sugarbones. / Comments

  • you like Southland??!

    could you possibly be any cooler? :3
    February 15th, 2011 at 07:16am
  • If you don`t mind me asking, why are you scared? And are you okay?
    November 21st, 2010 at 03:04am
  • Smiley
    thank you so much! you made my day. :]
    October 7th, 2010 at 03:07pm
  • i love your UN :D
    September 23rd, 2010 at 01:19pm
  • you're welcome :*
    I'm Aliyah, if you care to know XD
    August 24th, 2010 at 02:21am
  • I think that you have a really pretty name
    August 24th, 2010 at 02:01am
  • okay. this might be a monstrous comment so feel free to skim or stop reading at any point. ;)

    So, as you know, the first chapter starts at the end of the story and then backtracks to the day the narrator met Frank, who completely captivates him. He's so obssessed that it's easy for Frank to talk him into coming alone on a roadtrip, along with with a stripper named Noreen, with the promise of splitting the $150 thousand dollars which he's looking for. The narrator pretends he's in it for the money, but he's really just in it to feed his obession with Frank. I haven't really gone into the character psychology yet, but it's mainly because Frank's so larger than life and the narrator is so bored and nihilistic about his. As the trip unfolds, the narrator becomes fixated on getting Frank to sleep with him because he thinks it will vindicate him in some way. Along the way, they pick up Nicky, Frank's younger brother, who's really fucked up because he was abused a child, which Frank explains to the narrator and even shows him Polaroids taken by the pervert who took Nicky. I think you only read the most recent excerpt, but the pictures are what the narrator keeps having waking nightmares about in the section I've been writing. The money that Frank is trying to find is basically the pedophile's money; I haven't worked out all the details but I think it might end up being hush money that he paid to Nicky and Frank's parents. Anyway, along the roadtrip, the narrator starts losing his short-term memories, without knowing that Frank is the cause (he's been poisoning the narrator's food with heavy metals), and he has to take Polaroid pictures in order to remember. (This is unabashedly based off Memento, my favorite movie EVER :3) One of the main points of the story is how fucked up it is if you can't remember what's happened, but you still have the emotions associated with it. this makes the narrator's obsession with Frank worse because he knows he wants him but he doesn't really know WHY. And of course it's really easy to manipulate him into forgetting/remebering something... Noreen and Frank are basically fucking with him the whole time and he doesn't know it. That way I get to write a lot of twists and turns. :3 The major twist is that eventually the narrator finds an old Polaroid proving that Frank was abused at the same time as Nicky, which totally shatters everything he thought he knew. After that point, it's basically about him coming to terms with the fact that his Polaroids are pretty much useless; he really can't piece together a narrative of what's been happening because he doesn't know what's true and what's not true. The ending will start right back where the first chapter begins; with Frank and the suitcase of cash. :] i'm suuuper excited about writing this.; you can probably tell. XD
    hopefully you actually wanted to know all that. XD the story is pretty dark but I thiiiiink it's got enough twists to make it exciting too. :3
    March 27th, 2010 at 05:34pm
  • aww, I'm glad you like it! I trust your opinion because you're honest. :] I'm pretty proud of my middle excerpt. There's more to it than just that snippet, and I wish there was a public way to post drafts because I totally want con-crit on it. :O I'm excited for where this story is going. I could give you a summary if you want. :3
    March 25th, 2010 at 04:31pm
  • yeahh, it's changed so much. :O even I feel out of the loop due to my constant disappearing and reappearing. unfortunately it's a lot more "Let's make the prettiest signatures!" than it is about writing. :/ but it's not all bad. I think it's cool that you're back; so many people have left since the "old days" or whatever. :3

    that sounds really nice; it sounds somewhat similar to montreal, i guess. I don't know why people say that since I've never been to Boston. tehe but they dooo. If it's anything like Montreal plus the ocean (:D) that sounds amazing. I've got to finish my undergrad here first, but I'm really considering Boston next. my university doesn't have the major I want for my Master's, so. :3

    aww, thank you. :3 hopefully it has. I think it's gotten creepier. XD But I'm actually really proud of this Capture story... it's got a real, multi-layered plot and everything! haha.
    March 23rd, 2010 at 07:45pm
  • I was so shocked! I thought someone else had the same username. :3

    I'm doing really good, actually. :] sooooo busy at the moment though, only 5 weeks left of university before summer and they've just piled on so much work. D: but I'm hanging in there! I've actually been writing a lot but I'm working on the middle of something so I can't post it. XD only the first chapter is up, it's called Capture. if you lurk the Rate the Story thread you might see some (okay more than some XD) snippets. ;]

    how have youuu been? seriously, this is weird but I just thought of you the other day because my mom was talking about where I was gonna do my Master's in a few years and we were thinking Boston because people say it's similar to Montreal in some ways. and if I'm not mistaken youuu are from Boston. :33
    March 23rd, 2010 at 07:24pm

    March 23rd, 2010 at 07:11pm
  • Reeeeally? You still read my stuff? Smiley
    Hearing that made me grin like an idiot!
    Apparently I'm getting more "mibba famous" all of a sudden, but you were
    one of the original, like, three people who read my stories on here, ahaha. :DD
    Sometimes I get scared that my writing is going in a weird direction now.

    Anyways! I'm doing pretty good. :]
    I have loads of homework to do before summer ends in three
    weeks, and my anxiety issues are starting to come back. D:
    BUT, I'm trying to have as much fun as possible with friends and
    whatever, so hopefully that will keep me from losing my head. x]

    How about you? [:
    July 22nd, 2008 at 08:02pm

    I bet I'm a leeeetle slow on the uptake, but you changed your username!
    July 22nd, 2008 at 02:56am
  • The red theme's not excessive?! :D

    Lmao, I'm glad to hear it. :]
    Thank you very much for your comment...
    It couldn't have been THAT lame, 'cos I grinned like an idiot.

    January 31st, 2008 at 11:50pm
  • Exactly. ><
    I wrote an ENDING for INK
    & a couple chapters in the middle of Look Straight.
    But that's not doing me any good when it comes to updating.

    That's what I said about CSS at first too, so I know how you feel.
    January 8th, 2008 at 03:26am
  • Awww is that picture you??
    It's cute. :]
    I'm glad you're still lurking around!
    I'm trying to write... I'm super-stuck tho.
    & thanks about the profile! I'm really ridiculously proud of it. XD
    It took me a loooooong time to even begin to get this CSS stuff.

    January 5th, 2008 at 12:43am
  • I miss you. :]
    January 4th, 2008 at 05:48am
  • Hehe, alright Zeely. :]]
    Have fun in Bostonnn.
    October 7th, 2007 at 10:26am
  • I'm sooo stuck. :[
    I have like, a paragraph for an update of INK,
    and a paragrah of an update for Headlights,
    aaaaand I'm not getting anywhere with either now.
    But I'm working on it. :]]
    And your support is making me feel better, lol. ♥
    September 30th, 2007 at 03:33am
  • Ahaha, ditto.
    I wonder why. :]
    September 1st, 2007 at 12:05am