~`**''Teen Angst.'***~~`

I AM HUNGRY. (STILL.)Is it natural for me to feel like I have another brother growing out of my bellybutton because damn, I eat enough for my whole family, including all my aunts and uncles and shit. My stomach is a black hole or something, I don't know what's going on down there, but some golem magical charms must be doing this to me. I mean, I just ate two burritos, a bag of M & Ms, and a...
April 16th, 2012 at 02:44am

I don't know what I'm doing.

Hi, so I'm Jeremy Yoon. Don't add me on Facebook, I'm too fabulous for you. (Lol, plus, it's incognito. You won't find me. But feel free to try. Message me if you found me.)I'm seventeen & I am the cousin of roxannesong. I'm just stalking her right now, making sure she isn't writing the nasty on here without the fams knowing. Whatta lil' perv. Lol. So, yeah. This profile is a way to check up...
April 15th, 2012 at 11:55pm