I do things because I love them.

I'm so sick of everyone accusing me of doing things just to make myself look good. Like my ukelele for instance. Everyone told me that I got a ukelele so I would seem cooler than everyone else. No. I got a ukelele so I could learn to play it. Same as my keyboard, and my singing. Also, I tend to volunteer at our local clothing closet, and still people say I do it to make me look good. No. That's to...
December 24th, 2012 at 04:36am

This is me putting myself out there.

Hey you guys(: this is the only website I'd even considering posting this stuff on so feel lucky! Haha recently I've been posting videos to YouTube of me singing parts of songs accapela and I was hoping some of you could give me feedback? Idk how it is and I don't want to look stupid ! I'll post the links at the bottom of this and if even just three of could watch and comment I'd be so grateful!...
December 9th, 2012 at 03:59am

We live forever in the shadows.

There are a lot of things in life that you learn at a young age. Like how to walk, tie a shoe, count to ten, etc. And as you get older the problems become more defining. When will your time of the month be? Are you good enough to make the team? How hards that math test going to be? Everyone knows what I mean. As time passes, life gets harder. The decisions you make become more important. And...
December 6th, 2012 at 05:11am

This time I'm mistaken, for handing you a heart worth breaking.

God. Where do I start. My friend told me to write, because maybe itd make me feel better? So I'll start from the beginning. I was dating this amazing guy. I thought he was perfect.. I still do. We had so much in common, we are so awkward. Everything about him just made me smile. Recently, we've been in bad moods with each other. And today, he said we needed a break. But that's not what hurt the...
October 14th, 2012 at 03:46am

Reminds Me That There's a Time to Change.

I'm so sick of feeling sorry for myself. What a great way to spend my life right? Feeling sorry for myself. Everyone has bad things that happen in their life, and i'm sitting here wasting mine focusing on the bad times, when there has been so many good ones. I have a close family, who most of the time acts like they love me, then i have the ones that i don't talk to anymore. I have friends who...
August 19th, 2012 at 02:29am

What Do I Do, When I Don't Know What to Do.

Okay. So we all have those nights when you just want to disappear and never come back.. right? Well, at least i do. I start to feel like no one cares, like there's nobody that would even care if i just disappeared. And sometimes, i just don't know what to do with myself. I know that there's one guy that cares, because hes always here with me every step of the way. And that's all i ask for. All...
August 4th, 2012 at 05:24am

Never Say Never?

All my life, every adult i had ever met would always encourage me to never give up, and absolutely never say never. But what's the point in trying something if you know that there's absolutely no way that you'll succeed? And by telling me to "never say never" aren't they saying that i should never do something? And doesn't that defeat the purpose of the whole concept? i understand that when...
August 3rd, 2012 at 07:13pm

I am This. This is Me.

Hey. My name is Brandy, and i am obviously new to blogging on here. There's always been a part of me that loves writing, and thats always been my favorite part. I've wanted to be a journalist since i was 6, and i don't see me changing my mind anytime soon. I found Mibba through a friend that writes stories on here, and i have been addicted to all the stories i read ever since. Mibba has to be one...
August 3rd, 2012 at 06:23pm