Lucky Break
When You're Ghosted
Closer To The Edge
Other Things
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Le Raven
So,yeah,hey,it's me,Raven. I'm 13 years old(my birthday is on March 26 1999).I love writing-I plan on becoming an author- and music. As you can probably see, my favorite band is My Chemical Romance.I have a seriously fucked up childhood-if you want to know,just ask, I really don't mind,I actually like telling it- and a habit of cursing like a sailor. I have no problem with lesbians,homosexuals, transsexuals OR bisexuals.I don't really have a problem with incest. Who you love is who you love and you're lucky if that person loves you back. I do write fanfiction,though I'm not very good at it.
I listen to all sorts of music. Pop,Alt.Rock, Screamo,Disco(my father plays it alot),Jazz,Rap(Iam half black), Gregorian Chant,and anything else. I have unfortunately listened to Justin Bieber( I don't understand why some people hate him; they don't know him, so really, they just hate his music) and I have to say, I'm not a fan of his music. I like Adele(really though, who doesn't?) I LOVELOVELOVE 30 Seconds to Mars(I'm listening to Anarchy in Tokyo right now).I like to draw(not very good at it),sing(I suck at that) and swim. I am going to learn how to play guitar(I'm trying to get a white Stratocaster by Fender(it reminds me of the Phant-O-Matic(Frank Iero's guitar))I talk to myself. I really,really do. If you don't believe me, ask my best friend Brittany or DetonatingGrenade as you should know her
Um, wow, that's pretty long. I'll probably change it later.... Anything you'd like to know,please, tell me! I'm serious! Ask me anything at all and I'll answer it. Only one question. It doesn't matter how dirty,weird or sick,I'll answer! So, umm,yeah. Imma go now...