DemolitionHeart. / Stories

  • The Sharpest Lives Are the Deadliest to Lead

    The Sharpest Lives Are the Deadliest to Lead / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Drama, Drabble)
    Word count:
    1 838

    Gerard is the new guy at high school, pretty damn fun. The good thing, he completely stands up for Frank the first minute they step into class, leaving Frank wondering why the *** he even cares? Frerard Slash, My Chemical Romance ^.^ Frank and Gerard!

    March 28th, 2012 at 02:21am

  • Bulletproof Heart

    Bulletproof Heart (5) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Drama, Tragedy)
    Word count:
    8 497

    After an accident at a party that almost leaves Frank paralyzed, he has trouble trusting Gerard again. That is, until Gerard falls into a deep coma and Frank realizes how much he really needs Gerard. [Frerard]

    March 20th, 2012 at 01:52pm