Laelove / Comments

  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    I work at Walmart ;) and I'm a cashier
    I get paid pretty well too!!!
    So girl tell me, how are you?
    March 18th, 2013 at 04:54am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    I am SOOOOO blessed! I just got a job, God is so good. He's answered all of my prayers and I'm just so amazed. I hope that you've been blessed too! Ah, God is so good!
    March 11th, 2013 at 05:43am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry!!!! I thought I answered!!! I'm sorry!!! I've been so hectic
    I thought I answered!! How are you?!
    March 4th, 2013 at 02:01am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    No I don't sell them lol, it's something I do when I'm upset or just feeling like being creative and cute? But no, I don't make anything well enough to sell.
    A general AA means usually that you go to college for 2 years, and you get all of your general classes done. It's the basic fundamentals that you learn to try and make you well rounded, and it also helps you specialize or figure out what you want to specialize in. I would love to major in Biology, that's what I've been planning for, but I've left my options open because you never know where God will lead you.
    Well, for Valentines we went out to eat and watched a movie. It wasn't actually what I was expecting, and I ended up being upset the majority of the day lol. We're fighting again, and I love him but.. I don't know. I get these expectations, but then he lets me down, and I see love in a different way then he does. I believe that the love I've been looking for is Jesus, and that I'm not satisfied because my relationship with Him is lacking.
    Well, I am a christian. I believe that Christ came, died for our sins, and rose again and that he will come again to gather His people at the end. But no, I don't believe in the Rapture but only because it does not follow what the Bible tells us, which is why I have a problem with the Left Behind series
    I don't think that it's unnatural that you spent valentines with your friends, I understand that you're boyfriend is upset about it though, he desires intimacy- one on one conversations and engagement, but I also understand how you don't want to rush, so no sweetie you're not weird lol!
    February 20th, 2013 at 07:41am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    I actually don't have a sewing machine, doing everything the old fashioned way. I made lace shorts and a lot of indie looking stuff, since it's always summer here, tanks and genes are always the memo, but I love it. I like creating even if I'm not that good at it I'll practice until I am.
    I have not read the left behind series actually, I haven't because it contradicts my religion, but a lot of my friends have read it and they enjoy it. But, with the things happening in the world today, I know all of this will soon end. A lot sooner then any of us are thinking or people of the world are planning. Many people have committed suicide and or passed away in the past month where I live. And it's a fairly large city. The signs of the times are very here.
    Austin wants to be many things, and he always changes his mind. Right now he's working on his general degree and he's just about to finish it. He works part time as a sales clerk in Khols, which is pretty cool because of the discounts lol
    Lately he's been spoiling me rotten. Btw, Happy Valentines!! I know it's a tad early to say it but, happy valentines girly and I hope you enjoyed it. Austin and I are young, and must work through as well as grow through a great many things- but God willing, I know the Lord will be with us.
    How've you been and what have you been up too? How are you and Matt doing?
    February 14th, 2013 at 06:22am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Making clothes actually<3 I've become quite good at it
    Also I've been don't A LOT of reading lately- I believe that the mind is the only thing that a person cannot take from you- otherwise you wouldn't be you. I'm thankful for the time God gave me to catch up on reading. Also, I've spent a lot of time with Austin<3 an he told me that he plans on marrying me one day!!! :D I know it's really soon, but he does things that idk.. I just know he's the one. And he hasn't forced sexual things on me at all either. It's a real blessing

