
I'm in love with him and it's dangerous to our health.Every time I hear him say my name or get a text message from him, my heart speeds up to a pace that makes me lightheaded.I smile so much my face hurts.I've never been this happy in my life and I'm SCARED TO DEATH!!!!!!My dad does not want me to date. Especially the one I am in love with.Like it matters to me though. It's like a cheesy romantic...
January 9th, 2008 at 08:14am


I feel so shitty now.There I was, texting away, and I started to bitch about my dad.I didn't think. His dad died a few years ago. It hurts him when people say they hate their parents when his father is gone.My dad is emotionally abusive at times. He's hit me before and even thrown me into walls. That's what I meant when I called him a bitch.I swear I wasn't just whining.I have a reason to be...
January 8th, 2008 at 09:25am

I don't believe it! WOW!! haha this is the best day ever!!!

QUEENFIRITH COMMENTED ON MY PROFILE!!!!!!!!!!DO YOU EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND HOW AWESOME THIS IS????WOW!!!!!!CAPS LOCK CANNOT EVEN BEGIN TO CONVEY MY JOY!!!!I'm so psyched i'm shaking.this is the best day of my life.omg omg omg omg omgand if the admins get mad at this, oh well, because this is a huge event for me.WOW...this is so cool!*happy squeal*If you haven't read her stuff, go now. it's...
December 27th, 2007 at 06:11am

The search is on! Help me find this Frerard!

Okay, so you see there was this story I read here on le Mibs and it was really really really GOOD. It was a Frerard (or a Ferard, whatever the crap you prefer) oneshot, I believe. The story -- basically Gerard finds out that Frank loves him and either Frank or Gerard gets drunk as fuck. I can't seem to remember. In the end, Frank gets hit by a car and dies. I loved it, it made me cry, but that was...
November 4th, 2007 at 06:28am