Epic Geekiness / Comments

  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *hugs Shou and Shou Android #19429* He's ALLLLL mine.

    Yeah... what? Hahahaha. It just seems surreal. lol

    Also, I don't know if you've ever seen or read Soul Eater, but I just bought a Death The Kid shirt. I'm very happy. Hahahaha. Oh, and I told you a while back... Code Breaker is being turned into an anime. ^_^
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:09pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *bringing back the Lava Monster*

    I was just going through old comments... you know, like when we first met. My writing and chat-speak in general just sucked. I apologize.

    ... *hugs Shou and rubs it in your face* He will forever be mine. On occasion, I'll share. But he's still mine. You should have never signed that contract. *smirks*
    December 11th, 2010 at 06:48am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *slaps* I wonder how long it'll take before you to notice this comment. ^_^
    September 29th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *pouts* And my face scares children?! If so, why are you not scared? -.- Hmm, is someone lying? *runs away and hides* Teehee.
    June 22nd, 2010 at 03:29am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    June 22nd, 2010 at 03:26am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *gasp* How [b]dare[/b] you call me a loser whore. -___-" And F.Y.I, I have been writing. I've just specifally blocked you from getting any updates.

    <_< At least... I wish. *sigh* No, I was actually going to update this week... but seriously, you called me a loser whore. I'm reconsidering. *smirking evilly* Aww, I was even thinking about a special chapter sometime soon. Boo Hoo.

    Sadly, I won't be on tomorrow. I'm never on here on Tuesdays. I'm hoping to get my new phone. I also have to go to the doctor's to get my immunization records. I probably have to get a couple of shots. All for college. Yay. Also, I've been busy. Seriously busy, you have no idea; graduation, college orientation, shopping, amusement park, swimming, bowling, Toy Story 3. Busy and action-packed. I got a dress for my birthday/cousin's wedding. *sigh* I'm going to look better than all those ugly guys and girls again. *evil cackling while thinking aobut it* Although, the guys might be better looking this time. *hoping* I'll still CRUSH them ALL regardless.

    *sharpening knives* I didn't count, I just did some math... but I think you might be off by one "poke." =_____=

    Yes, I do miss our long and fun comments. *starts to stab you in slow-motion*

    Sorry, I was never much of a Shaman King fan. Although, I did like Yoh (was it)? *now taking hold of rusty spoons and a pudding cup* I'd offer you one, but you know, you're strapped to a chair with some old man drooling on hair because he has no idea where he is. Hey, it could be worse. Remember that time you left me there with some old man who was going to rape me... I was just lucky I had Shou-android #14708 to save me.

    *sits with boredom as the old man produced limitless amounts of drool... is now disgusted and runs off with ice cream*
    June 22nd, 2010 at 03:21am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    You know, I still miss talking to you on here... but I don't blame you. I haven't written in months. TT-TT *smacks*
    March 22nd, 2010 at 10:01pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    I miss you, my friend :3 *glomps Shou right in front of your*
    February 27th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • Lt. Salt

    Lt. Salt (100)

    United States
    Don't listen to her, Autumn! She wanted me all to herself! She wanted you out of the picture but I said I loved you too much! Then she tried to stab me! And she raped me!
    October 15th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    *shrug* You can have him. As long as I get my $500,000 engagement ring, divorce papers signed, and allimony, you can have him back. Like I said to Crew, I'm not all that into Polygamy. *laughs* Eh. *looks as if nothing ever happened* Okay then. I'm off to watch like, five new PVs. LM.C has one out, Girugamesh, and SuG. I'm happy.
    October 15th, 2009 at 02:17am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    ...o_o I saw a body yesterday. I don't know whether it was dead or alive, but about three medics were hauling it out of a smashed up car. I was leaving school and there were three police cars, two ambulances, and two firetrucks at the scene, including a car with its front completely smashed to smithereens.

    Other than that, don't forget to read the comment below this.

