Danny Hampstead / Comments

  • holy penis it's MIBBA.
    uh i updated a story but idk you should text me when you find your phone.
    August 20th, 2011 at 04:30pm
  • thank you and you're welcome. :)
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:26am
  • your birthday happens to be the same as mine. how - somewhat - coincidental...
    happy belated birthday!
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:17am
  • Random comment but I saw that it was your birthday so... happy birthday. (:
    July 4th, 2011 at 03:06am

    Nghh, I'm really ~annoyed with Mibba right now because I post shit and I'll get 103 readers and 2 comments or 3 or whatever and I'm getting frustrated. Frustration = no updates. Even if I've already written them. Idek. I'm a horrible person. But really, I can't help it. EVERYONE PISSES ME OFF.

    Yeah, I did have a dream about you. Or regarding you, whatever. It's bizarre, it happens to me a lot. I mean, not with you a lot, but with Mibbians a lot. I just dream I'll see them and be like OMG I KNOW HER but then I'll get too scared to say anything because it might be creepy? I don't really know. I'm weird.

    So. My job. Can I just tell you that I am NOT in New York anymore. Or at the boutique. I'm literally like in the slavery-like heat of a kitchen with a bunch of older people and creepy men who hit on me and ask me inappropriate questions chopping up hunks of meat and cleaning up nasty undersides of stoves. I fucking HATE my job. And it's like for 6 hours a day and I get home at like 11 and because I'm at the beach my dad is like LOLOL just bike who gives a fuck and then I got followed home by drunk boys who wanted to hurt me and I was really upset and I still have to fucking go to work tomorrow. HAAAAY WORLD.

    Anyways, do you have a job? What's going on with this? How is life and the like? I'm trying to write for horrorbigbang on LJ, and I'm really, really excited. I don't know. God, what an all about me rant. I'm not really this self-centered. I hope.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~speak to me about life.
    June 25th, 2011 at 06:48am
  • I'm here, okay? I AM HERE FOR RANDOM CONVERSATIONS. I haven't disappeared, but I AM in the car on the way to North Carolina. Just got out of New Jersey and we're ON IT. Okay. Anyways.

    I have fics up, but, like, omg there are more on LiveJournal right now I think, if you go on mine. I've actually updated all of my fics and then totally keep forgetting to post them. How is this even close to appropriate.

    The car is so sweaty and me and my dad have been blasting Black Flag and Madonna the whole time and it's just LOLOLOL LIFE IS WONDERFUL.

    Idek. I've been missing because I discovered Tumblr and it's been consuming my life. Along with Delicious -- WHO KNEW THERE WERE SO MANY FICS IN THE WORLD.

    Idek. So many shenanigans. I will try to post some more ficness in the meantime. I seriously love that you missed our conversations because, hi there total creeper, I HAD A DREAM ABOUT YOU LAST NIGHT.

    Shifty Just going to stop while I'm ahead.

    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:03pm
  • I just wanted you to know~
    That the world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me.
    Are you thinking of me?
    Are you thinking of him?
    You could say you're sorry, but I think you both should go ...
    :D :D :D :D
    June 19th, 2011 at 08:58pm
  • At least you have things you have to do! I'm so bored all the time, it's the same thing everyday ._.

    Yeah, who likes reading?! c;
    June 18th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • I was like that last night and tonight, so I slept instead. I usually stay up till the early hours, but yesterday, without the motivation, dead by 10. :')

    I was never good with things you absolutely HAD to do. They were the stuff I put off the longest. :/
    June 16th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • I've given up trying to write for a while. I have like 15 stories in notebooks around my room, but none of them are finished as I either get bored and wander to a different one, or just don't want to end them cause I don't want them to be over. /:

    I know what you mean, I hate the fact I have no money, like ever.

    I've taken some time off with a few friends before college; we're trying to raise money to get to America for a while.. It's not happening.
    June 16th, 2011 at 09:14pm
  • I try to go on at least once every two days for a few minutes to check my profile, but my computer has an annoying habit of shutting off by itself and not coming back on until the next day. o.o

    Try partying by night and exercising/healthy eating by day.. That's what I was told to do, but I haven't quite got around to that second part yet c:
    We're allowed to be irresponsible dammit, it's not as if we can be when we're older. ._.

