys don't know much about me apart from my recent blogs that I'm still not over the death of my nan so in this blog I'm going to answer questions of why I've turned out like I have.1) Why I'm angry? - Because I'm constantly being...
February 4th, 2013 at 01:10am

Christmas without you

Dear nan today is our first christmas without you. We went to where granddad put your ashes and you know what he's like he couldn't remember where he put them so dad, granddad and George were walking around like idiots looking for the spot while i hugged mum and cried like a baby. Just thinking it was where your funeral was held and Kay's was held as well. I might have saw her family there I...
December 26th, 2012 at 12:45am

I really miss you

Dear nan I wish you was here. I have so much I wanna tell you like what grades I got for last year in college, or that I got a call back for mtv and that I didn't get the placement with them. Or that I'm on student crew and I've got a few things going on with them, or how happy Reuben makes me. I wish you could have met him, he's so lovely and sweet and kind and sooooo handsome. You'd love him he...
November 22nd, 2012 at 12:10am

Can I ever win?

Hey readers it's me again. It's been 2 months and I thought it's time to do another blog.Since nan died my mum has gotten a huge stick up her arse and she knows she can get away with being a total bitch now and my dad isn't helping either. I get to go to my boyfriends house and stay the night which is fucking great I get to leave the house for hours and spend time with someone who wants to spend...
November 8th, 2012 at 09:27pm

I Am Not in the Wrong, So Grow Up

Hey to all my readers hope you've all been good :)This last week has been amazing, I got a bf and he's great he's the nicest guy i've ever been with. Jade and Joel helped us get together but now she's just been sooooooo urg! She's gotten pissed off at me because I spent the night round his because my parents have just been annoying me and my brother is being such a meanie lols god i'm an over...
September 5th, 2012 at 11:16pm

catching up

Hey it's Damn girl :) I haven't blogged for a while so I might as well explain what I've been up to for the last cupple of months.The hardest part of my life was my nan dying and having to say goodbye at her funeral :'( she was the most amazing person in the world and now she's gone. Everytime I pop round to see my granddad I expect to see her sitting in her chair watching deal or no deal. Me and...
August 24th, 2012 at 03:24am


Hey guys it's Damn girl :) hope you guys have been well and that life is treating you kindly :) it's been really hot other here lately.It's been a few months since I have broken up with my ex, turns out right after we broke up he asked his mate Charlotte out then he has the nerve to start talking to me and telling me I was the best girlfriend he ever had, I've learnt his game he just said to to...
May 27th, 2012 at 12:49am


nan even though you've just left us i miss you so much, i feel terrible that i wasn't with you and i wish you was still here. i hate that i'm never going to see you again, or get to hug you or bake cookies and cakes with you like we used to when i was young. i love you so much and you're going to be so missed by everyone. hearing that someone sat in your seat drove me nuts, no one should sit in...
May 17th, 2012 at 07:47pm

wake up to a slap around the face

Hey guys it's Damn girl here.I thought for the past 16 years me and my best friend would have each others back and we'd help one another but it turns out I was wrong, I only have her back and she's letting me fall. I've had a very tiring day and all I wanted was to go to sleep and once I had woken up I went to check my fb only to find what she's written on my news feed."Jadei have really had...
March 22nd, 2012 at 08:17pm

bite my tongue

Hey my readers it's Damn girl here :) hope everyone is ok.Not everyday can get to me like today has i think it's so stupid that my media teacher hasn't thought anything through for our single camera drama's and she's got the nerve to blame it on us. Now I know that it's not just us because both of my friends have been at the college for 5 years now and they know people that has been in her class...
March 21st, 2012 at 07:42pm

mad house

Hey all my readers miss me? Well I've missed my get away from home. I can normally handle my dad and his fucking moods on a normal day but today is mothers day so for some reason dad thinks this gives him more power to order me and my prick off a brother around a bit more then normal to be honest he might as well be wearing a cape and a crown cause he's acting like he's king of the world. Any...
March 18th, 2012 at 07:51pm

at the doctors

At the end of the summer holidays and the start of college I was going to the doctors a lot because I have this freaking annoying pain with my jaw it's locked badly on both sides so I've got to take pain killers but I've stopped cause I don't want to depend on them all the time. Anyway I was in the waiting room with my parents and I was reading my book and my dad goes to me. 'Did you know you're...
March 17th, 2012 at 09:58pm

fed up of being controlled

Has anyone thought that the best things about their life was completely amazing and nothing could change that? Well for my that was my best friend Jade and recently i've starting to wake up to a whole load of crap from her. We've been friends for 16 years and she thinks i'm changing into a bitch :( yeah hurtful but i'll admit i'm changing yes but not into a bitch but into someone who is happy with...
March 16th, 2012 at 01:57pm