    OH. Just so I can make you tremble, go to my profile first. Watch that PV I have on there that I totally didn't know about or expect to come out just as soon... then, tell me how much you think of Ogami at 4:02 (a lot of other parts as well) and how heart-throbbing it is. Not to mention how gut-wrenching it makes you feel because that guy's MINE.
    September 5th, 2009 at 12:39am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    ...Slut. -__- Get over it! *evil cackles* And stop calling me a whore! If anything, I'll probably wind up being the forty-year old virgin... or maybe not. *shrug* I'll see how it turns out. Pfft. Are you a Miyavi fan by any chance? I only liked two songs, but I've seen enough of him on interviews and comments to know that he's totally crazy and I like it. Anyways, he had a baby last month. Pfft.

    Moving on... I've always meant to read Fairy Tail too. lol I actually started reading yesterday. I'm on chapter 54 now. I like it. There's less violence compared to Code Breaker, but it looks like there's more blood to me.

    Haha. My grandma's really religious too, but she's going to go to Hell. It's mainly why she's scared to die. She's just a bad person who's a complete b****. ^_^ *laughs* I used asterisks again. Hahaha.

    I could give you MY oxygen tank. I have it handy all the time. Although sharing it would probably be unsanitary in some way, so I decided to split it, which by doing so, I loss all the oxygen in my oxygen tank. Hmm, nevermind. *laughs*

    Hmm, I don't know. You could always come with me and we could see how much attention we catch. Probably a lot. Not very Americans are seen often. :D

    Negative. I'm not swearing anytime soon. I think it'd be rude or mean. I say FUDGE a lot in place of a certain word, if you know what I mean. lol When I'm alone I say the F word. Oh, but I did say the S word once in public. I was at school, and I tripped over a giant rock, nearly falling down the ramp. So yeah, it was a good circumstance to say it under. Hahaha.

    I know. I was like, "Can you be any more retarded?" I mean, Freshmen year I thought someone would stuff me in a locker just because I saw it on TV a lot, but I never really cared about territory for restaurants. We all live in the same town/city. Sheesh. How stupid can you get? Wouldn't be surprised if she were on drugs. If I see her in school, I'll scoff and smirk in her face, then walk away. >:/ I did that a lot last week. I was angry and people don't MOVE.

    What's more awkward is when you're with your parents... my dad usually changes the channel really fast, or I leave the room. lol Hahaha. I also don't like seeing naked people. It makes me twitch.

    *bites back*
    August 30th, 2009 at 08:48pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    Sorry, not an Anti-flag fan. *shrug* I've come to discover that I have more Japanese music on my ipod than anything else. I thought it was hilarious. I've heard of Acid Black Cherry, but I never listened to them. *shrug again* I discovered SuG over the summer. They were on the PSC tour with The GazettE, Alice Nine, Miyavi, and some other bands. ^_^

    I've heard of the book. I don't have time to read BOOKS anymore. I barely have time to write... but I'll figure it out somehow. Hmm, I see :3 I've been reading Fairy Tail. It's interesting. See, I can read manga because I'm online a lot. Teehee.

    Sadly there aren't any hot guys that are probably bad for my well-being in my life. *sigh* So, I'm assuming I'm in a crappy Cinderella story without the fairy god mother or prince charming. I bet your grandma's nicer than mine.

    No worries! I'll pack loads of food! I'll just put you in the overhead compartment. Actually, I don't think you'll survive up there... -_- You should just stowe away. OR, buy a plane ticket with a seat next to mine... hmmm.

    *blush* >////< I know! But see, when I was on vacation I was convinced that I was pretty. It was strange. All the girls over there are like sticks and I'm at least a foot taller or their height. Anyways, I felt like my face was constantly glowing and I would think in my head everytime I passed another chick, "I'm prettier than her. Oh, she's pretty pretty. Ah, prettier than her. Nope." Eh.

    I would find some guys staring at me, but I didn't know whether it was because they found me attractive, or I totally looked out of place. *sigh* Hahaha. Yeah, I gave Sam that same reaction. "Cheese?!" Really, I have no idea.

