Fanfiction / work in progress / 1/?
Story Title
Genre / Status / Chapters
Story Title
Genre / Status / Chapters
She'll be a secret you can keep

I'm Luce and I write.
++ one direction, ed sheeran, hot summer days, snowy winter nights, fresh-squeezed lemonade, the smell of clean clothes, doctor who, supernatural, glee, khaki shorts, smooth skin, giving advice, reading unexpected plot twists, coldstone creamery coffee creamer, smiling at people, robert sheehan, proving my teachers wrong, cats, etc.

-- making people upset, finishing a really good book, not having any inspiration, mountain dew, not smiling back, my ipod dying, not sleeping in, the feeling of wanting something you can't have, finchel, larry stylinson, not eating for a long time, my hair, crying, being tall, etc.

March 30, 2012
WOAH it has been forever.