    I'm pretty good, feeling rather like I'm stuck in a rut. Nothing is happening. I'm going stir-crazy, but I don't have the means to move, which is fucking annoying.
    June 15th, 2011 at 07:44pm
  • Sixty dollars, minimum. I am SO not getting my hair done, friiiiickkkk.

    And anways, I'll be your Beta -- if you ever need one, that is. I'm pretty good at it, but lazy as crap. I'm a really moody person, baaaah. XD
    June 15th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • Haha, I know what you mean. There's always a lot to do and sometimes the internet just doesn't get my priority. Oops.
    It's awesome to meet you too! How've you been?
    June 13th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • I know, I know. I totally understand. Going ont he forums is actually fairly intimidating, honestly. I get so uncomfortable. Annnnnddd I would be your Beta, my love.

    I KNOW. TURLOUGH. How does she find these things? I want to know really badly. Hnngh, she is so sick. I actually want to make a crazy rec list one day, but unfortunately I don't have that attention span.

    Yes, okay. I always do that, I always say I'm going to respond later and I never do. I'm so lazy.

    I feel like an awful person for not updating so many fics. I'm actually going to get on it today.

    And I'm getting a hair cut on Saturday, to trim my bangs. Guess how much it's going to cost. I almost want to throw up, but I need, like, professional help on my hair.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:39am
  • I literally ... the second you fecking told me what an OTP was, I made a contest. ONE TRUE PAIRING. Hnnngh. I get the Ryan thing, I totally understand. I think Gerard is a little bitch, honestly. ::shifty; I'm a horrible person.

    OKAY. I'm actually really happy that you read bad fics. I'm really interested in reading them, they're actually awesome. And ... I feel like I've been reading Frerards for so long that a lot of them just blend in with each other? Like, the only fics I read on here are Bastard Son.'s and Smashing Pumpkin's. THEY ARE SO WONDERFUL.

    Well ... it's turlough's (turlough is here) reccing list on delicious, but if you go to her Dreamwidth or her LJ, she's got a link. Her recs are awesome.

    YESS at writing about boys kissin' up on boys at inappropriate ages. What was I thinking, making Mibba in, like, the seventh grade. Just ... what was going on in my head. Rolling Eyes

    And you're welcome for the fics! I like to spread funny stories, because I think they're under appreciated. Besides, band silliness is just awesome, especially when it includes more than one band. And no, I can't say that I have been on waxjism.org, but I'll have to check it out.

    Hm.... I think about posting there. Maybe I'll post WATCK there, whenever I decide to actually start writing it. But yeah, I just don't know why I'm intimidated. I guess I'm just afraid that people won't like my writing, which is an

    I never got your LJ request! I'll go look you up though. XD Idek, I have like 500 inbox things right now and they look so overwhelming that I'll just forget to answer them. I'm a really awful procrastinator.

    This is totally a late reply and I'm dumb and blahblahblah. I just assume people know I'm obsessed with them and then I don't answer because I'm like LOLOLOL WE'RE FRIENDZZ. And thank you ... I'm just tryin' to get my sexy on, you know. XD
    June 8th, 2011 at 01:53pm
  • Thanks for the welcome! :)
    Oh believe me, I couldn't believe I was actually standing in front of the guy, I had to practically camp out for hours after the show to do it :3
    But yeah, I'm Skylar-Lily, and yeah.. This site looks better then most online writing sites, so I'll give it a go. :)
    June 3rd, 2011 at 09:35pm
  • OKAY. OTP. What exactly does that stand for. God, I'm so unhip to any lingo. I just cannot keep up with this shit, but I hear it EVERYWHERE and I'm like .. me too? Yeah, me too!!

    Hm. I've only read one thing by Dru, I will check it out. That's why I don't read Rydon, ahaha. It's never that good. But at the same time, I've found sooo many shitty Frerards. The thing with me is that I'll save them. Because then I can read them when I don't like the way I write. Oh, God, I'm an awful person. Forget I even said that. BUT COME ON, FicWad is just like ... I found one where they all killed each other over eating bad scrambled eggs. It was great!

    I will actually try to find the duck one and I'll send it to you. There's this girl called turlough on LJ who has a CRAZY 55 page reccing list, and I found it there. Unfortunately, it's on delicious.com, which means it like crashes my computer WITHOUT FAIL.