    I don't have many friends. They graduated. Haha. I mean, I do, but I don't really want to swear. I only do it when I have to or tell people off because they're utterly WRONG. >:P I was working yesterday and some girl (who I'm assuming is a freshmen at my school) was like, "AHhh, Mooresville and Lake Norman (our rival schools in my town... I go to Lake Norman) have territory lines! If you go on their territory, that's where the fights start. So whenever they play each other fights break out! Sonic belongs to Lake Norman and McDonald's belongs to Mooresville." And the whole time I was like, "Can you be any more stupid?" I mean, seriously! Who cares? I can go where I want. Only an idiot would believe that crap. Stupid blonde freshmen. Oh, yeah, she's my size, except add about ten inches on my waist and make me a bit chunky and you got her.

    Uh, yeah, it was REALLY awkward. But I didn't see anything and nothing saw me. Except it's like... when you're watching a movie and some awkward sex scene appears and you just leave the room (at least I do most of the time), it seemed like it would happen in my dream except I woke up which I'm very glad I did.

    Ah, I actually DID read Bakuman. A looooong time ago. I stopped because I didn't like it very much. *frowns* I'm sorry. *dances solemnly because I'm depressed*
    August 30th, 2009 at 04:55pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    ...Pffft. Huh, thanks. I actually like the sunlight. It's really odd. When it's hot outside, I'm excited for the winter. I love going all, "haaaaaaaaaah" in the cold where you can see your breath. I think it's fun. I start doing it a lot when it gets cold enough to, and people look at me like I'm strange. Then, when I'm sick of the cold, I wish it were warm. Eh. I do like the darkness, don't get me wrong. I like to look at shiny things in the dark, like stars, or glowsticks.

    I do listen to punk, you dummy. Sheesh! Hahaha. Grunge, not so much. I found a new Visual Kei band I like. They're called Acid Black Cherry. ^_^ Ah, it happens a lot, Autumn. Not a lot of people know the bands I like, hence why I like them. And they're good.

    HAZAAAH! I'm assuming you didn't read my e-mail. Heh. Glad you like it. I TOLD you it was amazing. For a second there last week, I figured you didn't like it because you were like, "I only read the first chapter." Which left me thinking, "Why doesn't she read more?!?! Was I wrong?! Why isn't she speechless yet?!?!" Because frankly, I'm in love with most of the guy characters... like I said in the e-mail, mainly Toki and Yuuki. ^_^ But more Toki than Yuuki.

    Grandma is 76 years old. No. For the past 7 years, my mom keeps saying, "Oh, she's old. She'll die one day." It has not happened. My life is Hell, but slightly better. *smirk*

    I guess I'll be shoving you in my suitcase next year. Don't know when, but I'll be stuffing you in it because my other cousin's getting married. Hahah. Ah, yes, when I went to get a haircut...

    So the guy who cut's my hair is named Sam. He's known my cousin for about 11 years, so she's known him since high school. He's her good guy friend. Although he has a girlfriend, he's really cute. He's 28, by the way... but it's like he hasn't aged. Anyways, so that day... I was getting my hair cut and I was left alone in the salon because my mom went to have lunch. All the guys that work at the salon are either 20, or in their early twenties... except for this one chick that was ugly. Heh. It was rainy that day, so their business was kinda slow. I had a straightening perm, mind you.

    Anyways, I sat there and waited while this guy brushed some stuff into my hair. After that, I just sat there and waited. While I waited, this guy, who reminded me of Shou, walked around, and he looked at me through my mirror, then, he smiled. *heart thump* He sat in a beanbag chair after that. The salon was really modern, it was cool. The guys read newspapers, magazines, some smoked outside, some ate, this one guy was washing someone's hair, but I could see them all in my one mirror because there were a bunch of mirrors reflecting off of others. The guy washing someone's hair GAZED at me a lot. I started turning pink a bit. Funny, I'm not getting to my point in my story. Haha.

    Again, ANYWAYS... it was my turn to wash my hair, and there was a step to step on before you sit in the chair, but the step was a box, and I basically nearly fell off it because I'm a klutz (if you do recall). The guy was like, "Watch out!" and I was like, "...eeep." >///<

    Sam come's over and starts cutting my hair. I'm a mumbler, but he can understand me, apparently. So he starts talking to me, and I get all nervous. lol And he asked me something about food. Suddenly, he's like, "You eat Chinese food?!"
    This is me... =.= "Yes, why wouldn't I?"
    ^_^ "Oh, I don't know... You're from the States, I figured you'd eat a lot of Cheese or something."
    o.o "Cheese?!"
    He starts laughing. Hahha. But it was cute.

