DetonatingGrenade / Comments

  • Hey, glad the tutorial helped!

    As for your question – something like #container{} (ie something that uses curly braces {} and/or hash marks #) always goes in the CSS part of your layout, meaning between <style type="text/css"> and </style>. HTML builds your layout and CSS controls the aesthetics, so if you have a div in your HTML that you call "container", you tell it how to look by adding #container {blah blah blah} to the CSS part of your code.

    Hope that makes sense!
    June 6th, 2012 at 09:12pm
  • Im not sure thats healthy! Haha well why thank you, i tried :3
    May 31st, 2012 at 05:48am
  • Good, good. Hey, you! <---Raven here,btw. Like, are you home? Cuz, I finished my part. I wrote like, 6 pages and three lines. Here's my favorite line that I wrote:
    'Douches. Their all douches. Each and every last on of them.' I switched back to Raven's POV and that's her first thought. Okay, so, I left it in Frank's POV and I'd like it if you write Raven and Frank either starting an affair/ becoming really good friends because I've got whispers of something that has to do with Bob. Alright. Dren here. Josh better be coming back to reality, Moykoy does love you too much to leave and I like the effort to be good. Cuz you really are Raven's best friend and -not to get sappy- she does sorta consider you like a sister. and, as much as I hate her, you're sorta good for her. It'd kill her if another person left her. So, going to see if I can go over to your house now, Ciao!
    April 19th, 2012 at 10:46pm
  • Hello, Det, it is I, the amazing Dren. You're probably going to read this late, but Raven has decided to let me come alive today. All of Raven's friends (I know, I thought they were fake too) will be talking to me when they think they're talking to Raven.
    Mwahahaha, so anyway, boom, posted a pic. It's all sideway's and if anyone asks, that's because my brain works sideways. Sounds nice, huh? Anyway, I won't see you until after school, but, please, behave? I know it's hard but, in all serious-ness, you are my best friend and if you were to disappear, I would die. So, be good. I know that it sucks, but wait until you're in college to be a douche, okay? Now, have a nice day, Josh would love you if he ever got his head out of the clouds and remember, Mikey is always with you...
    April 19th, 2012 at 02:02pm
  • So, it said to ask you, and I decided to go trolling...
    Are you a girl?
    Do you have a life? The magic 8 ball said no to both of those questions... so I'll know if you're lying..
    I'll kill MoyKoy off in the fanfic if you lie...
    April 17th, 2012 at 01:49pm
  • Damn straight about Diva Gee. So, yes, the background is vair cool. I'm listening to Na Na Na and the whole 'little children...made from fucking garbage' just came on and I thought of you. So, there you are. You look weird, I'm gonna be straight about that. I'm thinking of posting the story. What do you think? Back to your picture: it looks like you're trying to pull off a poker-face mixed with, like, poop. Anyhoodle, I gotta go to school.
    Stay ugly and keep it beautiful
    Art is the weapon
    I wish I could have sex with Gerard Way and Frank Iero
    Ta, my lovely.
    April 17th, 2012 at 01:45pm
  • Hey, I'm Jaimie, welcome to mibba, fancy reading my new story? WANTED. I take imput from people. So yeh, any ideas are welcome. If not thats fine, it'd be good to talk to you anyway.
    April 17th, 2012 at 12:37pm