    Annnnnd. Nghh. I am actually almost at the point where Frerard is such a lie that I want to MOVE ON. Which is sad because I've been Frerarding it up since like ... IDEK, I WAS TWELVE. Which is probably totally inappropriate, but, what can you do. I just get really depressed when I think of Gerard. XD And my poor bb Frank who I just discovered didn't go to the wedding and like ... got high and drunk all night BECAUSE HE WAS ABANDONED.

    Thank you for the fics! I love ridiculous band shenanigans. LOVE 'EM.

    Have you been on waxjism.org? Nightswimming is by far my favorite fic .... ever. Ngh. It's so good.

    No, you shouldn't be intimidated. I post up there all of the time and I feel so shitty and wanna-be ish, but. At least people are, like, reading my fics, you know? It's nice, and you can get a pretty good following going. :> You're better than most people on that site, honestly.
    June 3rd, 2011 at 01:55am
    OMG! I HAVE TO FIND IT. I haven't heard of the others though! I thought I literally reached the end of the Frerard interwebz, but apparently I haven't. I love this fandom more than anything on the whoooolllleeee planet. Nggh, I'm so glad you loved it, because I like peed myself. theopteryx is like ... one of my favorite writers, ever. She's adorable and I'm so intimidated by her, but GAH. And all of these people on LJ, they're so good. I fangirl over them like I fangirl over you. Which is pretty hardxcore. Ngggh. I live for this shit. If you have LJ, you should add me; skeletonletters.livejournal.com ... I didn't make my username though, Heart-Shaped Box. on Meebz did.

    Sex is so awkward. Porn is fucking weird. Everything about it. I just like Frerards because I'm actually racist against most other pairings. Even though I'll secretly read others and won't say which. xD I get it though, girl. I understand you. I'm particular. XD

    Have you read the Unholyverse? Ohh god.
    June 2nd, 2011 at 10:33pm
  • I DIDN'T BUY THE MAGAZINES. It literally was a HUGE misunderstanding that like ... made my family think I was a boy or something. IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR. xD God, I'm a freak. I know this. Just ... it's a long ass story.

    Uh, oh my God. I don't really like writing sex scenes all that much, but I've done it the grand total of one time because hey, sex is like a science, it follows a pattern, AND it gets you readers. So there. I try to avoid it in my stories though, in all honesty. I mean, sometimes it's unavoidable. Sex is weird. I don't know. Gay people. Like, it's actually kind of gross sounding and painful, when you think about it. NGGHH enough of this.

    Ohhhhh my ATLANTA. I cannot even believe you don't know this comic! It's the cutest thing, I wish it was, like, published, so I could have a million copies of them. I've only gotten the guts to comment something by theopteryx one time on LJ, and when she like said 'thank you' I may or may not have pissed myself. A little.

    Okay ... here is the link to The Adventures of Gerard and blahblahblah:
    Well ... okay. That's the big Frerard reccing list, and it's under 'Mermaid AU' .... there are literally no mermaids involved, so I don't know why it's even like that. Just scroll to the bottom and click on Book One, Chapter One.

    http://thegaystarfish.livejournal.com/331.html <-- meh, there is the link, too. You'll love it, I swear your life will be changed. And if you don't, at least I gave you one of the best reccing lists ... ever.
    June 2nd, 2011 at 03:42pm
  • Honestly. Sex. Like. If my parents ever saw my Mibba or LJ or Dreamwidth or FicWad, I'd kill them. Or someone. Or I'd never look at them ever again. Like NGHHHHHH that's like the time they found skinmags under my bed and I was like THIS IS NOT MY FAULT HELLO I DON'T KNOW WHERE THOSE CAME FROM. D: D: D: D: SORRY EVERYONE. I really didn't!!

    Bahhh. I don't remember the rest of what you said, fuck. I hate my life. Let me go press the fucking back button and go click on my fucking profile and re-read the fucking comment then re-click the add comment button and type another fucking response and hit the fucking submit button and then go back to My Mibba and ... ugh. That sounds so painful. I literally am having to get myself the courage to go do that. Nggh. I don't know if I'm strong enough. I'm thinking so hard about it. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING SAY, GOD. Oh Jesus Christ, this is ridiculous. This is just really sad.






    I'm not doing it. I'm sorry. I just. The emotional trauma of the thing. It's going to take too long.


    Have you ever read The Adventures of Gerard, Boy Princess of the Ocean, and Frank, the Italian Gentleman's Son Who Loves Him? BEST FRERARD COMIC EVARRR.
    June 2nd, 2011 at 03:48am