    When I saw him the first day I got my haircut I was sitting in a different chair... it was busy that day, but he stopped by and said, "You should bring your boyfriend back next time... *smirk* "
    >////< "What?"
    "I said, you should bring your boyfriend back next time..."
    O.O "B-But I don't have a boyfriend..."
    And he runs away... after a *snicker*

    I'm sure that story was boring and didn't make sense. Guy moments don't work well with me. I can write a story, but not events that involve guys in my life. *sigh*

    Uh, yeah. School sucks when it starts on Monday. I had to do that two years in a row because of the leap year. I have school Monday too. I'd rather not elaborate. It just sucks. -__- *sniffle* TT-TT It really, really SUCKS!

    For some odd reason, I knew you would say something about drummers. Hahaha. *gives you Android-Shou #31257's left hand to attach it to your bloodied wrist, or what's left of it* :D Ah, the wonders of my prudeness rubbing off on you. I have dreams like that all the time. It really sucks. So, I know how you feel. I had a dream the other night that I accidentally walked into the boy's locker room. There wasn't anyone in there and for some reason I decided to take a shower. See, this locker room was uber fancy. Anyways, after my shower, I see hot Asian guy that comes out of a stall and he's wide-eyed because there was some other girl who was taking a shower in the box next to mine. It was weird. Eh.

    Glad you like Code Breaker. You owe me, do you not? For telling you to read that manga, of course... :P
    August 30th, 2009 at 03:32am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    Thanks. >_> Would it surprise you if I told you I saw one once? It was a family member.

    Well it seems pretty DARK inside your home... hahah. I probably have a split personality or something. I like the sun and all, but if it's hot and blazing, I'd prefer the darkness just like you. Whoa, whoa, what? I come off as a person who likes the darkness? How so (even though I do, but won't admit it even by saying that now)? *is skeptical* Hmmm.

    ...EEEEEP. I like Renji too, but I don't know. Haha. And yes, I agree, his tattoos and eyebrows make him... nice to look at. Well don't just stop! Keep reading Code Breaker! I decided to start the series over again because I can't wait for the new chapter that updates irregularly. Ogami is very attractive.

    Well, hmm... American bands? I like There For Tomorrow and My American Heart if that makes it any better. I don't know, I think you'd like There For Tomorrow. Then again, I can't say for sure.

    Eh, I think Anderson's Anderson. It's not whether or not it suits him, I think he just wouldn't fit right with another name. Yeah, I know. But that's not all. "Priscilla" is a special kid that I just happened to have two classes with. She's Asian.

    If you ever happen to kidnap my grandma, I doubt you'll live through it all. She's probably survive the angry python and beat you with her cane-stick because she uses it in her act. She pretends to be helpless. AND, she's scared of death which is really weird. So if a robber were ever to enter my home, I'd be the first one to die.

    I want ice cream. *scratches back for a second* It's itchy and in pain. I probably pulled a muscle. Eh. *shrug* Anyways... Oh yeah! I was really shy. My dad's best friends' daughters are my friends. So while I was on vacation, we went to a water park. The three of us took a float and just floated in that thing that goes around the park, and every section of it, there were REALLY HOT life guards. *blush* >////< And let me tell you, I was the oldest by a year, and the two of them were totally getting those guys' attention. Haha. I was shy. I think it's different, you know? My friend Mikki was like, "Hey, aren't you bored? Don't you want to come in?" And my other friend Christy was like, "Can you push us to the wave pool?" Hahaha. Some of them splashed us. There was this one guy who was scooping up the leaves in the pool from the trees and he was following us. To be honest, I think I was the prettiest. Of course I would never tell them I thought I was the prettiest. I also think I looked hot in my bikini, even though I have somewhat of a flat chest. Hahaha. *smirk* Really. The guy scooping leaves splashed me with water and I was hiding even though there was nowhere to hide. >////< He was cute.