    How have you been doing love? Tell me about all the things that I've missed out on!
    February 4th, 2013 at 11:08pm
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    I lost internet for literally two weeks and I just got it back XD
    January 31st, 2013 at 05:06pm
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Awww that's so sweet!! I'm glad that you're so loving like that and unselfish as well as decisive in wanting to become a psychologist!! I have a lot of friends that are suicidal and its really cool that you want to help people like this out. No I live in Florida so it doesn't snow here lol, it's more like rainy- sunny all the time. This year is going to be really hot I can already tell because we didn't really have a winter at all. Did it snow where you live?
    I'm so happy for you and Matt it seems like you guys are really hitting it off, and you know it's cool that he's a photographer and that you're a model that's like a power couple status. But I think it's absolutely ridiculous that your manager said you gained too much weight that's just absurd. That's why I could never model, (that and because I don't have the body or looks for it) but that's totally why.
    Austin and I are doing fantastic actually, in a week he's admitted that he... wants to marry me XD in the future of course, but he's been talking about it more lately and asking like "if I asked you what would you say?" And it's just so amazing, he even wants to get me a promise ring<3
    So how are you and Matt? Details girl!! DETAILSSS!!!

    I'm sorry if my response is short, but I have to do chores lol XD
    January 17th, 2013 at 12:09am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Wow a psychologist! That's an epic goal indeed! Go for it, what made you decide this? And wait... I thought you wanted to be a model? Has Matt influenced you(; go on admit it
    And thank you sweetie(: you're so sweet! I've actually talked to him a lot these past few days about things, and he changed for me- he really in an odd way is my perfect match, I really love him even though sometimes it gets difficult in knowing why lol. Just today I wasn't able to talk to him so he came to my house to check on me and give me a hug and a kiss<3 Then he left lol. He's perfect when it comes to me? I don't know if that sounds right
    I know this Christmas was actually pretty epic(: first time I spent it with boyfriend so that was new ^__^ I went to a few things too and had a lot of family over.
    So tell me, how's school and Matthew? Updates needed girly! :D if you couldn't tell I feel so SO much better today then last time I talked to you hehe
    January 9th, 2013 at 06:28am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Hey girl, I know it's been forever, I've been so busy
    Happy belated Christmas and New Year<3 did you enjoy yourself?
    Austin and I are doing okay now- there are things that I wish were better, but you know, perfection isn't reality and I have to realize that lol. And you're right, he does love me and he freaks out when he thinks he's messed up or something. I guess being a girl, I want him to still act all romantic the way he did when we first got together, but it's changed and he's used to it- and to an extent I'm glad it has.
    I'm glad you and Matthew are doing well sweetie ^_^ that's really cute that you've found someone who you love and loves you back<3 ;D
    So what did you do for celebrations?
    January 5th, 2013 at 04:25am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    You're very busy, don't be too upset haha. I've missed you pin-pal
    Awww!!!! So you're dating now!!! Since when??? SINCE WHEN GIRRRRRL lol
    is that why you've forgotten meh? lol jk jk
    You need help on what to get him? Don't go too overboard, get him something simple and sweet(; because that's something that you'd do haha, it matches you

    Uhh, idk pardon my language but I'm so pissed tonight :/ my boyfriend is ignoring me because he hates arguing over anything- we can't disagree- it's all about -live, love, laugh- and it's not always about that. I haven't seen him in 10 days because of his finals. I'm 19, can't drive, not in school, no one will hire me and I'm doing absolutely NOTHING with my life. Ugh.. I just really feel like crap, I do believe I'm quite depressed dear.
    Anyway, I don't wanna bring you down.
    Merry almost Christmas :D
    December 15th, 2012 at 06:01am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Oh I totally forgot about the Hurricane hitting you guys! I'm glad you're safe! Praise the Lord
    And I'm only teasing haha, I wouldn't giggle I'd just be there for you if you were ever uncomfortable and diffuse the situation lol. I'm glad the two of you are doing well though- just stay at a steady pace(; I'm sure you'll keep him in check! ;D jkjkjk

    And oh goodness, so much has been going on in my life- you could write a book about it and it would probably be a best seller because it doesn't even sound real.
    November 5th, 2012 at 02:16am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    That is very true, youth isn't something you should be too easy to let go of haha- it's good that you're a little fearful of falling in love lol.
    I hope you too are doing well ;D it seems that your feelings for one another seems to be budding quite quickly! You're only lucky that I'm not around you in person haha, or else you'd have a friend that was always giggling when you two are around each other.
    So, how have you been sweetie? How's life treating you? Sorry for answering so late- I've had a lot on my plate XD
    November 4th, 2012 at 04:17am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    That was very gentleman-like of him. He had enough gulls to go to your father and ask you on a date, a very impressive quality if you ask me. And I kinda figured he was only using your friend as a buffer because he was too nervous around you- he'll probably never admit that- but I'm glad you like him<3

