about me

My life isn't glamorous, its normal as normal can be for any 16 yr old. So when school gets to hard and my parents get annoying, When I want to escape my boring normal life I come to mibba. Even though I come from a long line of devoted Catholics I don't believe in God, I do respect my friends beliefs though seeing as how most of them are Christian or Catholic. Music is a big part of my life. Even though I cant sing to save my life I still sing my heart out to my favorite songs. I also play a wicked air-guitar. Without music it I wouldn't make it through the day. Music is my inspiration, that's why I have a crap load of unfinished one-shots and stories "Stories Folder" on my computer.


She Will be Loved
characters: Tom Kaulitz & Oc
status: active

She's my ride home
characters: Bill Kaulitz & Oc
status: serious hiatus

Story Title
characters: name & name
status: active/hiatus/complete


layout by gemma@onlyliars | image from weheartit.com | please don't steal