    We stayed at a 5-star hotel. It was AMAZING. In the lobby, there was this guy playing a piano and I secretly fell in love with him too. He had a suit and everything... not to mention the flippy hair. ^__^ KYAAAAH! Sheesh, just thinking about it makes me all giggly inside again.

    Oh, but we went to the cafe and there was this other cute boy. He had piercings, the flippy hair, and he was gorgeous. Mikki's mom had lunch with us and it was funny. Her mom's like her sister. She's young and it's kinda creepy. lol Anyways, we got that guy to come over to refill our tea-pot and to take our orders... *blush* And then when her mom paid, she was like, "Keep the change." Five seconds later... "Ah, I forgot to ask for his phone number." Hahaha.

    I bet I'm boring you, aren't I? *sigh* I'm sorry.

    We went again the next day and that boy recognized us. He was eye-candy. The guys at the amusement park were cute too. Cute guys were EVERYWHERE. Oh! At the amusement park, it go to the point where the three of us were tired and thirsty, so we bought ice cream and decided to go into the kiddie playhouse which was like a building complex. There were mini rollercoasters, an arcade, and a ball-pit. But the ball-pit wasn't anything like they are over here. All the balls are smaller and they're made of foam. And there's a railing that goes around... when you climb up the stairs there are these air gun things... so you put the foam balls in, slam the button down, and the foam balls get launched... haha. There were a bunch of cute little asian kids, but the fun thing was that the three of us were older than all of them, and it just so happened that there were three cute guys our age that probably had the same thoughts as us. We battled it out and ran. *blush* They were cute.

    *sigh* I'll tell you more about the hair-cut place next comment. I probably bored you to death with this one. GAHHH. I had to rant to someone. lol I just never expected to have a bunch of moments with random cute guys this time. The last couple of times I went on vacation, my hormones (or good looks) probably weren't activated just yet. Hahahah.

    I have that nervous feeling in my gut because of school tomorrow. *groan* But when I think about school, I no longer feel the need to look at guys. Asian guys make me giddy inside :P

    *glares and swings death-scythe aiming for your left hand* So you totally lopped off Shou-Android #4861's arm because he's my body-guard... *glares* I gave you Tora, did I? So that means that I can still have Hiroto and Saga? You can have Nao... Haha. I probably will regret the last day of summer. I miss summer already. *exhale*
    August 24th, 2009 at 05:00pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    Don't forget to read the comment below this... I forgot to tell you what I was going to do on my last day of summer.

    -wake up
    -brush teeth
    -get on the computer
    -finish watching Taiwanese drama
    -eat, sleep, final touches on my face before school starts.

    August 23rd, 2009 at 09:07pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    I'd probably freak out. Then start crying. It just happens. When I watch Ghost Hunters or shows like that, I just start crying for some reason. It's really weird. I think I feel bad because the spirits can't move on or something, whatever it is, it just makes me tear up. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm so creeped out, I forget to blink, then my eyes start watering.

    Your pictures are emo! Except for the one of you laughing. I like that one. Teeeheehee. But ever pic I've seen you, you're always in the darkness. Ah, hah, I like the darkness. Strange, huh? Wouldn't expect a person like me to like the darkness. Sunlight's nice too. I don't like nightlights. They make me squint.

    It just came to mind because I really did remember telling you about that wall scroll too. Teeehee.

    Eeeegh. Rocky men gross me out. It's not intimidating if you have rocks attached to your body. I like the skinny guys who are somewhat muscley and can beat the crap out of people. That's good enough for me. ^_^ ...bwahaha. One day, I'll find you some Asian hotties to engrave into your mind. When the time comes... I'll let you know. :P

    I know! Ulqiorra and Hitsugaya make me fangirly too... Renji? I would've never guessed. >_< Hahaha. Who knew you'd like Renji? I like Grimmjow. He's on the Okay list. :D But he's hardcore. I LOVE Code Breaker. I hope you're still reading it. Just in case, I'll tell you right now... I LOVE Toki, Yuuki, Hitomi, Ogami, Heike, "the one he's looking for," and a lot more. The manga may be violent, but the guys... I can't help but like them... especially Toki and Yuuki. Teehee.