    Alright, here comes the kicker-

    You don't have to be in love with him, liking him is all I'd expect from you or any civilized girl at this point.
    There is no rush, remember that your life is your own and all the decisions you make will impact you and the immediate circle of loved ones around you. The Brazil trip.. if it were me, I'd decline even if you had been friends for a long time before-it's changed now you like each other- being in a position where you're alone with him especially so early on.. mm I wouldn't encourage that. If I were you, it would make me feel as though there were certain expectations required of me and that's too stressful.

    Don't rush things! Go with your gut- an example being- if you feel uncomfortable with the things he's doing or saying than stop him and make him aware of it, if he's a keeper than he'll admire that and stop, if not- than he's not the one.

    And you know, being single is awesome! There's a season for everything, being an independent single woman has it's perks and I wouldn't be too quick to let that go. When you're in a relationship you do compromise things and have to give things up so I understand if that's holding you back. Trust me, that was me and still is.

    If you're questioning whether or not you love him- you should wait until you know him better personally. If you're still questioning it than I have this to say:

    Do you really like him? Or do you like the idea of being liked/ in a relationship
    October 18th, 2012 at 05:02pm
  • Laelove

    Laelove (100)

    @ Lamentation
    If I was in your position, I would've done the same thing, caps/shouting and all. It's what we do ;) I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger but I couldn't help it teehee.
    And...after lunch, we went on a boat ride and he told me he had feelings for me :D =D :)))) apparently he was only asking about my friend because his friend asked him to. He asked my dad if he could take me out on a date some time next week and my dad actually said yes :O
    I thought it was a really sweet thing to do. He told me not to feel pressured and it could be more of a relaxing, non date kinda thing.
    And to answer your question, yes I do like him. But how am I supposed to know if I like/love him??? I mean, he's sweet and haaaaawt, plus since we're already friends, he knows about me and my hectic crazy life. I still don't know if I want to complicate things with a boyfriend and I have a feeling I'd end up making a lot of sacrifices for him. Like, he already invited me to come with his family on some amazon kinda trip in Brazil!! Who does that?! I don't even know if I want to be in love, if that makes sense. Ugh! This is my screwed up brain, I'm sorr about all this :/.
    October 18th, 2012 at 05:16am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    and. . .? O____O why the dots?!?! AND WHAT! Come on girl spill!!!!!!! I must know!!! I MUST
    sorry for the caps- I was using it for emphasis because that's how I would've said it in person (not really lol) I would've just nudged you a little and given you "the look"
    oh my goodness- did you enjoy it? and you never answered my question- Do you like him? O:
    October 18th, 2012 at 04:58am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    You disappeared again XD
    October 15th, 2012 at 03:47am
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Wait.. what? That doesn't make any any sense, so does he like you? Or your friend? Did you he say he likes you- because he's acting like it. Oh and.. hmm.. you like him don't you? I sense that you do lol
    And that's good, always stay close to family and value every celebration- they'll love you like no other and will be there for you when no one else is
    October 4th, 2012 at 11:32pm
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Hahahaha you're not nagging! Lol too funny ahh~
    That is so sweet, he probably does like you a lot because I'm sure you're right and that it was really expensive gift.
    Your sisters are sweet!(: Your birthday sounds like it was really fun- I'm glad ^___^
    AND~ tell me if that guy likes you or not!
    October 2nd, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • Lamentation

    Lamentation (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness! Happy belated birthday!!!!!<3 How was it? Did you enjoy yourself?
    And its ok, I've totally done that before lol, I was just really worried about you O:
    I thought I had lost a dear friend haha XD
    September 30th, 2012 at 12:43am