    Look, All Time Low is a band I "like." It's not my favorite, dummy. I don't even have a favorite band. If we're talking about J-rock bands, then the conversation's completely different.

    There's this kid at my school named Chevy. His last name is Wright. Weird, no? Nah, it's cool. I like Anderson's name. I thought it was interesting. Well, yeah. It's just as weird as White... but that's better than Priscilla...

    I mean, if I flip someone off, I'd probably be cursing them out and calling them a slut at the same time, so you don't have to worry. ^_^ ...Your brother doesn't want to piss me off. My evil grandma coming back and living with me again is Hell enough. I'll let him off with a warning. AND! I like ice cream, so I don't care what he says. *breathes fire* >:P Bleeeeeh! Other than that, tell him I said, "Hi, my name's Allie." and *glare* for me, if you feel like it.

    Would you like more prude-ness to rub off on you? I have plenty more. My body radiates prude-ness. HAHAHA. Did I tell you that while I was on vacation, my two Asian friends and I went to a water park and they were flirting with all the life guards while I turned beet-red? >////< I wonder if I told you about any cute Asian guy moments... I don't think I did. Only that one with the hair... teehee. I'll wait for you to comment back.

    *swinging death-scythe like a completely idiot, enjoying slicing things and vegetables* Hmm, so snuggling's no problem right? *insanely evil smirk* I think I already gave you Saga or Tora, didn't I? I can't seem to remember.
    August 23rd, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    It's okay. We have a history of writing long comments to each other. Besides, I guess this makes up for the time we've spent NOT being able to talk to each other.

    ...That's tragic. And somewhat traumatic. I've only seen real dead bodies in footage from the Holocaust where they bulldozed over thousands of them. It was frightening and really bad. *sighs at the thought* I've watched so many of those now it's scarring.

    *smacks you again* Ah, hahaha. Thanks, but really, I'm not. Ah, my low self-esteem's kicking back in again. Haha. You're pretty too! :D But your pictures are all emo-ish. *points* Cut that out! Stop hiding in the darkness. I know you are. But, on my birthday, I did like that one of you with your Bleach wall scroll. >_< *is jealous* I must admit, I do, in-fact, still have a Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z poster on my wall. Classics. I suddenly remember this time I was shopping at a dvd place in New York and they had a Death Note wall scroll with Light on it and his zipper down. You could see his abs, but the area within his zipper was blacked out. I laughed, and turned the other way. It was sorta creeping me out. *blush*

    In that case, I guess I cursed then, huh? Woopee. -_- Hah. Didn't have much of an effect on me, Autmn-chan. *snickers* The day I full-on curse, I'll have a bunch of bad words in a sentence. So, yep.

    Teenager? Pfft, I've always been one. I'm just more introverted and am quite capable of blocking out dirty thoughts... unlike SOMEONE... *glances at you suspiciously* Oh, I know. I don't like guys who are uberly muscley. It grosses me out. Imagine hugging one of them. It'd be like a brick. =.= On MY bright side, I'll forever have memories of cute Asian guys engraved in my brain until next time. My heart continously skipped beats for days. Haha.

    *glomps* You're the other half to my whole. I thought the same thing when Ulqiorra appeared. From the beginning, I was like, "He's my favorite... aside from Hitsugaya." You must! Code Breaker is amazing. At least I like it. ^_^ I love all the guys in it. Teehee. And all the violence adds to its greatness. Second thought, it might be too much for you. >:P

    Leaving them my name would just put more trouble on your part because I'd be hiding away with you even though I'm not much of a Nirvana fan. *smirk* I knew it. AH! I remember now. It was when I first joined Mibba. :D I was a sophomore. Definitely think of our conversations when I hear Appocalypse.

    My first day of school outfit will consist of a black and white striped tank-top with a loose-fitting shirt that's also black and white striped. I'll probably wear dark skinny jeans, my bright blue converses, and have a Japanese-based hairstyle. HAHAHA. I tried to be as elaborate as I could to annoy you somehow. You know, I don't really like talking about clothes unless I get to rub it in someone's face or something.

    ...I don't have the heart to stick up my middle finger just yet. But I will, one day. Then I'll feel bad, unless the person I flip off deserves to be injured severly. I just shunned the creepy guys and stuck close to my friend Anderson. *chuckles*

    Autumn, you SLUT!! You needed my prude-ness to rub off on you. ^_^ Animal Crackers... errm, *nervous laughter* when I'm not lazy... and start writing again. I have one day left of Summer, disregarding today. I will soon have to take the SATs again when I sign up, apply for colleges, apply for scholarships, and fill out lots and lots of paper-work. So, we'll see.

    Hey, let's have a scythe battle! We need one. *takes out death-scythe and begins swinging it* If you don't bring out your weapon right now, I'll cuddle with Shou right in front of you. *evil laughter*
    August 23rd, 2009 at 05:08pm
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    ...If I were at my friend's house, up at 2am, using their computer, and their mom walked by, I'd be afraid of being framed or misunderstood for doing something bad. Haha. Silly me to think that way though, no? :D

    I think Zoos are smelly. *shrug* But baby animals are quite nice, I must say.

    I didn't swear, silly. If I did, you'd know... and maybe have a bigger reaction. Hahaha. Besides, it's not swearing if I cover up letters. Just for the record, Hell is a place, so that totally doesn't count if I ever say it. *smacks you gently in place of a glomp* Thanks. It's all thanks to my good editing and photo-shopping skills. lol That's not my real face! Don't be deceived! >__< *tries to hide and stifle laughter* Pfft.

    No worries. Lack of sleep makes me overly happy and giggly too. I never did like that about me. Haha. I've been watching a Taiwanese drama and I fell in love with, yet another, guy... his acting skills could be a bit more realistic, but the behind the scenes scenes made me laugh. He has a really nice chest. It's not too buff, just the way I like it. ^////^ AHH! *blush* No way! I think it was just my hormones or something. I probably would've never gotten the guts to kiss a random (but really hot) Asian guy. Although, when I think about vacation, a specific guy comes to mind. *blush* I don't even know his name. I just know he had great hair and he constantly glanced at me... not to mention he beamed me a smile. I was at a hair-cutting place filled with ONLY guys in their early 20s, so sue me? Not to mention, I was one of only a couple of girls who were there because it was raining that day. BUT, I was the one who had to be there for about three hours. Teehee. My hair's a hassle.

    Dude, I don't blame you. Ichigo's hollow form is pretty sick. I read that Ulqiorra chapter like, a billion times. I can still remember what he says and what Orihime says, it's scary. Oh! There's a manga I want you to read. It's called Code Breaker. It's really good. I didn't want to tell my friend because it's kind of ecchi at the beginning, but that's all. There's violence. ^_^ I've been reading it since last year.

    Steal it. I DARE you. Muhahaha! Nuts, I start school on Tuesday. *heavy sigh* I'm a Senior. God, I'm old. When did we start talking? I don't even remember. Only thing is, I have my first day of school outfit planned out, and I'm going to make sure I don't make the same mistake I did the last three years of high school... looking terrible on the first day. There was always something wrong with the way I dressed. lol The funny thing is that I went from... Myself > Preppy & Trying to blend in (because I didn't know what to do) > Preppy & Skater (having a slight identity crisis) > JUST NOT CARING > NOT CARING & Myself again (which I love).

    Yes, I went through that phase, but I like ME the best. Hope you don't think I'm some lame Barbie. Everyone has an identity crisis at one point. I'm still going through mine, but I found my own style.

    Forgot to mention, I went bowling yesterday, and I was hit on by these two guys. It grossed me out. They had buzzed cuts and were kinda chunky. Not to mention, they laughed at me when I crossed the street after parking my car, then they ended up having the lane next to me and my friends. After that, this guy tried smiling at me, and I looked AWAY. As if. Hmmph!
    August 22nd, 2009 at 03:53am
  • hide.my.fate

    hide.my.fate (100)

    United States
    I wrote a story as a comment. Sorry.

    August 16th, 2009 at 05:14pm